These Are the Only Ways to Live on Earth  ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


these are the only ways to live on earth - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are very practiced at following our bliss, as it is easier to do so in our dimension, and it had been easier for all of us to do while in the physical dimensions of the Arcturian star system. We understand why it is more challenging to do so there on Earth in your dimension, but it is a teaching that must be put into practice in order for you all to understand and recognize the effectiveness of it. You will get a feeling that tells you to move in a particular direction or do a certain thing, and that feeling will be strong enough to get you to consider it on the level of your mind.


Now if you have trained your mind to be positive, then you will realize that you are being shown a path to more joy, more love, more peace, more abundance, and more of everything else that you desire. But if you have not trained your mind appropriately, then you are likely to second guess that initial inkling to move in a particular direction or do a certain thing. And if your tendency is to listen more to your mind than to your feelings, you will not follow through, and your life will pretty much stay the same as it has been.
現在,如果你已經訓練頭腦變得積極,那麼你就會意識到,你正在被展示一條通向更多快樂、更多愛、更多和平、更多富足以及更多你渴望的一切的道路。 但是,如果沒有適當地訓練自己的思維,那麼很可能會猜測最初的暗示會朝特定方向移動或做某事。如果你的傾向是更多地傾聽你的想法而不是你的感受,你就不會堅持到底,你的生活將幾乎保持原樣。


Instead of trying to figure out what you should do in life, be comfortable with doing nothing but focusing on your vibration until you get one of those undeniable impulses to move forward with something that will light you up when you partake in it. It is time for all of you to be more in your bodies, more heart centered, and more feelings oriented, so that you can leapfrog over the limitations of your mind and move into the life of your dreams, which also happens to be a life of service, expansion and inner peace. 


You don’t have to figure out how all of those things can coexist together, because all of that has been done for you. It is your job to experience life and let life show you what it is that you are most interested in, most excited about, and that which brings you the most joy. And then you can move in those directions knowing that your feelings will not lie to you. You have every opportunity to sit quietly and let these intuitive hits come to you, but you will not take those opportunities if your mind has convinced you to get back on the hamster wheel and let action be the most important aspect of your day. 
你們不必弄清楚所有這些事情如何共存,因為所有這些都已為你完成。體驗生活是你的工作,讓生活告訴你什麼是你最感興趣、最興奮、最快樂的事情。 然後你就可以朝那些方向前進,因為你知道你的感受不會騙你。你完全有機會靜靜地坐著,讓這些直覺的靈感湧上心頭,但如果你的思想說服你回到倉鼠輪上,讓行動成為你一天中最重要的方面,你就不會抓住這些機會。

You can let go, and you can trust because you understand intellectually that the energies that are upon you are there to assist you, to help you move beyond where you have ever been before. And if you don’t see evidence of that in your life yet, then look at someone else’s. Look for the evidence that you want to find, that you know supports these ideas of living more in the flow and being in a state of bliss, because of course you can hammer out a pretty decent life for yourself through action. And that action can be actions that your parents took and your grandparents took, and they hammered out pretty decent lives for themselves. 

But you know that you are there to do more than just survive. You are there to thrive; you are there to grow spiritually, and you will do so when you give yourselves the chance to do so. And that all starts by taking a left turn instead of a right turn because you feel like it is the better way to go in any given moment. You’ll get evidence when you do that this is the way to be living right now there on Earth, and that evidence will mount and create a belief within you that going with the flow and listening to your intuition, following your bliss, and doing what lights you up are the only ways to live.
但你知道你在那裡做的不僅僅是生存。你在那裡茁壯成長; 你在那裡是為了在精神上成長,當你給自己機會的時候,就會這樣做。 這一切都是從左轉而不是右轉開始的,因為你覺得在任何給定的時刻這是更好的方式。 當你這樣做時,會得到證據,這就是現在在地球上生活的方式,而且證據會越來越多,並在你內心創造一種信念,即順其自然,聽從你的直覺,追隨你的幸福,並點亮自己的是唯一的生活方式。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton


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