

Dear brothers of this beautiful planet!  I'M HILARION!

This journey has brought many surprises for many;  it has brought back not so good memories, memories that you had definitely forgotten about, and memories that are a little more important to be seen head on and with lots of love.  Nothing is being brought up to hurt or hurt you.  They are feelings, actions, moments, (we can say difficult for you) but they need to be faced head on, they need to be looked at carefully, so that you have the real dimension of what happened there, what feelings and emotions were involved in that moment.

There is no punishment here.  Some think we are making you see bad things to punish you.  Why do you insist on putting us this way?  We are not like that.  Father/Mother God is not like that.  No Being of Light punishes anyone, not even the worst being in the universe.  There is no punishment;  there is the consequence of the act done, and the consequence is never for us.  The consequence would be a punishment, if you had to do something for us, then yes it would be a punishment to have to do that, but the consequences of the acts performed are against you.  None of us are involved in this.

How long will you insist that we punish you?  Until when?  How hard is it to accept that each misstep brings back to those who practiced the same energy, at least with the same intensity;  and every time you refuse to see it, then yes, it comes back with greater and greater intensity.  There is no punishment.  There is reaction.  To every action there is always an opposite reaction.  If it is an action for the good, the good returns to you;  whether it is an action for your evil or someone else's evil returns to you.  There is no punishment.

It's hard to accept what many of you see;  it is difficult to accept seeing people practicing things that you now judge in others;  It's hard isn't it?  Then understand why we insist so much on non-judgment.  You cannot judge anyone, because you do not know what your Souls did back there;  and I can assure you that many have done dark things before the Light.  But the moment is not one of punishment, the moment is of redemption, the moment is to ask for forgiveness and forgive, and to get rid once and for all of this burden carried by your Souls.

We are not judging what was done, how it was done, or how much energy was applied.  We are giving each and every one of you the opportunity to let go of this.  There is no judgment.  You are judging yourself, and this is an extremely important learning experience.  Do not point the finger at the other, because that same finger may turn against you;  and the past, the path of their Souls for many is still an enigma.  So how to know?  How can you really say that your soul has always walked in righteousness?

So before you blame us thinking we are punishing you, showing you everything your Souls have done, take another stance;  just accept that what is done is done;  and what is to be done now, refers to a single word: Forgiveness.  This word and this act is one of the most powerful in the universe.  Forgiveness or asking for forgiveness, from the heart, coming from the bottom of the heart, is capable of eliminating a lot because when there is sincere forgiveness, learning happens and the lesson is concluded.

We are not here to judge you.  We never were.  The moment is of pure love.  The time is to walk hand in hand with you.  If you are able to see what your Souls have done and don't like, this is the time for learning, this is the time to face the truth, and simply use the word forgiveness in any way.  Pay attention to your feelings.

Everything is coming out mixed up.  So just receive everything with a lot of Love with a lot of acceptance, because in looking at everything that is happening as a punishment, the steps are taken backwards, not forwards.  It is the ego speaking the loudest;  it is the ego almost saying, “This is all a lie.  Don't believe it!”, and many act in this way;  not believing that they could do those acts or actions.  They feel too superior for that.  So I'm sorry to inform you that your journey is going backwards, not forwards.

Truths hurt;  they are ugly;  some even horrible, but it is necessary that each soul receives back with conscience all that it has practiced and that can effectively put an end to that learning process.  Your Souls deserve it, and this is what is needed for ascension: this learning, this acceptance, with much love of all that your Souls have done.  Realize that I am not here quoting what you, as a human consciousness, have also done.  None of you are saints;  in your journey.  So don't set yourself up as saints.  Don't set yourself up as perfect.

Don't want to justify what you're seeing as punishment or something illusory.  Accept it with your heart, because only then, accepting it with your heart and treating each one of those moments, will you continue on the path, going forward, otherwise, great steps back will be taken.



傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias


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