How many of you are feeling lost? As if you have lost hope and don’t know where to turn? This is the challenge on your planet at this time, because of the great transition you are going through. Yes, the ascension process is well in hand and unstoppable, but this global shift plays out in the lives of each one of you, in many different ways.
你們有多少人感到迷失? 好似你失去了希望,不知道在哪裡拐彎? 這是此刻的挑戰,出於你在經歷的偉大轉變。 是的,揚昇進程很好地進行著,不可阻擋,但這個全球的轉變在你們每個人的生活中上演,在許多不一樣的方式中。
Gaia is evolving and so are you. You are restless because your old skin no longer suits you, your old way of living is not longer in alignment with you; you are restless because you are looking outside your self for permission to change, for the signs of change, so that you may ride that wave all the way to your new energetic ‘home’.
蓋亞在進化,你也是。 你焦躁不安,因為你舊的皮膚不再匹配你,你舊的生活方式不再與你對齊;你焦躁不安,因為你看向外在來尋找改變的許可,改變的跡象,這樣你可以駕著波浪到達你新的"家"
May we gently invite you to come within? All change begins within; our invitation is to live the change you wish to see in the world, as Ghandi so famously reminded you: be that change. You are not powerless in your current situation. Oh, you may think you are, but that would be to completely surrender your sovereignty and those of you reading these words are not about to do that: are you?!
容我們溫柔地邀請你進入內在? 所有改變始於內在;我們的邀請是去活出你希望在世上看到的改變,就像甘地提醒你的:成為那個改變,你在你當前的情況中並不是無力的。 你可能認為你是,但這就是完全放棄你的主權,你們閱讀這些話語的人並不打算這麼做,是不是?
You are itching for the new, for a sense of greater alignment in your life and in the world around you. That is not someone else’s job: that is why you came to this now place in this now moment. You came for this moment, for this challenge, for this change, for the experience of being in transition.
你渴望新的東西,一個更大的對齊感。 這不是別人的工作:這是你此刻來到這裡的原因。 你就是為此刻、這個挑戰、這個改變、這個過渡體驗而來的。
You have outgrown your old life, yet you may feel that you cannot leave it behind just yet. We invite you to look for ways – and they may be tiny ways – in which you can begin to live in alignment with this evolving ‘new’ you, today. It can be as small as going outside for a walk, doing some stretches, eating better food, making peace with a family member, releasing possessions that no longer resonate with you, giving yourself 10 entire minutes of silence every day, smiling at one person a day, creating a gratitude list, learning a new language, reaching out to someone you feel is in need of some support, making a political or personal statement that resonates as your truth.
你已經成長超越舊的生活,但你可能感到你還無法離開它。 我們邀請你去尋找方式---可能是微小的---你可以用來開始與這個進化的"新"的你對齊。 它可以是出門散個步,做一些伸展運動,吃更好的食物,與家庭成員和睦相處,釋放不再與你共振的財物,每天給予自己10分鐘沉默的時間,對一個人微笑,創造一個感恩清單,學習一門新語言,把手伸向你感到需要一些支援的人,做出一些共振為真理的正智或個人聲明。
The ways to align yourself are as many and as varied as you, dearest sisters and brothers. Begin with just one small thing. As your practice grows you will notice an increase in your resonance; you will feel called to experiment and express in more new ways.
對齊的方法有很多,親愛的兄弟姐妹們。 從小事情開始。 隨著你的練習增加,你會注意到自己共鳴的增加。 你會感到被呼喚去嘗試並在更加新穎的方式中表達。
You are in a changing world, You are in changing bodies, Be that change.
As you be-come more and more of who you are, your electromagnetic resonance amplifies and changes the resonance of those around you as well as the planet on which you live. Every one of you have come here to tread a different path: allow yourself to tread that path, don’t hold yourself back.
隨著你更多地成為你的所是,你的電磁共振會放大和改變周圍人的共振以及地球的共振。 你們每個人來到這裡來走出一條不同的道路:讓自己走出那條道路,不要阻礙自己。
Trust your intuition over your brain; one is responding to resonance, the other is responding to the patterns of the past. Which one of these can lead you into an unimaginable future? You were born ready of this.
相信你的直覺,而不是大腦;一個回應共振,另一個回應過去的模式。 哪一個可以引領你進入難以置信的未來? 你就是為此而來的。
There is nothing to fear, we are with you in all moments, just call on us.