Celestial White Beings.The Multidimensional Choir by the Celestial White Beings
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings beloved beacons of light we are the Celestial White Beings. We are a collective of energy, a source, a soul group, we come forth as one and yet we represent many. We are known for our pure pristine white light of celestial vibrations.
We wish to come forth to you today to share an insight, an activation and experience that is occurring on the inner planes. It is such a beautiful movement and momentum that we wanted to alert you to this energy so that you may join your energy with it benefiting from the vibrations, while adding your beautiful and sacred frequency.
This momentum of ascension and awakening is connected to activating your inner voice. Your inner words of wisdom and your inner truth, as well as, allowing the vibration of your soul, soul group and the Creator to be carried forth upon your voice, the vibration and frequency of your voice whether you are talking or singing. The other part of this momentum and activation is to awaken your inner hearing, your sacred ability to listen, to hear the sacred vibrations and sounds frequencies of the Creator.
Through this ascension momentum we wish to support you in being able to express your truth through the words you speak, and the vibration and frequency of your voice. We wish to support you in hearing, listening and sensing the energy and frequency of the Creator. It is not simply acknowledging or listening to the enlightenment or guidance of the Creator more, so it is the sacred sounds and music of the Creator. These sacred sounds create beautiful healing and awakening within your being, allowing for a deeper connection with all that is the Creator both within your being and around you. This is essential upon the Earth in this time of ascension. It is so important for the truth of the Creator to blaze, emerge and to be revealed.
The emergence of the truth of the Creator flows through you and flows through all of humanity. The more humanity can express the Creator through their words, tone, sound and the vibration of their voice, as well as, listening to the sound of the Creator even in a space of silence, a powerful shift of alignment to the truth of the Creator will manifest for all.
文章來源 https://omna.org/the-most-recent-channeling-from-the-sacred-school-of-omna/
傳導 Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
翻譯 Amber