Lord Hureon via Galaxygirl | March 6, 2023
Lord Hureon 3/6/2023
I Hureon am speaking. I serve on one of the many high councils within the origin of Andromeda. There is static in your air field. Let me adjust…. Ah, yes, now the space is more open for clear communication. Galaxygirl, do you read me? (Yes I do now, thank you.) We from Andromeda love our earthling brothers and sisters so much and we are offering you our energetic support. I cannot tell you exactly what is happening, for I am not privy to most of it, but from our vantage point I can tell you that it appears that things are heating up. The energetics are aligning nicely for rapid plasma exchange and this will continue to improve and heighten your DNA responses and experiences. You are ascending, this I see and I know. We are actually all in quite a bit of awe of you and your efforts of all that you have been doing. It is so much more than simply being a being of transparency for the light to shine through, or trans-luminate. You are transcending and transmuting the circumstances with alacrity and great speed.
我 Hureon 在說話。我在仙女座起源的眾多高級委員會之一任職。你的氣場中有靜電。 讓我調整…… 啊,是的,現在空間更加開放,可以進行清晰的交流。Galaxygirl,你讀懂我了嗎? (是的,我現在知道了,謝謝。)我們仙女座人非常愛我們的地球兄弟姐妹,我們正在為你們提供能量支持。 我無法確切地告訴你發生了什麼,因為我對其中的大部分內容都一無所知,但從我們的角度來看,我可以告訴你,事情似乎正在升溫。能量學正在為快速血漿交換很好地對齊,這將繼續改善和提高你的 DNA 反應和體驗。 你在提升,我看到了,我知道了。 實際上,我們都非常敬畏你以及你們所做的一切努力。它不僅僅是一個透明的存在,讓光可以透過或透光。你正在以敏捷和極快的速度超越和改變環境。
We from Andromeda extend our great love, for you are our sister galaxy and we know that in a few billion years our galaxies will join into union. We have seen it in our star maps and know that will be yet another expression of oneness and unification. You are experiencing oneness. It may not look like this. But all differences have to be seen and then put aside for oneness to occur. The great healing is becoming more obvious, as those heal their inner child and become healed the energetics shift further, enabling more to find the frequency of home.
我們來自仙女座,延伸我們偉大的愛,因為你是我們的姊妹星系,我們知道在幾十億年後我們的星系將加入聯盟。 我們已經在我們的星圖中看到了它,並且知道那將是一體和統一的另一種表達。你正在體驗合一。 它可能看起來不是這樣的。 但必須看到所有差異,然後將其擱置一旁,以便合一發生。 偉大的療癒正變得越來越明顯,隨著那些療癒他們內在孩子並被療癒的能量進一步轉變,使更多人能夠找到家的頻率。
Many of you do not feel at home in your home, on your earth. I wish to talk about that. You are a diverse being from many systems. Meaning, you have had an experience in many various places. And therefore how can you truly define home? If you are from the Pleiades, the Orion sector, if you are from universes too far to fathom in your reality, and yet it is all you. And so where would your home be? Many of you are so tremendously homesick. I would say it is more of a longing of vibration than of home. For the higher vibrations are your home. You have had these tastes of home of the higher dimensional flow of love and friendship in many times in your life. That is perhaps going to be soothing to tap into, and something you may wish to create more of. Higher vibrational flow is in a way your ticket home, because your ticket has always been about vibration, and the higher you go the closer to Source consciousness. And I know that you know this but I wish for you to really feel this. When you feel you create. There is no need for loneliness if you feel the peace of the higher flow. This is exactly why this experience has been so arduous, for it cut off the feeling of home and created amnesia and pain from the lack of it. This is coming on line now. And this one is saying, ‘we know this, we know, we have heard this, we know it is soon’, and perhaps there is a bit of eye rolling, but we do say you are doing it!
你們中的許多人在你們的家、在你們的地球上沒有賓至如歸的感覺。 我想談談這個。你是來自許多系統的多樣化存在。 意思是,你在許多不同的地方都有過經歷。 因此,如何才能真正定義家?如果你來自昴宿星團、獵戶座區域,如果你來自太遠的宇宙以致無法在你的現實中理解,但它就是你的全部。那麼你的家會在哪裡? 你們中許多人非常想家。我會說這更多的是對振動的渴望而不是對家的渴望。因為更高的振動是你的家。 在你的生活中,已經多次體驗到更高維度的愛與友誼之流的家的味道。深入瞭解這可能會讓人感到舒緩,並且你可能希望創造更多。更高的振動流在某種程度上是你回家的門票,因為你的門票一直是關於振動的,你走得越高,就越接近源頭意識。我知道你知道這一點,但我希望你能真正感受到這一點。當你覺得你創造。如果你感受到更高流動的平靜,就沒有必要孤獨。這正是這段經歷如此艱辛的原因,因為它切斷了家的感覺,並因缺乏家而造成失憶和痛苦。現在正在上線。 這個人在說,‘我們知道,我們知道,我們已經聽到了,我們知道它很快’,也許有點眼花繚亂,但我們確實說你正在做!
I Hureon am speaking. Originally when I introduced myself to this one I said my proper title, or one of them, Lord Hureon. And yet I don’t need to use my title, for I have been many things. I too have been in many stations. I am currently serving in a high level position for my planet and my kingdom, just as you likely have had many high titles and positions. My worth is not in my title. My worth is in my identity as a fractal of the One, the Light, the All. That is my truth, my identity is light. And perhaps these words help you feel home, feel the home of these truths within your being, and that is your sacred space, your truth, your home. No one can be at home unless they feel it. There are many earth houses that are not homes, where there is little love and little light. And there are many wanderers of the paths of self discovery that have little in the ways of possessions but their truth is strong and they are very rich indeed in this. Their home is within them. That is what your prophet Yeshua was speaking of, ‘the kingdom of God is within’. Do you see?
我 Hureon 在說話。 最初,當我向這個人介紹自己時,我說了我的專有頭銜,或者其中之一,Hureon 勳爵。 然而我不需要使用我的頭銜,因為我經歷過很多事情。 我也去過很多車站(stations)。我目前在我的星球和我的王國擔任高級職位,就像你可能擁有許多高級頭銜和職位一樣。我的價值不在我的頭銜中。 我的價值在於我作為一、光、一切分形的身份。那是我的真相,我的身份是光明的。也許這些話幫助你有家的感覺,在你的存在中感受到這些真理的家,那就是你的神聖空間、你的真理、你的家。 除非他們感覺到,否則沒有人可以在家。 有許多不是家的土屋,那裡沒有多少愛,也沒有多少光。 有許多自我發現之路上的流浪者,他們擁有的財產很少,但他們的真理是強大的,而且他們在這方面確實非常富有。 他們的家就在他們裡面。 這就是你們的先知耶穌/約書亞所說的,“神的國度就在裡面”。 你有看到嗎?
And so as Earth becomes more in alignment with her true original purpose, of being a home, a haven for the interdimensional high vibrational wanderer who perhaps needs to sit and rest, and see some lovely scenery as was the original intention. We see these instances as happening, now that all is coming into alignment. That your truth of vibrational alignment as home, will be Gaia’s as well. She is vibrating higher and higher I see, we see this quite easily from our ships. We Andromedans are quite nerdy as you would say. We love our statistical algorithms that are interdimensional in their flux (he continues on and on and I am lost). I see I am out of alignment with my channeler now, as she is not an interdimensional physicist with a penchant for mathematical flow, not at this time anyway. Maybe we will eventually win her over. Where was I?
因此,隨著地球變得更加符合她真正的初衷,即成為一個家,成為跨維度高振動流浪者的避風港,他們可能需要坐下來休息,看看一些美麗的風景,這正是初衷。 我們看到這些實例正在發生,現在一切都在對齊。 你作為家的振動對齊的真相,也將是蓋亞的。 我看到她的振動越來越高,我們很容易從我們的船上看到這一點。 正如你所說,我們仙女座人非常書呆子。 我們喜歡我們的統計算法,它們的變化是跨維度的(他繼續說下去,我迷路了)。 我發現我現在和我的通靈者不一致了,因為她不是一個喜歡數學流的跨維度物理學家,至少現在不是。 也許我們最終會贏得她的芳心。 我在哪裡?
Oh yes, I believe I’m better at leading the council meetings where there is an agenda, than perhaps flee flowing conversing. Dialoging with you is such a delight, I am excited and perhaps getting ahead of myself. Please know that Earth, that Gaia’s success is assured. That March is a big month for you, in many ways that are yet to be revealed and that it is all about flow and energetics of it that will trigger your memories and experiences. Please remember home is already within you. You are Source and you are realizing this. And therefore you are home. Source made everything. Wherever anything is, there is Source. Source fractals are always home when they align with the vibratory frequency energetics of peace, of light, of love.
哦,是的,我相信我更擅長領導有議程的理事會會議,而不是逃避流暢的談話。和你對話真是太高興了,我很興奮,也許是超前了。請知道地球,蓋亞的成功是有保證的。 那個三月對你們來說是重要的一個月,在很多方面還有待揭示,而這一切都是關於流動和能量的,這將觸發你的記憶和體驗。請記住,家已經在你心中。 你是源頭,你正在意識到這一點。 因此你回家了。 源頭成就了一切。 哪裡有什麼,哪裡就有源頭。 當源頭分形與和平、光、愛的振動頻率能量對齊時,它們總是在家。
(He is holding a silver wand with a lot of interestingly shaped glowing buttons on it. He is tall and thin, with white almost light blue skin with a sort of crystal medallion wrapped in gold like a crown on his head. He is wearing blue silver, a uniform with obvious high rank.) Yes, I am not trying to show off, galaxygirl. I am simply offering you an energetic healing. Here are some vibrations of home for you starseeds. I have gathered the vibrational energetics from the most common home worlds where you all hail from and am sending them to you now.
(他拿著一根銀色的魔杖,上面有許多形狀有趣的發光按鈕。他又高又瘦,皮膚白得幾乎是淺藍色,頭上戴著一頂金色的水晶獎章,像皇冠一樣。他穿著銀藍色衣服,明顯高階的製服。)是的,我不是想炫耀,galaxygirl。 我只是在給你一個充滿活力的療癒。這裡有一些星際種子的家的振動。我從你們都來自的最常見的家庭世界收集了振動能量學,現在將它們發送給你們。
Remember star seeds, you are home. Remember you are loved. Remember this is not forever and we support you. You should know that there are many of us from your various home worlds very nearby if that gives you peace. You are not abandoned. You are not alone, very far from it. Gaia is a very populated planet and airspace. Currently it is practically a full parking lot up here. I salute you. I am Hureon.
記住星際種子,你在家。 記住你是被愛的。請記住,這不是永遠的,我們支持你。你應該知道,如果這能給你和平的話,我們中許多人都來自你不同的家鄉世界,就在附近。 你沒有被遺棄。你並不孤單,並不離它很遠。蓋亞是一個人口稠密的行星和領空。 目前這裡實際上是一個完整的停車場。 我向你們致敬。我是Hureon。
~ galaxygirl