What Will Be Will Be | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 11 05 23
What Will Be Will Be | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 11 05 23 - YouTube
What Will Be Will Be | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 11 05 23
What Will Be Will Be | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 11 05 23 - YouTube
This is a Pretty Good Deal…Take It! ∞
The 12D Creators: A Nonphysical Collective Consciousness, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
Blossom 10 29 23 Choosing Love and Raising Your Vibration
Blossom 10 29 23 Choosing Love and Raising Your Vibration - YouTube
Once again, Hello! Over to you! Off you go! I put total Trust in that whatever you say will greatly lift the Vibration of all who come across your words. Go for Gold!
Avoid the Spiritual Ego & Do This Instead ∞
The 12D Creators, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, Oct. 22, 2023
CHOICE Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 10 22 23 - YouTube
Blossom: Well, hello there! It has been a while since communicating telepathically in this way, due to my trip away. Tell me, are you able to let any cats out the bag? What can we expect leading up to Christmas? The trouble is, I know we cannot use ‘time’ as a True guideline with you, as you have none … yet, a general perspective would be good. Thank you.
The Council: The Existing Flow | Nadina Boun
There is a movement forward in this universe that carries everything with it. Notice the spiral in everything from a shell to a planet’s motion to the galaxy. Everything is spiraling upward in that circular motion. Like water that flows, the entire universe is flowing in an upward motion, carrying everything with it. It is important not to resist the flow. Change is part of the flow, of the movement forward. Everything is changing. Things are temporarily, they are and they are not. It is important to flow with the changes and accept them for now, as they too will change.
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, Oct. 13, 2023
13th October 2023. Mike Quinsey.
The World is becoming a more dangerous place as the Leaders in the Russia/Ukraine War are accelerating it to dangerous levels. They are aware of it, but prepared to gamble on the outcome. The West is naturally concerned at the progress of it and is prepared to defend its country if necessary. It is too early to judge the likely outcome but it is hoped common sense will prevail.
You Are Becoming Conscious Creators
Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.
Whales of Sirius B via Galaxygirl | October 2, 2023
Whales of Sirius B 10/2/2023
Greetings land walkers. We are the whales of Sirius B. We have been in contact with your creatures of the deep on your water world for eons. Together we form a network of high intelligence and love, grounding light and wisdom in the deepest of dark waters. We see not in the dark but follow our own inner light, our own inner knowing. We see this could be of benefit to the land walkers. Inner guidance and inner knowing, following the light of the inner lighthouse; as Source fractals, you have this inner lighthouse calling you home, and yet home is within and without, it is the the connection between the all of all things and all of not things. All is one.
當前外在的衝突、困惑是「不斷提高的意識和釋放並不與愛對齊的舊信念」所導致的結果。 只有愛是真實的,儘管對大多數人來說這個說法完全站不住腳。 不管怎樣,愛的現實終於被大多數時候處於恐懼與困惑的人所看到和體驗。 這兩個消極的感受是出於無價值感。 是時候完全釋放任何這類信念,因為你們每個人都是愛的體現,只有愛是真實的,愛是無條件的,它接納一切,這意味著無一例外。
Lord Hureon via Galaxygirl | March 6, 2023
Lord Hureon 3/6/2023
I Hureon am speaking. I serve on one of the many high councils within the origin of Andromeda. There is static in your air field. Let me adjust…. Ah, yes, now the space is more open for clear communication. Galaxygirl, do you read me? (Yes I do now, thank you.) We from Andromeda love our earthling brothers and sisters so much and we are offering you our energetic support. I cannot tell you exactly what is happening, for I am not privy to most of it, but from our vantage point I can tell you that it appears that things are heating up. The energetics are aligning nicely for rapid plasma exchange and this will continue to improve and heighten your DNA responses and experiences. You are ascending, this I see and I know. We are actually all in quite a bit of awe of you and your efforts of all that you have been doing. It is so much more than simply being a being of transparency for the light to shine through, or trans-luminate. You are transcending and transmuting the circumstances with alacrity and great speed.
The Hathors: Ritual as a Sacred Art | Peggy Black
We are here. We would like to speak of rituals and their purpose and power. All action in life can be a ritual of purpose and power when the being/Human brings their full consciousness and intent to the act. Rituals that are created and honored always connect the many levels and aspects of the Human/being to the oneness of all.
The Council: The Ultimate Place Where You Want to Be
Channel: Nadina Boun
You don’t have to do anything at all, your natural essence will naturally emerge. You just have to stop doing what suppresses your natural essence from emerging. You have to then let go trying to impress, to make things happen, to grab and hold on to, to prove, to justify, to be better than. You just have to let go what is not you in order for your natural essence to emerge.
Antara, Venusian High Priestess via Galaxygirl | September 6, 2023
Antara, Venusian High Priestess 9/6/2023
安塔拉,金星高階女祭司 9/6/2023
9/4更新標題、並附上YT It Is Law | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 09-03-23 - YouTube
The Federation of Light via Blossom Goodchild, Sept. 3, 2023
It Is Law | Blossom Goodchild channeling the Federation of Light 09-03-23
Galactic Federation's Call to Awakening: From Earth to the Stars | Aurora Ray
銀河聯邦的覺醒呼喚:從地球到星星| 極光射線
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.
問候! 在這一刻我們心心相印,我是 Kejraj。
It is time to awaken to the truth of your divinity. To awaken to the truth of spiritual evolution. To the truth that death is an illusion, and you don’t need to wait ’til you “die” in order to experience eternal joy. You can experience it now. Your heart center is the source of it all.
Moon Goddess Hina: Pushing You Forward | Galaxygirl
I am the goddess energies of the ascended version of your moon. You may call me Hina, for that is one of my names. Many cultures give me many names over many eons of time. (I am seeing a silvery tall feminine being with long hair that glistens with sparkles. She is wearing a glimmering long dress that looks like stars.) Beauty is my clothing. I step forward to speak of the alignments that are taking place in your moment of nows. (I am seeing hands shuffling cards. I am getting that many timelines merge into one. There is only one picture on the back of the card deck and they are all stacked together now.)