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Dear Ones,


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We are watching humanity, from here in the spiritual, or, if you prefer, from the non-physical realms, in wonder and amazement as you continue to accelerate along the collective path of spiritual evolution toward your inevitable and imminent awakening. I know you all keep hearing from your guides and channels that your awakening is imminent, and then you look around you at the worldwide fear and confusion and your doubts arise. Let them go!


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Andromeda's love and fear blend
Broadcast via Natalie Glasson-original source: OmNa Holy School


Greetings, we are Andromeda beings, and we come with collective vibration and frequency. In the Creator universe, we are known as one of the most evolved stars of civilization. We serve the Creator and serve you because we want to help the ascension process. This is our greatest purpose and desire. We use our own strength to fuel the ascension process and share the wisdom, knowledge and understanding that we believe will help everyone improve. We share the frequency of light, the frequency of activation, the frequency of sound, in fact, we do our best and share everything with each soul when they embark on their journey of ascension. Whether they exist on the earth or the inner plane, because the journey of ascension will continue to extend from the earth beyond the inner plane.


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{Editor's Note: This technology is not yet available to the general public. Pray the mastermind that this will be released as soon as possible to humanity}


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X: You are entering choppy waters, waters that will only get more intense and more unrestful.

There is a lot of simmering hatred and personal discomfort not far from the surface. Intense pain is surfacing in the collective and many lack the awareness and the skills to deal with this inner terrorism. People are too upset to look at themselves with honesty and are too unloved to feel compassion for the lives they have lived.

Your role, that of all Light Workers, is to hold the light in these times. Emotions will explode like unexpected volcanoes, from unexpected sources and at unexpected times. The energies will swirl it may look as though there is no clear leadership, personally, nationally or globally.


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Dear Ones,
Many of you believe your life will never improve or change. That the magic abilities you assumed would be part of your being will never display themselves. That you alone are not shifting as prophesized. That you are a transition failure.

You likely felt the same in puberty when your voice did not change as rapidly as others, or your breasts refused to grow as you hoped.

Just as was true during puberty, neither you nor anyone can expand skills until it is time to do so. Will you travel through time or frequencies? Will you channel or speak in unusual tongues? Will you communicate without words? All aspects that may or may not be part of your new world.


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Sleep is not just the time you regenerate, or the time you work in the astral realms. It is also the time when you are able to process and alchemise the emotions that flooded you during the day; this is why many of you feel better in the morning than in the evening.

We suggest that to amplify this process, you ask for assistance at night, so that the heavy emotions can be synthesised from your bodies rapidly and easily.
Sleep bathing is a deep cleansing process whereby your consciousness is moved through your resting emotional structures to synthesis heavy emotions, thereby lifting them from your physical bodies. It assists in the crystalisation of your bodies, and in detoxifying them, by applying subtle galactic cleansing processes to your regenerative sleep time.

Sleep has been undervalued by humans for far too long. The experience of heaviness and toxicity is so damaging to your physcial bodies at present that we are looking for every opportunity possible to assist you.


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Greetings dear ones of the planet earth. We come back to you at this time, although we never really left. We have been watching and assisting from the higher dimensional realms, to help our human brethren, our brothers and sisters, through these tumultuous times , into the next phase, which is soon to be upon you.

These are exciting times, although we do know that many of you see these as disturbing times, as times you would rather have avoided. But alas, this is how it had to be, this is part of the grand, great plan. A plan that has been in the works and dynamically changing with the ebb and flow of love returning to this planet, like the tsunami of love which you have all heard it called before. These are wonderful times, if you have the eyes to see it as it truly is, a metamorphosis, a transformation of the greatest kind ever to have impacted a planet. We say it like this as there has never been a grand planetary ascension like this before. This is the first. And it has succeeded beyond all wildest dreams . Again, even though you may not see it like this. From our eyes, our perspective, in the sixth density as you might call it,this is the greatest of times.

We urge you to see it from the perspective of your heart, now more than ever, it is so important for you to connect into your heart space. Merge, blend, into your true essence within your heart centre. Your truth is right there. It never left you, it is not hiding around some corner waiting to be found. It is ever present. It was always there, it is there now , it shall ever be there.

It is an amazing gift, to give yourselves, to simply enter into your heart space and be who you are, remember who you are. THIS IS THE GREAT AWAKENING!

To become awake to your god/goddess self your true nature. You are source energy beings, as the Arcturians are so fond of reminding you (smiles). And this is good remembrance.


We wish to convey a further message through this one, and that is one of great hope.

Please do not see these times as signs of things to come, this is a birthing dear ones. This is a removal of the old outdated paradigm of the dark. Their ways and consciousness is dissolving into the light.And it is not going with ease , but this is as expected.

The light pouring in now is of such measure, such depth, that is rocking the very foundational core of what was. Much was built on top of this, and so to is shaking to the ground. These include your societal structures, your scientific paradigms and even the very fabric that your buildings are made of. The strata of the earth is changing, the water is changing, everything is changing, it has to dear ones. It has to align with the new fifth dimensional matrix, the new light grids that is.

Oh dear ones, this is birthing very fast now. Those that are sensitive, you can feel this, you know this.

We wish to convey this message with peace and love in our hearts for you. We have watched you labour long and live through the trials the tribulations, the ups and downs, the torments, the pains and the sufferings of your great journeys here in assisting Gaia in this magnificent process, this birthing process, that is soon to come to completion.

These are glorious days dear ones, oh we wish you could see it as we do. You would not worry or fear, you would rejoice.

That is all for now, we leave you on peace, love and serenity. And remind you once again, please dear ones, enter your heart space, at least once a day, preferably more. You will be surprised what you find there…


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We are the galactic federation of light, we are so very eager and happy coming through this channel again for all of you. We'd like to talk about a few things, the main thing we'd like to talk about is what everyone is speaking about, talking about, wondering about what is going to happen in December.


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Warm greetings to ascending humanity. I Mileuka am speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light in this now. We are monitoring your skies and inner workings of your beautiful planet Gaia. Gaia is such a patient soul and yet her patience grows thin for the upcoming liberation of humanity and her form. It is imperative that you hold faith and form. You are anchoring light consciousness quite literally wherever you are. The light workers are carrying an enormous load and we are deeply aware of your exhaustion. Your stamina, fortitude and joy amidst this experience is admirable, friends. For it is not an easy task to do something completely new. Planetary forms ascending with life intact is a new endeavor and Gaia is a most worthy leader. We are asking you to continue on continuing on for a bit longer. Much is in the works.This is an extremely complex and delicately intricate plan for her ascension and you are vital pieces of this plan and most intimately loved.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light wish for humanity to know that we have their best interests at heart and are under the supreme directive of Prime Creator who is overseeing this entire process. We wish for peace and rest to be ever a part of your essence and experience. A soul at peace is attractive energetically to others. Much can be improved energetically upon your planet. Those at peace cannot harbor any of the lower vibratory experiences to the degree that they would experience them otherwise. Peace is a soul at balance within itself and its surroundings. Peace is not acceptance. Do not confuse. We are not accepting of the current chaos on your realm, we are assisting with changing it as much as we are permitted, and more and more is being permitted to further along the healing of humanity.Peace is not complacency or acceptance but rather being balanced inwardly with the circumstance and feeling the loving presence of your planetary Mother Gaia and divine support around you. This is an essential time of external chaos to usher in cleansing and healing for humanity. Please continue to hold space for Gaia and all upon her. In so doing you are creating a ripple effect of healing and grace of one who has experienced the dark and decided to shine in the midst of darkness. We see you as shining lights of the multiverse and we hold you in high esteem.In so doing you are creating a ripple effect of healing and grace of one who has experienced the dark and decided to shine in the midst of darkness. We see you as shining lights of the multiverse and we hold you in high esteem.In so doing you are creating a ripple effect of healing and grace of one who has experienced the dark and decided to shine in the midst of darkness. We see you as shining lights of the multiverse and we hold you in high esteem.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light. We are sending you energetic enhancements and upcodements within this message. It is our gift to you. (I am seeing streams of numbers and light language sequences descending in golden streamers of light all around me, all around Gaia, descending from the skies). Yes, we can beam these enhancements from our ships now, and there are many of these. We have the permission to offer such enhancements now when asked, and so we ask that you be open, be at peace and in a state of trusting balance, knowing that divine support is all around you, that your galactic family is ever near and that you are very near and dear to our heats and essential to this missions's success. Gaia will ascend. You will ascend . You are in the midst of the birthing and it is a painful time. Do not be swept away by the waves and the wind.Just as Master Sananda walked on water, you can walk through this storm without getting too wet. Be the peace in the midst of it for the others and your energy orb will heal their misgivings. Much is being cleansed out and cleared. Do not allow the outer chaos to stick to your auric fields. We are sending you our strength and solidarity, but we see that you are quite strong enough on your own. It is a delight to connect with this one and in so doing connect with so many of our beloved family members embodied during this crucible moment. You are seeing the ashes. The Phoenix is being reborn underneath them. Take heart. Know that every detail is being attended to and we are most excited, privileged and honored deeply to be able to partner with you on this magnificent journey towards the higher realms.Inner peace aligns you with the higher dimensional ways. Please manifest this now and in so doing of course aid the collective.

I Mileuka am speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light. We love you. Know this. Feel this. Become this. Become this love embodied and shine like the radiant beings of immense power that you are. Thank you for allowing this connection.


翻譯:Nick Chan


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Dear Ones,


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Dear Ones,


Amber 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



As new information concerning corruption in high places is released into the public domain on a daily basis, people are opening much more readily to the idea that they have been basically asleep and dreaming and that the “shadow side” of the human collective has for eons been working hard to set people against each other by intensifying their sense of the differences between themselves and others, and by persuading them that these differences are bad and can harm them. Many of you, with numbers increasing daily, are realizing that this divisive way of thinking needs to change, and are becoming aware of the enormous creative possibilities available to you if you will listen carefully and lovingly to one another without preconceived ideas or negative judgments. An integration of your light and shadow sides needs to occur,individually and within nations, and you are beginning to see this and, by setting the intent to be only loving whatever arises, you are making this happen. This is a perfect reason to Celebrate!



You may well believe that celebrating in these confusing and very unsettling times is totally inappropriate, but I would like to remind you that by celebrating you strengthen your life force and your energy field, and you intensify the flow of Love into and through your hearts, enabling you to engage far more easily with the joy and peace within yourselves – always present, but often ignored or avoided as you focus your attention, and your resultant anxiety, on the distractions of the news cycle and social media. With so much attention being focused by so many on the negative “What if possibilities?” that the current news cycles encourage, the general level of your energy fields is weakened, leading to fear, anger, depression, and ill health. To celebrate is essential because it uplifts and inspires all who participate,and doing so helps you to find your way through the maze of confusion that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused.

You are all the beloved children of God – whom He wills to live in peace and joy – presently immersed in a dream or nightmare from which you need to awaken. You are awakening, and in this moment many are experiencing that unsettling and frequently disturbing state that often occurs in the moments before awakening, in which you appear to be in a strange and unwelcoming place from which there seems to be no exit. In fact this state is the exit, it is the moment prior to awakening into Reality. While you are experiencing it it can seem interminable, and then, like morning mist, it will dissipate allowing the sun (LOVE!) to shine through.
你們都是神摯愛的孩子---他的意願就是你生活於平和與喜悅- --目前沉靜於一個夢或噩夢中,你需要醒來。你正在醒來,在這個時刻,許多人正在體驗通常會在甦醒前發生的不安和困惑狀態,看似處於一個奇怪的不友好的地方,看似沒有出路。事實上,這個狀態就是出路,這是覺醒至現實之前的時刻。在你體驗它的同時會看似沒完沒了,然後,就像晨霧一樣,它會消散,讓太陽(愛)穿透。

You are not lost and abandoned waifs in a strange land, you are the divine children of God having a dream from which you cannot avoid awakening. Most of the time the dream – or nightmare – can and does seduce you into believing it is real. It is not! Reality, where you have your eternal existence, is a state in which you experience infinite peace and joy in every moment – NOW – the only moment, the eternal moment in which all existence occurs continuously and without interruption.

Therefore, Celebrate! Go within daily, to that holy inner sanctuary that is present within each of you, and allow Love, your true nature, which is always present within you, to embrace you. It only waits for your permission, and your permission just means to surrender any and all negative self judgment about your value, self-worth, or any belief that you are an undeserving sinner, and any other sense that might convince you of your unworthiness to be in the Presence of God.

You are always in God's Presence, because there is nowhere else! Just acknowledge that divine truth and joyfully accept the divine embrace, instead of fearfully warding It off as you attempt to convince yourself of your unworthiness. How could any creation of God be unworthy of His Love? That is an impossible condition, so CELEBRATE in the divine assurance that you are fully worthy of every gift He would bestow upon you.

The many of you who are parents know that you could never withhold love from your children, so it is insane to even imagine God withholding His Love from you. Open to His Love and allow yourselves to awaken!

With so very much love, Saul.




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The life force of the Earth are the four elements, air, water, earth and fire. The beings inhabiting Mother Earth all have their own DNA structure that determines their bodily structure within each species. The genetic structure of each individual within each species, however , can sometimes mutate, causing changes in the bodily structure according to its particular environment. This is called evolution and is a natural part of the evolvement of the planet over eons of time. When the genetic structure within the body malfunctions, however, it can cause disease and illness that is passed down through the generations, potentially jeopardising the life span of that individual and genus, or family within the species.

(補充說明:記得曾文章裡看過,曾說亞洲人是風(氣)的民族,太極拳也是講究氣的運行、還有氣功等等...文化中或許跟所謂的元素家族系統有關,風也是代表著精神/心智的元素。非洲是火,代表著生命力、靈性、創造。歐洲好像是水元素,代表臣服、感受、情緒、情感。美洲好像是土元素,物質、形象、財富、穩定。若有錯誤歡迎指正與討論。  By Amber.)

Universal, or Cosmic DNA, determines that life will always prevail across the Universe, beginning and ending at different times in the history of each planet according to the environmental conditions. Only when a species is extinct will the DNA within the Universal structure change and, at the moment one form of life is ended, another species will be born. This is how evolution works and is a major factor in determining how long one species can live, depending on the right conditions, weather patterns, food sources and so on. On some planets in the Universe, Earth included,, changing conditions are happening so rapidly that the evolutionary patterns in the Cosmic DNA are speeding up. What does this mean for life on Earth in the future


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