How to Fulfill Your Purpose in this Lifetime ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are fulfilling our purpose with each transmission that we give you. Each time that we send you energy, we have a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. We know that many of you seek that feeling throughout the course of your day, and we often recommend to you that you take a page out of our book and send energy, love, light, support, and whatever else you have available to your fellow humans. Many of your fellow humans are suffering. Many are carrying trauma, and many are currently being abused, and while it is easy to look at their outward speech and behavior and judge it, it’s a lot harder to understand that they are coming from that place of carrying so much heaviness and so much darkness within them.
So if you want to feel like you are fulfilling your purpose, send light and love everywhere. Radiate it when you go out into the world so that others can feel it coming off of you, and know that whenever you hear about someone who has done something terrible, the person who has committed the heinous act needs love and light just as much as the victims do. You have so much to give to your world and to your fellow humans, and we will always encourage you to shine your light, because we know that your light is needed, but we also know that it is the most satisfying thing you can do. It’s so much more important than publishing a book or a series of books, building a home for someone, digging a well for a community, because everyone needs a boost energetically.
Everyone needs to be loved, to feel loved, to know that others out there care about them. Everyone needs the light shone upon them, and you are the perfect ones to do it because you are receiving from us, you are receiving from others, you are open, you are loving and caring people, you are awake. You have so much to give of yourselves, as well as what you get from the higher realms, so it is important to value yourself and what you have to give in order to feel like sharing your light and love is going to be of value to someone else.
So that’s something else we would encourage you all to do. Spend some time focusing on what you have to give. Focus some of your time every day opening up to what is available to you, energetically, from the higher realms, and then send everything that you are getting and everything that you already had to your fellow humans, and change the world. Change the world for the better from where you are right now, which is a good place. You are in a better place than most just because you are awake. That makes a huge difference. And while you cannot talk someone else into waking up, you can shine your light so brightly to all on your world, including those who are still asleep, that they become enlightened, awakened. And they will ask you questions about your awakening, and then you can really feel like you are making a difference there on planet Earth.
所以這是我們鼓勵大家做的另一件事。花一些時間專注於你必須給予的東西。每天集中你的一些時間,從更高領域積極地開放給你可用的東西,然後將你得到的一切、和已經擁有的一切發送給你們的人類同胞,並改變世界。從你現在所在的地方,讓世界變得更美好,這是個好地方。僅僅因為你醒著,你就比大多數人處在一個更好的地方。這有很大的不同。 雖然你無法說服別人醒來,但你可以將光如此明亮地照耀在你的世界上,包括那些仍在沉睡的人,使他們開悟、覺醒。他們會問你關於你覺醒的問題,然後你會真的覺得在地球上有所作為。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton