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I come on the wings of love! Many of you are in a holding pattern, trying to maintain the higher frequency that you have carried within you for many lifetimes. It may seem to you as though you are not accomplishing your task of raising the frequency level of this ascending Earth planet. Be at peace, Dear Ones, for it is your Light and high frequency that gives this planet stability during these changing times. You are performing an invaluable service to this planet and all of her inhabitants. You are on the right track because you follow your inner guidance each day and remember and uphold your illumined understanding of the higher perspective as the days pass in an accelerated fashion. You are all taking part in a grand adventure – the likes of which has never been seen or experienced in a human form before!


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Beloved Children,May the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.


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Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I am Hilarion!


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The human family grows together! What belongs together finds itself, what repels itself is solved! The time of clarity and truth has come.


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We are here inviting you to review how you interact with others. The relationships that you have with one another are a magnificent way to recognize and integrate all aspects of yourself. You see it is in the interfacing, the interacting, that each human is given the opportunity to be fully present or to be on automatic.


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Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth!  I'M MARIA!


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Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff:

It is Time for Humanity to Experience Joy, Peace, Harmony, and Happiness


Folks, this 2016 channeling from Hilarion is so relevant to these times that I repost it here.


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I come on the wings of love! We have entered another potent period of powerful energy influxes and these will be available to all who ask to receive these upgrades to their DNA and physical body system even though you know that it means more 'processing'? Take heart - for at some point in the not too distant future, there will come a greater sense of ease, comfort and well-being and when this happens, you will definitely feel that it was all worth it! We beseech you to keep on keeping on in your daily efforts to hold steady and maintain the Light where you are. It is very important at this time.


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I come on the wings of love! The glory of your true Light is beginning to shine through your physical vehicles and is readily discerned by those who have 'the sight'. Continue your practice of visualizing your etheric body which surrounds your physical body as radiant with the pure Golden White Light of the Christ. This practice is very powerful in helping to bring in greater Light into your body and into your home and world.


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I come on the wings of love! Although you hold much wisdom and knowledge, you do not know all the happenings on, within and around your planet. We tell you that the tide has turned in favor of the Light and the greater cosmic energies are permeating the atmosphere. These energies pour down and through the layers of old and stagnant energies and thought patterns that have been affecting all inhabitants for centuries as an imprint on the collective consciousness of the human race. The high energies and Light dissolve all blocked and stuck energies in this Earth and in humanity. As these energies rise to the surface in the people’s consciousness and continue to be acknowledged, they quickly fade away and are forgotten. This process works relentlessly until all of these imprints (and implants) are cleared.


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Greetings and blessings to you all. The time has come for the Earth to shake off her cloak of misery. The treacheries, tragedies and atrocities in the last 10 years have cast a shroud of misery over much of the human race, but it is lifting, even if it may not be apparent to many.


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I come on the wings of love! We begin now on a new path, a new journey into the workings of the self. As the completion of your cleansing process occurs, what will take place is a new awareness of the energies that surround you that have been there all along but which you did not see, feel or recognize before. These are your greater senses now being brought online within your being. With these heightened sensitivities come great joy and the feeling of expansiveness and liberation. A new journey begins, one that is filled with wonder, magic and incredible potential and possibilities for you.


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Beloved Ones,


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Conflicts as part of healing


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How do you find the right partner?


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Upon the planes of Earth the waves of cosmic Light and love flow forth in great abundance now. Open yourself to receive the encodements that are available to you by daily asking for these to be downloaded into your auric field and to be safely integrated and assimilated within your human operating system with grace and ease. These encodements are helpful to you in many ways, changing and transforming the very cells of your physical body. Know that you have a plethora of angelic beings at your side, assisting in this process and that they are always with you, and we mean this quite literally, Dear Ones.


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I come on the wings of love! From the perspective of the awakened one living your life here on Earth, all that was hidden below the surface of your collective consciousness is now rising up for the awakening of the awareness within others. The winds of change are upon the inhabitants of the Earth. The sweeping reforms to the existing structures of the old paradigm begins in earnest. The crumbling and decay are evidenced everywhere, and people are feeling more the effects of the failure of the old paradigm systems that were in place. It is a time of intense self examination within each human heart. People are asking the important questions as they go within. They want to know what the purpose of their life is all about, why they are here on Earth and what do they need to know in order to find a secure foundation and foothold.


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Dear brothers of planet Earth!  I AM KUTHUMI!


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Dear brothers of this beautiful planet!  I'M HILARION!


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Greetings, I am Master Kuthumi, it is an honor to be in your presence today.


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