How to Work with the Current Energies ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

how to work with the current energies - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are giving you so much more now that you have shown us that you can handle more. We are capable of calibrating the energetic transmissions very precisely, and we also know how much of what we transmit is absorbed by all of you. We are paying attention. We also can see how much of what we are giving you is utilized, and when we deliver to you certain energies that take a while for you to put into the physical realm, we know that we have the opportunity then to sit back and observe. We always like to see what you do with the energies we transmit, because we do not know how you will utilize your free will from one moment to the next.


We can tell you that you are moving the energies through your physical bodies beautifully of late, and that is very encouraging to us and to all the others who are watching you and charting your development. You have a lot to look forward to there on Earth, but you also have a lot to create. The energies that are upon you right now are very co-creative in nature. We are not telling you how to use the energies that we are sending you at this moment, but we are telling you that you have the freedom to use them however you see fit.


We know that there is a lot you would like to see on your world that is different, and we want to encourage you to dream bigger and take whatever action steps you’ve been hesitating to take, because now is the time and the energies upon you can be utilized for just about anything you desire. We trust you, especially those of you who are open and sensitive enough to receive what we are offering. We have seen what you have done with the energies already sent, and we hope that you recognize that you are doing very well at this time, especially those of you in the Awakened Collective. You have a desire to serve, and you know that you are meant to evolve and ascend, and that means that you are creating that which is beneficial all, instead of that which is beneficial to only you.


When you see yourselves as a collective, and you operate as a collective, that is when you also get more energies to play with. When you see your role as one who is meant to spread those energies around, that too will bring you more. When you understand that when others thrive, so do you, that is when you tap in to the collective consciousness of which you are a part, and you benefit from tapping in to that vast energy. 
當你把自己看作一個集體,並且作為一個集體來運作時,也會獲得更多能量來玩耍。 當你把自己的角色看作是一個旨在傳播這些能量的人時,那也會給你帶來更多。 當你明白當其他人茁壯成長時,你也會茁壯成長,那就是當你接觸到所屬的集體意識時,會從接觸到那股巨大的能量中受益。


You don’t have to do it all yourself. There are others around the world who want what you want and who are working with the energies coming in to further the same types of positive agendas that you have for the energies that you receive. Therefore, relax at this time, open up to the energies that are upon you, and dream big when it comes to your creations for all who dwell on Mother Earth at this time.
你不必自己做所有事情。 世界上還有其他人想要你想要的,他們正在與進來的能量一起工作,以推進與你為接收到的能量而擁有的相同類型的積極議程。 因此,此時放鬆,向身上的能量敞開心扉,當涉及到你為此時居住在地球母親上的所有人創造偉大夢想時。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton



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