Everything Is Energy
Everything in your reality is energy.
Your scientists know this. Everything is energy. Your physical body is energy vibrating in millions of different frequencies, creating millions of different cell types. All is energy.
你們的科學家知道這一點。 一切都是能量。 你的身體是能量以數百萬種不同的頻率振動,產生數百萬種不同的細胞類型。 一切都是能量。
And Beloved Ones, disease is also energy vibrating in a disharmony with the physical. If disease is just energy, can you accept the possibility that if another energy is brought to that vibration which cancels it out, so to speak, that this is that illness, can this disappear within moments? Just energy. So, what is preventing each one of you being in perfect health? A belief system that maintains the imbalance.
親愛的,疾病也是與身體不和諧的能量振動。 如果疾病只是能量,你能否接受這樣一種可能性,即如果另一種能量被帶到那個消除它的振動中,可以說,這就是那種疾病,它會在片刻內消失嗎? 只是能量。 那麼,是什麼阻礙了你們每個人的完美健康呢? 維持不平衡的信念系統。
- Alcazar
文章來源: Everything is Energy | Alcazar Quotes - Voyages of Light