目前分類:星際訊息 (707)

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我們在銀河王國,對你們正在經歷的一切可以看得更多更全,並能把那信息傳遞給你們。我們可以看到你們正在沐浴的能量以及被淨化的能量,我們可以看到你們的光體被重新校準到它們原有的模板,我們可以看到黑暗勢力從你們的星球上被移除,我們可以看到你們世界領導人的思維,並可以影響他們的行為。我們看到如此多,因此我們可以更多的影響你們的生活。但是由於你們允許你們星球上的其他人繼續限制你們,你們想要等到12月21日(譯者註:這裡指的是傳說中的太陽大閃光Solar Flash,即那個“事件”)。許多人想要等到那一天。如果我告訴你那一天也許不會發生,你是否會感到吃驚。我想要告訴你,到目前為止,能量已經足夠強大,即使那個事件不發生,也同樣可以產生巨大的轉變








傳導作者:Sharon Steward


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There is a lot of shifting on the sub-levels of the 4th and lower fifth planes, with many untruths being revealed to souls who have previously hidden behind the safety of illusion. Those souls on the etheric planes are shifting in vibration as are those in a human body and the unrest is causing people to experience dream states that aremore reality that dream. Awakened wayshowers are working hard in their dreams to circumvent the attempts of the dark forces to drag innocents back into their web of deceit, causing their dreams to be darker and more disturbing than those who are still in the process of ascension.

Before going to bed, give your angels and guides permission to keep you protected during sleep while assisting you to heal from the past and to embrace your spiritual wakening. Stay grounded and hydrated and keep your energies as clear as possible. The great shift is occurring and realities previously hidden are being revealed. These include those that are both within and outside of each dreamer's consciousness. If you are finding your dreams are disturbing or very real, a cleansing of your body, mind and emotions may help. Drink plenty of water , eat good food and meditate regularly. Keep a dream journal to record patterns and to find symbols that will help you to interpret the messages that are being shown and revealed to you.

The world is changing and finding your way through the maze of untruths and deceit will be easier when you work to keep your thoughts positive, your minds free of worry and your energy fields unblocked.

I AM The Creator of All That Is



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Why Things Happen ∞The Creators,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


why things happen - the creators - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael and the arcturian council


“When you discover the reason why something has occurred, it can be a bit of a relief for you. It can take some of the pressure off, and it can allow you some new perspective that will enable you to change the way you see the event. That is why many of you want information. You want to know what THAT was about. You want to understand why things happen, especially when they are happening in your life.



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Celestial White Beings.The Multidimensional Choir by the Celestial White Beings

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 


Greetings beloved beacons of light we are the Celestial White Beings. We are a collective of energy, a source, a soul group, we come forth as one and yet we represent many. We are known for our pure pristine white light of celestial vibrations.


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Nova Gaians, we greet you this day. 

We are your friends the Cassiopeians. Many times ago in our history we experienced lack of love and the resulting chaos. We as a society as a whole choose to abide within love daily. We are sending more directed energy streams of love your way from our system to yours. We wish to assist and send codes towards your sphere to do so. Would you like to be activated? (Yes, please). 


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Shifting the Sadness Within by the Andromedans

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 


Greetings beautiful and beloved beings on the Earth. We are the Andromedans, we come forth as a collective energy showering you in our vibrations, in our love and wisdom.


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Brenda’s Blog category consists of channeled messages

received from the Light via Brenda Hoffman

Dear Ones,



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