From 3D To 4D And 5D: Our Antahkarana
Antahkarana is a very powerful energy tool and symbol which is very ancient and deeply sacred. It was created at the birth of our Local Universe and endowed with a Higher Consciousness. This is the key to a huge amount of cosmic knowledge about the Being.
This knowledge is still closed to the 3D men. But Co-Creators gradually disclose it to people as they grow spiritually.
安塔卡拉納(Antahkarana)是一種非常強大的能量工具和象徵,非常古老且神聖。 它是在我們的本地宇宙誕生時創造的,並被賦予了更高的意識。 這是關於存在的大量宇宙知識的關鍵。這方面的知識對 3D 人來說仍然是封閉的。 但共同創造者會隨著他們的靈性成長逐漸向人們披露。
3-Rayed Antahkarana三維層面的安塔卡拉納
Energetically, the Antahkarana is a manifestation of the Logos of the Father, Mother and Son – the Triune Creator of our Local Universe.
In its modern form (more on this below), Antahkarana is a Portal for all energies coming to Earth from the Center of the Local Universe and the Pleroma.
在其現代形式中(更多內容見下文),安塔卡拉納是從本地宇宙中心和 普拉納進入地球的所有能量的門戶。
Antahkarana is also the Matrix of all life forms and the single principle of the construction of our Local Universe.
Antahkarana has the power of three sevens. The troika is the interaction of three forces: male energy, female energy and the Spirit that binds them together.
Seven are the main frequencies of our three-dimensional world: seven notes, seven primary colors, seven main chakras…
A person’s life is divided by vibrations into periods of 7 years. Every seven years, all the cells of the body are renewed. Every seven years a person becomes a completely new one, and should move on to a next stage with improved settings.
一個人的生命被振動分為 7 年。每七年,身體的所有細胞都會更新。每七年,一個人就會成為一個全新的人,並且應該通過改進的環境進入下一個階段。
During the construction of the Universe, the three sevens were connected in a Single Spiral of Creation and unwound in manifested Energy, Matter and Information.
The Earthly history of Antahkarana is extremely scarce. It is only known that the symbol of the three curved rays in the form of sevens was transferred to Earth by Co-Creators and the Galactic Committee during the time of Lemuria for the salvation of mankind.
安塔卡拉納 的地球歷史極為稀少。 只知道在列木里亞時代,為了拯救人類,共同創造者和銀河委員會將三條彎曲射線的符號以七的形式轉移到地球上。
The Third Race was dying, and for its survival it was given this tool to restore the men’s connection with their Monads.
Similarly, the Antahkarana was applied by the Fourth Race in Atlantis. Unfortunately, the degradation of both civilizations could not be stopped, and ended in their death.
同樣,安塔卡拉納也被亞特蘭蒂斯的第四種族所應用。 不幸的是,這兩個文明的墮落都無法阻止,並以他們的死亡而告終。
Our Antahkarana 我們的安塔卡拉納
In our Fifth Race, Antahkarana is utilized for sacred purposes in Tibet, in Reiki healing. Lightwarriors ground teams use it more actively in their operations, about which DNI narrates a lot and in detail.
在我們的第五種族中,安塔卡拉納被用於西藏的神聖目的,用於靈氣治療。 光戰士地面團隊在他們的行動中更積極地使用它,DNI 對此進行了很多詳細的敘述。
21-Rayed Antahkarana 21條安塔卡拉納
Previously, in normal practice, it was possible to use a simplified version of the Antahkarana, in which only three main energy carrier beams were activated. In 2003, to prepare humanity for the Transition, men were given access to additional quantum flows through this sacred instrument.
過去在正常實踐中,可以使用簡化版的安塔卡拉納,其中僅激活了三個主要的能量載體光束。 2003 年,為了讓人類為過渡做好準備,人們通過這個神聖的儀器獲得了額外的量子流。
To do it, Higher Light Hierarchy instructed the ground team to link into the Earth’s Crystal new 21 rays of the Antahkarana, bringing the energies of all three sevens – aspects of Father, Son and World Mother Sophia.
為了做到這一點,更高的光明層面指示地面團隊將新的 21 條安塔卡拉納光線連接到地球水晶中,帶來所有三個七的能量——父親、兒子和世界母親索菲亞的方面。
The program was carried out for more than a year and consisted of 24 works. Each was divided into three stages.
該計劃進行了一年多,包括24件作品。 每個都分為三個階段。
During their passage, Lightwarriors attracted rays from the Logos of the Local Universe with their Hearts and anchored them in the core of the planet.
Work on each seven was also divided into seven ops, in which vario在us segments of a single beam of this seven were wound up.
These 7 sub-sevens looked like a rainbow that does not end in purple spectrum part but spanned further into infinity.
這 7 個子 7 看起來像一條彩虹,不以紫色光譜部分結束,而是進一步延伸到無限。
After anchoring all seven sub-sevens, their synchronization and linking on the Subtle Plane and in the Earth’s Crystal was carried out.
The apotheosis was the activation and unification of all 21 Rays of the Antahkarana. In the op’s place, Lightwarriors created the Subtle Crystal which became the Portal of Antahkarana between the Center of the Local Universe and the Earth’s core.
神化是安塔卡拉納的所有 21 道光線的激活和統一。取而代之的是,光戰士創造了精微水晶,它成為了本地宇宙中心和地球核心之間的安塔卡拉納之門。
When the team members connected the energy and information rays of the Antahkarana from all the places where they worked and the beams from the Center of the Local Universe at one point, they saw the following.
When activated, each sub-seven was divided into an infinite number of smaller rays; they, in turn, into an even more infinite one; and so on ad infinitum…
當被激活時,每個子七被分成無數個更小的射線; 反過來,它們變成了一個更無限的、無止境……
Anchoring the 21 rays of the Antahkarana brought additional quantum energy to Earth, and new opportunities for humanity in Spiritual self-improvement on the path of Transition.
錨定安塔卡拉納的 21 條光線為地球帶來了額外的量子能量,並為人類在過渡道路上的精神自我提升帶來了新的機會。
Now these energies are available to everyone.
The Antakahrana’s layout has also changed. Here’s what its three beams looked like before 2004:
安塔卡拉納的佈局也發生了變化。 這是 2004 年之前它的三個光束的樣子:
On the one hand, it seemed two-dimensional, as it consisted of three sevens on a flat surface. On the other hand, this one was a three-dimensional cube in which energy moves from 2D to 3D and higher.
一方面,它似乎是二維的,因為它由平面上的三個 7 組成。 另一方面,這是一個三維立方體,其中能量從 2D 移動到 3D 甚至更高。
And that’s how the Antahkarana changed in 2004, becoming 21-ray:
這就是安塔卡拉納在 2004 年的變化,變成了 21 射線:
The old version did not stop working. Both types absolutely do not conflict with each other, since they are the same.
舊版本並沒有停止工作。 這兩種類型絕對不會相互衝突,因為它們是相同的。
However, the 21-ray Antahkarana is more open to cosmic currents.
然而,21 射線安塔卡拉納對宇宙電流更開放。
The next op was the construction and activation on the Subtle Plane of the Universal Antahkarana Temple.
To enhance its energy, Lightwarriors connected the Temple with other Power Places, and placed the high-vibration artifacts in the sanctum, which were delivered from the sites of other ops.
777-Rayed Antahkarana 777條安塔卡拉納
In July 2007, thanks to the evolutionary successes of a significant part of humanity, a new Antahkarana’s upgrading – its 777 rays activation – became possible.
2007 年 7 月,由於人類重要部分的進化成功,新的安塔卡拉納升級——它的 777 射線激活——成為可能。
On Co-Creators’ assignment, this work was also fulfilled by their ground team. The operation was carried out on one of the sacred mountains in Southern Europe, where the Temple of the Perfect Light is located.
With the support of the Ascended Masters, Lightwarriors rebooted the Causal Antahkarana and re-installed it, as a planetary Matrix, into the Earth’s Logos.
From that moment, Antahkarana began to transmit to Earth not 21, as before, but 777 fundamental energies of Creation.
從那一刻起,安塔卡拉納開始向地球傳輸的不是 21 種,而是 777 種創造的基本能量。
But it wasn’t the limit. 777 primary energies can be successively unfolded to infinity. They are only the key to the whole variety of energies and their combinations in the Greater Cosmos.
但這不是極限。 777種初級能量可以依次展開到無窮大。 它們只是大宇宙中各種能量及其組合的關鍵。
As op’s result, a reboot occurred on all Plans. The renewed Antahkarana began to send to our planet not only the energies of the Center of the Local Universe, but of the Pleroma as well.
作為操作的結果,所有計劃都發生了重新啟動。 更新的安塔卡拉納不僅開始向我們的星球發送本地宇宙中心的能量,而且還發送普拉納的能量。
Another area of the reloading was the humanity’s wave DNA Matrix into which the upgraded Antahkarana was installed on the Subtle Plane.
重新加載的另一個領域是人類的波 DNA 矩陣,升級後的安塔卡拉納安裝在精微層面上。
This work was done by one of our cosmic parents – Pleiadians – through the personal Logos Matrices of Lightwarriors.
這項工作是由我們的一位宇宙父母——昴宿星人——通過光戰士的個人 Logos Matrices 完成的。
The placement of Antahkarana in the DNA Matrix of humanity is designed to accelerate the transformation of Homo sapiens into Homo Spiritualis, Divine men of the Sixth Race.
安塔卡拉納在人類 DNA 矩陣中的位置旨在加速智人轉變為靈性者,即第六種族的神人。
It also helps to purify and harmonize the wave structures of the DNA and genome of humanity on the Subtle Plane with the help of the pure energies of the Galactic and the Local Universe’s Centers.
它還有助於在銀河和本地宇宙中心的純淨能量的幫助下,淨化和協調微妙平面上人類 DNA 和基因組的波動結構。
This work was preliminary and experimental. The changes are monitored so far only on some Lightwarriors.
這項工作是初步的和實驗性的。 到目前為止,這些變化僅在一些 光戰士們身上受到監控。
Co-Creators continue to test the effect of wave genetic modifications on them through the Cosmic Antahkarana, broadcasting the Creative Three-Seven Code of the Universe’s Logos.
Four-Armed Antahkarana四臂安塔卡拉納
In 2009, another truly epochal event took place – the creation of the Absolute Antahkarana or Antahkarana of the Four Sevens. Why did it become necessary?
2009 年,另一個真正具有劃時代意義的事件發生了——絕對的安塔卡拉納或四個七人組的安卡塔拉納的創建。為什麼它變得必要?
The existing principle of the trinity of the Universe (the Triune Father, Son and Holy Spirit) was not ideal.
For a long time, World Mother Sofia masqueraded under the Holy Spirit.
The ideal structure of the Universe Order is either duality (Father-Mother) or a quadrilateral (Father, Mother, Son, Daughter), because only in this way the balance of Primary Foundations can be maintained.
Co-Creators decided that the time came to Absolutize the Antahkarana, taking into account the increased men’s self-awareness, the Transition requirements, and the reformed Local Universe.
This operation was entrusted to two ground teams. It was conducted on one of the sacred mountains in Southern Europe, and also consisted of several stages.
First, a fourth ray was installed from the Pleroma into the Higher Causal Matrix of the Universal Antahkarana. After that, it folded and reloaded that lasted for two hours. Then, its unfolding followed in the form of a four-armed Absolute Antahkarana, and copying it in the Lightwarriors’ Monads.
Thus was completed the creation of the Highest Ideal Architecture of the new Local Universe which is expressed in the Absolute Antahkarana.
It was the next step towards further restruct
uring of the Local Universe.
In the new version, it will be different. Instead of many Higher Matrices and structures, soon all of them will be integrated into several Mega-Matrices.
在新版本中,它會有所不同。 代替許多高級矩陣和結構,很快它們都將被集成到幾個兆矩陣中。
One is already known which will continue to exist separately, without unification with Antahkarana.
This is the Matrix of Unity and Harmony Foundations (the Absolutized version of Yin-Yang).
The other was the Absolute Antahkarana into which most of the Higher Matrices was merged.
All this is necessary to prepare for the creation of a Pleroma’s Single Manifestation Body where all the eons and worlds can exist only in an ideal format, and as a continuation of a Single and Indivisible Pleroma. And today, Lightwarriors are actively participating in it as carriers and keepers of the Absolute Antahkarana.
所有這一切對於創建普拉納的單一顯化體都是必要的,在這個身體中,所有的永恆和世界只能以理想的形式存在,並且作為單一且不可分割的普拉納的延續。 而今天,光戰士們作為絕對安塔卡拉納的攜帶者和守護者積極參與其中。