How Mother Earth Affects You All…Every Day ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have so much love for humanity, and so much love for your planet, and we know that at times you also have love for Mother Earth. We know that you often celebrate your human mothers on a very specific day there, and that you show appreciation and give special attention to your mothers on Mothers Day. And on what you call Earth Day you give special attention and appreciation to your Mother Earth, and that is lovely. We know how easy it is to get caught up in what’s going on inside your heads and on your computer screens, and certainly inside your homes, your businesses, your offices, but when you do want to acknowledge Mother Earth as the beautiful, life-giving entity that she is, all you need to do is go outside and connect with some aspect of her.
我們非常愛人類,也非常愛你們的星球,我們知道有時你們也愛地球母親。我們知道你們經常在那裡的一個非常特定日子慶祝你們人類的母親,並且在母親節表達感激並特別關注你們的母親。在你們所謂的地球日,你們對你們的地球母親給予了特別的關注和感激,這很可愛。我們知道很容易被頭腦中和電腦屏幕上發生的事情所吸引,當然還有你家裡、你的企業、你的辦公室裡發生的事情,但是當你確實想承認地球母親是美麗的、有生命的—— 賦予她真實的存在,你需要做的就是走出去,與她的某些方面建立聯繫。
Connect with her beauty and notice how immediately your vibration shifts. Give her praise and thanks every day, and look for opportunities to appreciate something about her as often as you can. We know you lead busy lives, and we know that you have a lot to do and a lot on your minds, and those are very good reasons to do exactly what we are saying. Nature tends to move very slowly. You don’t witness the grass growing, but you know it is growing. The same is true of the plants and the flowers, the fruit and the vegetables. They come in their own timing, and Mother Earth and Mother Nature are training you to be patient, to see your life in that way, and especially to not get so eager that you pick the fruit, the vegetable or the flower before it is ready.
When you try to force something into place in your life, or rush something along, you know what happens. It doesn’t go well, because you are micromanaging, because you are not willing to accept things as they are and enjoy the life that you do have as it is. And so you see, Mother Earth is not only the one who gives you everything, but she’s also teaching you and she’s sending you energies from her core. She has an electromagnetic field that surrounds her that is her aura that also gives you lots of different gifts all the time.
She gives you an opportunity to simplify things with the invitations that she sends to you, but you have to receive and accept those invitations, respond in the affirmative, and go and sit with her, be with her. Know that she is your soulmate as well as any human is. She is as precious to you as any animal friend could ever be, but you have to remember and take the time to connect with her. It is all up to you, and it always has been. So this day of Earth Day is a wonderful time for you all to reflect on all of that and to make every day Earth Day from now on. She’s there every day, giving you everything you need and more, and she asks for nothing in return.
她讓你有機會通過她發送給你的邀請來簡化事情,但你必須接收並接受這些邀請,做出肯定的回應,然後去和她坐在一起,和她在一起。知道她是你的靈魂伴侶,就像任何人一樣。她對你來說就像任何動物朋友一樣珍貴,但你必須記住並花時間與她聯繫。這一切都取決於你,而且一直都是。 因此,地球日的這一天是你們所有人反思所有這一切、並從現在開始每一天都成為地球日的美好時光。她每天都在那裡,給你需要的一切,甚至更多,她不求回報。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton