目前分類:星際訊息 (707)

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Greetings, my dear beloved children! Well, let us go on talking about the influence on your body produced by the fourth dimension that some of you already find yourselves almost all the time.


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I am the Galactic Center, center of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose Galaxy. This one and I have been sitting in zero space together, in stillness, in union, in peace. This is what I wish to bring through, to facilitate deep inner peace and connection with me, in these times of turbulence and change. Upheaval is present on your world, within the hearts of humankind, but it need not be so. For all are in process of either discovering me, of the connection to the deep inner way of the single walk towards inner unity, or dancing with chaos. The inner chaos of man is only a decision. One makes this decision moment by moment whether they will walk the silent road of individualization and inner stillness, for it is a lonely road, but when one is aware of it they feel the connection to all things and it is a uniting experience. You who have done the work and are able to feel this message are aware. All roads eventually lead to home, to the inner god-spark. Many will not appreciate this for you r religious doctrines have divided, have taught otherwise. They have taught and instilled separation, for that was the game, the experience in this realm of the delusion of separation from Source. You are all fractalized sparks of Source, you are all here to experience what it is that you came to experience. Earth, Gaia, has chosen her experience of ascension. Those upon her who choose are deeply aware and assisting in multidimensional levels, in a myriad of ways.


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Dear brothers of this beautiful blue planet!  WE ARE THE SOLAR BEINGS!


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Awakening your Divine Plan 

The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 



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Thanks to modern technology, new evidence that human civilizations existed on Earth more than ten thousand years ago and earlier, is currently surfacing. This ancient part of the Earth’s history is slow to be recognized and even slower to be accepted, but the evidence can no longer be denied.


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We want to remind you of your purpose and commitment as a soul when you decided to come to Earth. You came here for your love and dedicated service to God, Our Father. Earth is a Spiritual training school where wisdom is learned, God characteristics as a Co-Creator God are developed and the soul learns to align their thoughts and feelings with Universal Laws and Principles of harmony, balance, order and Unity for the good of ALL. There are many distractions here on Earth, purposely designed to strengthen your commitment and to focus your energies in service to God and to others.


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You are so magnificent, dear master. You have far exceeded what you thought possible in this lifetime, although you knew how important this lifetime is as you came forth to be part of this Great Awakening of humanity and yes, the greatest transformation of consciousness that has ever occurred.


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dear heart,The idea of falling in love is a very common and very sweet fantasy. Many people think that the most beautiful moments of their lives are when they fall in love with someone. But I don't think so. The most beautiful thing in life, in my opinion, is having complete freedom to be yourself. And when you don't have any attachment to anything, neither to a person nor to a belief system or to a country, nor to your reputation, your name or anything else, When there is no attachment, then you are free.


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Dear Ones,


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Your Great Adventure | The Creator via Jennifer Farley


(The Creator Writings)

Dearest one…do not give up on hope, faith and Unconditional Love. Do not give up on trust, belief and knowing there is a better tomorrow. The current world you live in may have you believing that those things do not exist anymore, that they are in shreds floating in harsh breeze waiting for their last thread to break so they can float away from your grasping hands.


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Dearest Ones it is time to learn about living in the 5th Dimension. You have been so used to living in a 3rd Dimensional world that you thought that there was no other way of living. In effect you have been living in a cage and now the cage door is open, and you wonder whether to fly out or stay in your comfort zone, inside of the cage.


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The illusion releases, nothing is as it seems to be. Everything has already weathered in order for the new to emerge.


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This is where it really happens. People would just know what an amazing event is about to happen. The shock, joy and surprise will be huge for all people. Even if the war in Ukraine continues for a while, the Russian leader has still eliminated or captured those who tried to eliminate the entire population with bioweapons.


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Jennifer: Hello! Surprise!


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I come on the wings of love! There is much information that is being presented to humanity at this time and it is difficult for each individual to stay focused on their own truth and sense of the rightness of things. For those of you who have eyes to see and ears to hear, you discern that disclosure is happening each and every day, that it is not a one time big event that many of the awakening ones are waiting for instead of standing firm in maintaining their higher frequency and Light each and every day. It is difficult to avoid the stories that distract you at every turn. One has to learn which of these stories and people deserve your precious time and attention and to realize that many of them have their own self promoting agenda in order to gain more viewers and followers.


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Dear friends,I am the voice of the Earth and I am with you. I am always present in your body: in every cell, in every breath, in the blood that flows through your veins, in your feet that touch the ground. You sense my presence, but I so want us to fully meet and to embrace you. I want you to know that you are safe here on Earth.


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When the mind is cleansed, it becomes capable of reflecting the Self.


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Thank you to all who have submitted questions, there were an overwhelming number of them! So please continue to ask them if you do not see your question here in this session.

My time has been rather limited these last two weeks, but if you did not have your question answered, or if you have one you would like to ask, please leave this in the comments section below. For guidance:

-Please try to ask one question only, so others may also have a chance.

-Please ask a question that is also of help to others (if I have time, more so if guided, I may include questions of a personal nature)

-I would like to keep it to 4-5 questions for the entire session, if they are long answers, possibly more if they are short.


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I am the Great Central Sun. I shine my light continuously, effortlessly, steadfastly. I am without change and my light can no longer be hidden. Many of you bright lights are of embodied stars. You are lighting up your Gaia with grace and ease of the masters that you are. You are masters from other civilizations, worlds, realms, dimensions and timelines. Truly you are ‘from a galaxy far, far away,’ and yet we are all connected, as a giant neural network of Source, honing skills, learning, growing, expanding. The universe is eternal, vast and free. So are your souls. You were free to choose the Earth experience and many are choosing to awaken at this time, or to remain unawakened, caught in the dream, which is not always a pleasant one.


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