

Dear brothers of this beautiful blue planet!  WE ARE THE SOLAR BEINGS!

As always, I have come here, I am ANIMANI, one of these solar beings.  The energy of the Central Sun of Alcyon is fully directed towards this planet.  The Light has already taken over the entire surface of this planet, there are no more holes, no more blockages, nothing to stop the Light from reaching this planet.

Illuminating anything is a difficult process for everyone.  You have lived in the same place for a long time, you do the cleaning, you do the hygiene of that place within the Light that your eyes can see.  But whether you put on a magnifying glass or simply brightly illuminate every corner, you will be surprised at how much dirt is still there.  And you will ask themselves: “But I clean everything, how is this still there?”  It's because it's dirt that you don't see on a daily basis.

So the Light that arrives has this property: to show what was hidden, to show every corner, every shadow that needs to be treated by you.  Many wonder how so much Light comes and this world seems to get worse every day?  Because the lies, the masks, the falsehoods no longer exist, they were simply dissolved and you today have much deeper eyes to see every wrong thing.

This has always been your world, always has been;  it's just that sunglasses were put on you so you wouldn't see too much.  And what about it?  Those people who hid behind the masks, the blocks, the false clothes, are open, they are being seen.  And they don't like it, because that wasn't their intention for so long.  So many rebel, many start to act with extreme violence with each attack they suffer because they are being seen, exactly as they are.

So the energy of reality, of truth, spreads across the planet, it's just that you're not used to seeing the truth so realistically.  You were always deceived that you lived in a fantasy world, in a rosy world and today you see that it was nothing like that.  So there's a lot of revolt.  And why is there the revolt?  Because there is no love in hearts.  Those who can look at all this and understand that everyone makes their own decisions, their own choices, and looks at themselves and accepts all the shadows, all those little corners that need to be cleansed in a loving way, can go through this process of an even light shape.  But the vast majority do not.

Many may ask: “But does the Light bring peace, harmony?”  Yes, when there is love in the heart.  Because when Light finds love in the heart, that being just vibrates Light, vibrates harmony, vibrates balance, vibrates peace, vibrates all feelings compatible with love.  But if there is no love in their hearts, what will they vibrate?  Feelings against the Light.

And the questions continue: “But if the planet is evolving, why so much lovelessness?”  Because not everyone is prepared for evolution.  Those who don't have love in their hearts are being discovered, they are being exposed, there is no hiding anymore.  And these already have the ticket bought for other orbs.  So this separation has to be made.

So never forget, that those who have love in their heart, understand that each one is going through their dark night of the soul.  And each one will go through it within their ability to understand and emanate love.  It is useless for you to want others to go through this whole process, as some of you are going through, having the correct perception of what is happening.

Don't focus on what's going on around you, the attention here has to be on the message.  The surroundings are out of balance, but those who know how to listen don't worry about it.  So follow each one of you on the journey with love in your heart, with Light.  Open your hearts to receive the Light that is coming, intensely.  And be gentle and tender with yourself, with every corner that you realize is extremely dark and that you will have to clean up somehow.

Your shadows are points of your journey, which need to be looked at, treated and finalized.  And the revealed shadow house is a step you take towards ascension.  So don't judge yourself, don't blame yourself, don't condemn yourself;  look at the shadows in the face, but look at them with love and try to learn what is there so that it will never actually appear again.

The moment is now very delicate, it is as if your planet is boiling with energies.  There is a global mix of energies.  Many emanate love, but the vast majority do not;  emanates pain, hunger, anger, hatred, violence… It is up to each one of you to choose which egregore you want to connect with: with the egregore of balance and love or with the egregore of low vibration energies?  It's a matter of choice.  And be aware that with each step forward, you come closer and closer to the vibration of the Fifth Dimension.

So don't look back, don't look at the path you've taken, because looking back is distracting yourself from the path.  And there may be a rock in front of you and you fall.  The direction of the gaze must always be forwards, never backwards, never sideways;  it's forward.  For what purpose?  Your own evolution, your own journey, your own evolution, your own path.  Always attentive, because obstacles are ahead, shadows are appearing and it's no use closing your eyes to them;  they need to be looked at with love and treated.  And be aware that only then will you continue on the road to ascension.

Don't look back, the world back there has nothing that interests you.  Those who are behind on the way will one day get there too.  You cannot pull them.  And do not interrupt your ways for anyone's sake.

Each one has its moment, each one has its understanding, each one has its own road with its own obstacles to overcome.  Don't try to pull anyone, just worry about those who are dependent on you: who are your children;  adults don't.

No one is dependent on anyone, even those who are sick today and who you interpret as dependent on you, they also have their journeys.  And be sure, they won't get in your way, because the time for their freedom will come.  Don't think they like being dependent, they emanate all possible negative feelings about this situation.  Then they too will have their release, they will not be an extra burden on your path.  This will be terrible for them.

So be sure, that at the right time they will get rid of it all.  Each one's journey is already written, so just look out for your children.  And I would say more: in extreme cases, there will always be someone to take care of your children.  Because many will not ascend, but that is not why children will not.  Everything is being monitored and organized.  Just trust the Unconditional Love that we have.  There is no punishment, there is no separation, there is only your choice.




傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias


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