Hilarion via Marlene Swetlishoff:
It is Time for Humanity to Experience Joy, Peace, Harmony, and Happiness
Folks, this 2016 channeling from Hilarion is so relevant to these times that I repost it here.
As you continue on your spiritual journey through the life that your soul has chosen, know that many changes have been taking place within you.
Every effort that you have made to cleanse and clear all the vestiges of negative thoughts, feelings, emotions, mental patterns, and patterns from your ancestral DNA, every effort that you have made to be your Light and let it shine brilliantly has not been in vain.
你為從祖先的 DNA 中清除和清理所有負面思想、感覺、情緒、心理模式和模組痕跡所做的每一次努力,你為成為你的光並讓它閃耀的每一次努力都不會徒勞。
You are Light; you have always been Light and always will be Light. You are one who has never forgotten the Light that you are. There are many people in the world who have forgotten and need to be reminded and this is why you and others like you are here at this time.
你是光; 你一直是光,而且永遠都是光。 你是一個永遠不會忘記你所是的光的人。世界上有很多人已經忘記並需要被提醒,這就是為什麼你和其他像你一樣的人此時在這裡。
You are here to shine your Light! Merely by your presence, this helps tremendously in igniting the Light in others. Those that are affected by your presence may not always understand what is occurring. There are many people who do not immediately appreciate being activated because it means that they have to become responsible and conscious of their every word, thought and action and this is something that is not pleasant in its beginnings. (1)
你在這裡閃耀你的光!僅僅通過你的存在,這極大地有助於點燃他人的光。 那些受到你存在影響的人可能並不總是瞭解正在發生的事情。 有很多人並沒有立即意識到被激活,因為這意味著他們必須對自己的每一個字、思想和行為負責並意識到這一點,而這在開始時並不令人愉快。 (1)
(1) In committing to the divine qualities, I’ve found that such a change in respoinsibikity can excite vasanas and reaction patterns so I agree with Hilarion here.
(1) 在致力於神聖品質的過程中,我發現這種責任感的變化可以激發 vasanas(維基百科:習氣,佛教、印度教等的印度諸宗教的術語,義爲眾生在輪迴中 由自己前世 累積的善與惡業力、行為、喜好、習慣等殘留到今世,導致生來具有一些精神和行為方面的特徵,常用來指不好的、與煩惱有關的習性。) 和反應模式,所以我同意希拉靈的觀點。
Throughout your lifetime you have endeavoured to become as clear and brilliant as possible, developing your Lightbody and this you have done victoriously. Now it remains that your presence here on Earth has its effect by every move that you make, every step that you take leaves an imprint of Light, a footprint of Light, if you will, upon the Earth.
This Light, if accepted by those around you, creates that catalyst to ignite that Divine spark within each soul that is in its circumference, in its radius. This in turn assists those souls to awaken to the greater knowledge of who and what they really are. Those of you who maintain Divine order and balance within, serve a great purpose during these turbulent times when there is so much of the duality paradigm that is struggling mightily to hold on to its power.
如果你周圍的人接受了這道光,它就會創造催化劑來點燃每個靈魂內的神聖火花,在它的周圍,在它的半徑內。 這反過來又幫助那些靈魂喚醒對他們真正是誰和什麼的更廣泛的瞭解。 你們中那些維持神聖秩序與內在平衡的人,在這動蕩時代為偉大的目標服務,此時有如此多的二元範式正在大力掙扎以保持其力量。
Inherently, those who seek to continue in the old paradigm know that their time is limited and so there will be increased and frequent efforts to create fear among the world’s people. However, the world’s people, for the most part, are wise to the ways of these ones and do not allow these ones to divert them from the path that they have chosen, which is to create a world that is filled with peace, harmony, love and joy.
It is time for humanity to experience joy, peace, harmony, and happiness. It is time to enjoy laughter. It is time to seek the higher ground, the higher road for all upon this planet. Those Lightworkers who have given their Light, who have maintained their own Light, are now in a space where they can enjoy the fruits of their labour.
現在是人類體驗快樂、和平、和諧和幸福的時候了。 是時候享受歡笑了。 是時候為這個星球上的所有人尋找更高的地方,更高的道路了。 那些給予了他們的光,維護了他們自己的光的光之工作者,現在在一個他們可以享受他們勞動成果的空間裡。
It is allowed for them to enjoy this experience of being in a human body, a physical body – to smell, to taste, to hear, to use all human senses and become acutely aware of each of them. In this way, it will open up the higher senses which have lain dormant for untold ages. It requires that each person experience all facets of life, it requires that each person take part and become active in each moment of their existence upon this world and in their human body.
It is all that you have experienced that is most valuable that your soul takes with you when you depart from this world. It is the experience that becomes your soul’s talents, skills and qualities. Everything is valuable, every part of it is valuable, and we say to you that your soul and your soul group, your Divine Monad, your Divine essence is very pleased and proud of you, that you have maintained, sustained and expanded your Light, your wisdom and understanding through the most trying of circumstances and that you continue to do so.
This is a time for you to understand the great import that being in a human body during these changing times really is and what it has given you as a soul. You are all very much admired by many beings who would not or could not, do what you are doing. You are very much admired, very much supported and very much assisted and encouraged every day that you stay here on the planet. For that was the whole purpose of your being here, to add your Light and to be a conduit for the higher energies as they are coming in to the Earth during these times and you are all serving admirably.
這是一個讓你瞭解在這些不斷變化的時代中、存在於人體中的重要意義,以及它給你作為靈魂意義的時候。你們都非常欽佩許多不願或不能做你們正在做的事情的眾生。 你在這個星球上的每一天都非常欽佩、非常支持、非常協助和鼓勵。因為那是你來這裡的全部目的,添加你的光並成為更高能量的管道,因為它們在這些時期進入地球,你們都在令人欽佩地服務。
Be at peace. Let all that is unfolding upon the world stage continue on its course knowing that all is well, that all is as it should be and that you are serving the reason and purpose for which you came. You are loved. You are supported. We are always with you and we never leave your side.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tama