Beloved Children,May the blessings of love bring peace to your bodies, minds and hearts.
It’s time to silence, it’s time to choose, it’s time to act. In silence, and only in silence, you will find the truth impossible to recognize in the world of illusion. Remember that without the glimpse of truth your choices will not be able to reflect the will of your souls, and it is vitally important that you can recognize the truth, so that it is possible for you to move forward towards the realization of your goal, which is nothing more than the manifestation of your christconsciousness, which allows you to reintegrate with the “whole”, revealing the unit that only light contains.
Exercise, therefore, silence in your daily practices, with determination and persistence, removing your thoughts from the buzz that exists in your world, focusing your attention on something that is pleasurable to you – a flower, a sound, an image – until your world is quiet and you can transform the focus you have chosen into a tunnel that opens you to the depths of your being, where your soul awaits you to reveal to you the true world, and with it the path you need to take.
Thus, beloved, with the clarity that only the truth contains, you need to take one more step; yes, you must choose how to make the truth revealed to you come true, that ye may act. The choice belongs only to you, always remember, and choosing to put in daily practice your decision, revealing, through your attitudes, the truth of your choice.
Seek inspiration in Mother Nature, absorbing the simplicity of life contained in it, observing the cycles that are repeated at a balanced pace, in a back and going, showing that nothing happens without a divine purpose, revealing the acceptance of the form and unfolding of creation.
Accept the lessons offered by Mother Nature, giving rhythm to your life, respecting the cycles of gratitude around you, surrendering to compassionate love, exercising at every sacred moment your power, the power to rechoose, to change, to change your route, overcoming all challenges, blessing all the moments that life offers you to commune with the Creator Father.
Dear loved ones, do not forget the power of prayer. Prayer lifts the spirit, nourishes your purpose, assists in expanding the vibration of the most sublime love. Yes, prayer is a powerful vehicle for spreading unconditional love.
Pray for your planet, pray for your brothers and sisters, pray for all peoples and for all the leaders of every nation; place your power and your loving intention in every word of your prayers, so that the world may awaken, humanity awaken, envisioning the beauty of life, recognizing that everything and everyone is interconnected, realizing that the common good is reflected in the well-being of every inhabitant of the earth.
Thus wars will lose meaning, so racial differences will dissolve in the light of love, so all the Sons of the Earth will act with compassion and benevolence, recognizing that the other is nothing more than a reflection of their own being.
Dear friends, always remember that it is your actions that will reflect your reality, and that the power of your words will only be full when it comes accompanied by love in your action.
I leave you now pouring out my blessings on all of you and wrapping everyone in my mantle of protection, because I am Mary, Your Mother.
傳導:Jane Ribeiro