Awakening your Divine Plan 

The Andromedans via Natalie Glasson

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa 


Greetings, we emanate light, the light of the Andromedans to you. We come forth as the Andromedan’s civilization to be of service to you in this major ascension movement that you are journeying through upon the Earth.

We wish for you to know we are present to support and serve you in every moment of your ascension. It is our purpose and our divine plan, to assist each soul incarnate upon the Earth in achieving their ascension.


To begin this awakening of your divine plan, we the Andromedans first wish to encourage you to spend a number of days, contemplating what your divine plan is. We invite you to ask yourself as you go about your daily reality and also in meditation.
為了開始你神聖計劃的覺醒,我們仙女座人首先希望鼓勵你花幾天時間思考你的神聖計劃是什麼。 我們邀請你在瞭解日常現實和冥想時問問自己。


Let go of any seriousness that may come up. Think of this activity as play, you are playing with the idea of your divine plan. Ask within:
放下任何可能出現的嚴肅性。 把這個活動想像成遊戲,你在玩你神聖計劃的想法。向內詢問:

What is my divine plan? What do I imagine my divine plan to be?
我的神聖計劃是什麼? 我想像中的神聖計劃是什麼?

Let the answers come to you . They will come to you from your mind, from expectations, from the programming of others within your being, from fears, from your personality and from your ego. Each time you recognise a new answer of what your divine plan is or could be, we the Andromedans, invite you to say, ‘Wonderful, I accept and release.’
讓答案來找你。 它們會從你的思想、期望、你存在的其他程序、恐懼、你的個性和小我中來到你身邊。每次認識到你的神聖計劃是什麼、或可能是什麼的新答案時,我們仙女座人,邀請你說,“太好了,我接受並釋放。”


You are celebrating the answer, but also, you are not allowing yourself to attach to it. Therefore, you are opening up the space, it is like decluttering. After a number of days of questioning yourself often, you may have numerous answers, some may seem unusual, some may seem inappropriate, some may seem amazing.


What we invite you to acknowledge is that all of these answers are not your divine plan although they might hold the vibration of your divine plan. Through this practice you will allow yourself to enter into a space. A space that is free from clutter or distraction within your being. A space where you can awaken your divine plan.


You will find yourself settling into this space of peace and contentment, maybe without instruction and automatically because you have completed your searching, you have completed your questioning; you have received so many answers but there is a surrendering. A surrendering into the peace and contentment of your being.


We the Andromedans, then invite you in the few days after this, to only focus upon sitting in or remaining in that space of peace and contentment, even if you do have to instruct your mind and your being to focus upon peace and contentment within your being. We invite you to cultivate this peace and contentment so that it almost feels like a room that you enter into and that surrounds you expansively.


This energy of peace and contentment exists within your being. When you feel that you have activated and awoken the energy of peace and contentment, this is where you call forth your soul, your guides, your soul group and your direct connection with the Creator. Ask within, ‘what is my divine plan?’
這種和平與滿足的能量存在於你之中。 當你覺得已經激活並喚醒了和平與滿足的能量時,這就是你召喚你的靈魂、你的嚮導、你的靈魂群體以及你與造物主的直接聯繫的地方。 問內心,‘我的神聖計劃是什麼?

You may wish to state that you awaken your divine plan. It is in that space, that expansive energy of peace and contentment that the seed of your divine plan will be planted, will grow, will be nurtured, and nourished. The understanding of your divine plan, the embodiment of your divine plan will grow from within you, blossoming into embodiment.
你不妨聲明你喚醒了你的神聖計劃。 正是在那個空間裡,你神聖計劃的種子將被播下、生長和滋養,那是和平與滿足的廣闊能量。 對你神聖計劃的理解,你神聖計劃的化身將從你的內在成長,開花成為化身。


You may gain insights; you may gain understanding, or you may simply gain a sensation of knowingness of your divine plan. Your divine plan is guided by your soul. It is that which your soul wishes to experience upon the Earth and that which your soul wishes to embody or activate.

Many believe their own divine plan has to be so large, so impactful that they miss and cannot see the truth of their divine plan.


A divine plan can be as simple as sharing love with another being or learning how to connect with other people in a simple and truthful way. It may be tending to nature or supporting animals. It could be as simple as living a balanced life, allowing yourself to be happy, or promoting your own health.


It could be letting go of judgment or healing a wound with a relation that has been long-standing spans through lifetimes. Whatever flows to you as an understanding, except it, play with it as if someone has thrown you a ball. Play with it, hold it, feel its texture, throw it up in the air, feel how light it is or how heavy, can it roll, or does it bounce?
它可能是放棄批判,也可能是用一生中長期存在的關係來療癒傷口。任何流向你的理解,與之遊戲,就好像有人給你扔了顆球一樣。 玩耍,握住,感受它的質地,將它拋向空中,感受它的輕重,它可以滾動還是彈跳?


This is what you can do with any answer that you receive in that space of contentment and peace concerning your divine plan.


Try it out and you may find that it does not feel appropriate, if so ask again, going deeper.

You may find that your heart sings with joy. Remember that the divine plan for your own reality, can be immensely simple and it can even be easy to achieve.
你可能會發現你的心在快樂地唱歌。 請記住,為你自己的現實制定的神聖計劃可能非常簡單,甚至很容易實現。


We believe that many of you now are more than capable of accessing your divine plan in this current moment of the Earth’s reality, successfully experiencing and embodying it.

We are present to support you.

We thank you,

We are the Andromedans




傳導:Natalie Glasson



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