Greeting’s beloveds. We are the Sirian High Council. As always, we are pleased at the progress you are making. We are in joy at how you all take on these words and others that similar, then integrate and put into practice.
問候,親愛的。 我們是天狼星高級議會。 一如既往,我們對你取得的進展很是高興。 我們對你如何吸收這些話語以及類似的話語,然後整合並付諸實踐感到高興。
What we wish to share on today is; the place you are currently in. Many of you feel you need to be somewhere else. Meaning, many of you feel you should be further ahead on your journey, or the world should be further along. What this thought process does is slow you down. The reason it slows you down is because it takes you out of the Now moment.
今天我們希望分享的是你當前所在的位置。 你們許多人感到你需要到別的地方去。 意味著,你們許多人感到你應該更進一步自己的旅程,或者世界需要更進一步。 這個思想進程減緩了你。 因為這讓你離開了當下時刻。
When you focus on being elsewhere on your journey, you are not experiencing the moment you are in. You are removing yourself from the current experience, with the thought that you should be somewhere else or further along.
當你專注於到別的地方去,你沒有在體驗你所在的時刻。 你離開了當前的體驗,伴隨著你應該處於別的地方或更進一步的想法。
Dear ones, you are exactly where you need be, and progressing at the pace that is most suitable for you. This goes for all your brothers, sisters and the Earth herself. For if there is no time, how can anyone or anything be moving too slowly?
親愛的,你處於你需要處於的地方,在最適合你的速度中發展。 這適用於所有人以及地球。 因為如果沒有時間,任何人或任何東西如何移動地太緩慢?
Ponder this question dearones –
If there is only Now, the moment you are in, meaning, past, present and future are One, how can anything be moving too slowly? How can something be progressing too slow?
如果只有當下,你所在的時刻,意味著,過去、現在和未來是一,又哪來移動地太慢一說? 哪來進展地太慢一說?
We ask that you ponder this question, for the truth lies not in the answer, but the question itself.
If there is no "time" how can something move too slowly?
We reiterate this because we want to you enjoy where you are at on your journey. We want you to fully embrace the experience of the moment, of the Now. Take it all in. The sights, the sounds, the smells, the feelings. Embrace the moment dear ones, for when you do this, you are in the eternal Now and you can ground much more energy when you are in the moment.
我們重申這一點,因為我們想要你享受你的所在之地。 我們想要你完全擁抱當下的體驗。 拾起一切。 景象、聲音、氣味、感受。 擁抱當下,親愛的,因為當你這麼做,你就處於永恆的當下,當你處於當下,你可以穩固更多的能量。
When you are totally immersed in the Now, you are free of any hindering thoughts. You are free of any distractions. You are just being. You are taking in all that is. For in the moment, that is all there is.
當你完全沉浸於當下,你自由於任何阻礙性的想法。 你自由於任何的干擾。 你只是在存在。 你在拾起一切。 因為在當下,存在著一切。
We ask that you all bring yourself back into the moment. Embrace everything around you with love and respect, for all that you see is part of the Divine. All you can touch, see and feel is part of Divine Creation. So, the more you can embrace and immerse yourself in the moment, the more you can embrace creation and the totality of God, of Love, of All That Is.
我們請求你帶自己回到當下。 伴隨著愛和尊重擁抱周圍的一切,因為你看到的一切都是神是一部分。 你可以觸摸、看到、感到的一切都是神聖造物的一部分。 所以,你可以越多地擁抱並沉浸於當下,你可以越多地擁抱神的造物和愛以及一切萬有。
Return to the moment to create the shifts you want. Love where you are. Love who you are. Love every moment of your life on Earth, for this is what it is about, loving and learning from experience. But how can you do that if you are removed from the moment?
返回當下來創造你想要的轉變。 愛你的所在之地。 愛你的所是。 愛你地球生活的時時刻刻,因為這就是一切,愛,從體驗中學習。 但如果你離開了當下,你如何去做?
We are the Sirian High Council. We enjoy poking your brains and hearts, firing up those neurons and getting you to think outside of the box they wish to keep you in. Until next Sunday beloveds.
我們是天狼星高級議會。 我們很喜歡刺激你的大腦和心,點燃那些神經,讓你跳出條條框框思考。 下星期天見。