What is it Really Like to Be Awake? ∞

The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


What is it Really Like to Be Awake? - the 12D creators - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of arcturians

“We are here for you. We are The Creators. We are a twelfth-dimensional collective of nonphysical beings, and we are here to help. 



You discover more and more every day just how beautiful you are. You have so much more access there on Earth than you ever have before to the truth of who you really are. And it is the discovery of who you really are that this life is really all about. You awaken, and then you recognize that you were not who you thought you were for the vast majority of your life. There is a process then of coming home that occurs, and the homecoming is more than just traveling through the dimensions to return to the Source Energy dimension. The homecoming occurs in the mind.



It is time to fully embrace the truth that you are Source Energy, and when you realize that, then you must reconcile the fact that you don’t always feel like Source Energy. You don’t always have access to all of your powers, all of your abilities, all of your gifts, all of your knowing, and then that becomes a big part of the journey. It’s the discovery, and of course you want it all to just come flooding in at once, but you are meant to be on a journey. You are meant for the experience of the discovery to take time, to have layers and levels. As long as you know that you are on a journey and that the journey is one that takes you further into yourselves, then you can relax about the character that you are playing in the game.

是時候完全接受你是源頭能量這一事實了,當你意識到這一點時,就必須接受這樣一個事實:你並不總是感覺自己像源頭能量。你並不總是能夠利用你所有的力量、所有的能力、所有的天賦、所有的知識,然後這些就成為旅程的重要組成部分。這就是發現,當然你希望這一切立即湧入,但你注定要踏上一段旅程。 你注定要經歷發現的過程,需要時間和層次。只要你知道你正在一段旅程中,這段旅程會帶你進一步瞭解自己,那麼就可以放鬆自己在遊戲中扮演的角色。


You can recognize that all that you have put your faith in doesn’t really matter, and that it is time instead to focus on who you are as an infinite and eternal being of love and light. And when you do that, you can let go of egoic concerns and step more fully into the truth of who you really are, and you can make this all happen by being willing to examine, by being willing to explore. Again, you don’t have to have all of the experiences in one fell swoop, and if you did, you would feel overwhelmed. And therefore, all you have to do is keep moving forward, keep taking baby steps, and expect for things to change.

你可以認識到,你所信仰的一切並不重要,現在是時候專注於你是誰,作為一個無限與永恆的愛與光的存在。當你這樣做時,你就可以放下小我的擔憂,更充分地瞭解你真正是誰,並且可以透過願意檢視、願意探索來實現這一切。再說一次,你不必一次獲得所有體驗,如果你這樣做了,你會感到不知所措。 因此,你所要做的就是繼續前進,繼續小步前進,並期待事情會改變。


But the first thing you change is your mind. You change your mind about who and what you really are, what you are capable of, what you are doing there, and then you have to keep re-minding yourself of these truths, because if you don’t, you fall back into the mass consciousness and their beliefs and the way they operate in the world, and you find your life is once again frustrating and unsatisfying. You can still have a magical life, full of all of the things that you want to experience, but now you know that getting to that life is a much different journey than what you were originally taught that it was supposed to be.

但你首先改變的是你的想法。 你改變了你對自己是誰、什麼、你有什麼能力、你在做什麼的看法,然後必須不斷提醒自己這些事實,因為如果你不這樣做,就會重新陷入困境。大眾/群體意識、他們的信仰以及他們在世界上的運作方式,你會發現你的生活再次令人沮喪和不滿意。你仍然可以擁有神奇的生活,充滿你想體驗的所有事情,但現在你知道,實現那種生活是一段與你最初被教導的旅程截然不同的旅程。


And so people outside of you might wonder what you are doing, and why you are not doing what the rest of us are doing. And again, you have to go back to your core beliefs that you have now discovered to be true, and remember that you're not supposed to be doing what everyone else is doing just because they are doing it. The remembering can be a lifelong process, and it’s a good thing you have minds that you can use to remind yourselves. And when you train your minds, they become these beautiful tools that give you so much more when you are operating the controls consciously. You are awake. Be conscious. Use your minds, and know that this is a journey, and you will be able to walk that journey with peace, love and joy in your hearts.

因此,你以外的人可能會想知道你在做什麼,以及為什麼你不做我們其他人正在做的事情。 再說一次,你必須回到你現在發現是正確的核心信念,並記住你不應該僅僅因為其他人正在做的事情而做他們正在做的事情。記憶可能是個終生的過程,你有可以用來提醒自己的頭腦是件好事。當你訓練你的思維時,它們就會成為這些美麗的工具,當你有意識地操作控制時,它們會帶給你更多。你醒了。要有意識/保持警醒。用你的頭腦,知道這是一個旅程,你將能夠帶著平安、愛和喜悅走在這段旅程中。


We are The Creators, and we love you very much.”





文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness

傳導:Daniel Scranton



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