I come on the wings of love! Although you hold much wisdom and knowledge, you do not know all the happenings on, within and around your planet. We tell you that the tide has turned in favor of the Light and the greater cosmic energies are permeating the atmosphere. These energies pour down and through the layers of old and stagnant energies and thought patterns that have been affecting all inhabitants for centuries as an imprint on the collective consciousness of the human race. The high energies and Light dissolve all blocked and stuck energies in this Earth and in humanity. As these energies rise to the surface in the people’s consciousness and continue to be acknowledged, they quickly fade away and are forgotten. This process works relentlessly until all of these imprints (and implants) are cleared.
In the coming days you will see evolutionary strides being made in every facet of human life. Whenever attempts are made that do not support each individual of the human race no matter what country they live in, this attempt will be disclosed and exposed to the greater majority of the inhabitants on this Earth. These people will gather together, they will stand in unity – without violence or drama – without following the old scripts set out for them by others as they did before. The people choose a different response to what was expected of them before. They choose to see all situations as an opportunity to find solutions that can be a win-win for all parties involved. Those who were in charge of dictating how the current civilization will move forward into the future without honest consultation with the citizens will be questioned at length by these citizens and the citizens will decide whether they agree to such goals and plans or not.
As the people on this Earth try to process the many instances of truths they had not been aware of before, there will be some confusion and a sense of overwhelm for those who find themselves in this situation. The higher energies will be available from this point on and so these ones must develop, acquire and implement new skills and abilities (tools) that can help them to cope and make sense of the information that is unfolding around them. It is advisable for these ones to go within and try to connect to their own inner guidance. This one activity will help them tremendously to discern what is and isn’t real to them, for they will discover they had this ability all along, and then proceed to focus on their inner guidance on a daily basis. We of the higher realms are available to be of service in this way – all they must do is just ask us in a spoken request to be their guides and learn to recognize when we are by their side.
Those of you who are on the higher consciousness path and have developed powerful abilities and skills of working with the unseen energies that are available will find themselves supported and enabled as they step up to work together in unity. It is now a massive opportunity for these ones to do their part in assisting this Earth and the human race in the next step of their evolutionary journey. This is the time for which the awakened ones incarnated upon this planet. It must be stated here that most of these individuals are being called to become active in this role as holders of the highest vision as the transformation of this Earth and all her inhabitants is now upon us. The waiting is over – it is now the time to have your efforts focused on the task at hand. Send out your love and positive intentions to this Earth and all inhabitants on a daily basis. Write a list, a script if you will, that you can work with each day with your positive and loving intentions. Be persistent and con sistent in your focus to create this planetary evolution, so that it occurs in a peaceful but decisive manner.
Keep on keeping on, Dear Ones! Remember that just because the energies you work with are unseen by most human eyes does not mean that they do not exist. By your daily practice of these single focus loving intentions, you will see changes taking place, first within your own daily life and knowing and then you will see it in the external world.
I AM Hilarion
傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff