Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, May 19, 2023
19th May 2023. Mike Quinsey.
We have already explained the need to keep positive even when those around are expressing negative opinions because of the hardships they are suffering. It is to be expected when events are often out of their control and bringing about problems that are seriously affecting their quality of life.
Much of it is avoidable but worldwide happenings are difficult to handle when thousands of people are left with a need for food, water, and housing.
It calls for international help but the needs of the people are so immense, even with the best of intentions it is often inadequate. However, as the immensity of the tasks is recognised, slowly but surely matters are being organised so as to ease the immediate problems.
They are not helped by the unnecessary war created by Russia, (1) yet it has brought nations together that strengthens their resolve not to be at their mercy. Be assured that behind the scenes much is happening that will help end the war.
Much of what is happening is down to karma that needs clearing so that the souls involved can learn their lessons and progress towards the Light. We know that many of you have volunteered to help people through this period of upheaval, and you are to be commended for the sacrifices that you are making.
There are many souls helping in all manner of ways that ease the pain that others are feeling. They are to be found at every level of society and you call them the “unsung heroes” whose reward is to achieve the results they work for.
Their main task is to raise people’s hopes and show them how to get through such a demanding time, and assure them that every effort they make will bring acceptable results.
There is still much to be done to remove people from positions of power that are responsible for much of many hardships that are being experienced. So keep good faith in the powers that be that are directing events for the best outcome for all of mankind.
You may still have a period of tension and concerns about the future, but every effort is being made to lead you on to a path that ends with peace. Be assured that it will come, and much time and effort is being spent towards creating the ideal circumstances for it.
你可能仍然有一段時間的緊張和對未來的擔憂,但正在盡一切努力引導你走上一條以和平結束的道路。 請確信它會到來,並且正在花費大量的時間和精力來為它創造理想的環境。
It all takes time and the effort is being put in to create the necessary opportunities needed for its manifestation. You would be pleasantly surprised if you knew how much organisation goes into providing the opportunities you need to progress out of your present troubles.
You are being prepared for a new life that is beyond your present imagination so be assured that all the effort you put in will be well worth it. Indeed you have been aware that previous lives have been a build up for this time, although not every soul has reached that point of readiness and understanding.
你正在為超乎你目前想像的新生活做準備,所以請放心,你付出的所有努力都是值得的。 事實上,你已經意識到前世是為這個時代而建造的,儘管不是每個靈魂都達到了準備好和理解的程度。
That is no problem as there is no disgrace in being slower to evolve, as another opportunity will always come up as each cycle develops and then comes to an end. As the expression goes “you have all of the time in the world” and no one is rushing you and great patience is always shown.
這沒問題,因為進化緩慢並沒有什麼可恥的,因為隨著每個週期的發展和結束,另一個機會總會出現。 俗話說“你擁有世界上所有的時間”,沒有人催促你,總是表現出極大的耐心。
Do you realise that only an aspect of your true self evolves each time you take an incarnation. Once you have agreed to your plan for your next life, you then choose your parents-to-be so that they can take part in your development thus ensuring you are ready to fulfil it. Therefore your Guides are also aware of your needs and work with you to help ensure it all works out as planned.
Obviously there are times when problems arise and every means is used to get you back to your life plan. Realise it is so important that you successfully carry out your tasks, and in so doing you take another step towards a higher vibration that eventually means you no longer have to reincarnate, you have no further need for experiences in the lower vibrations. However, you still continue evolving and your goal is to eventually return to the Supreme Creator.
Probably the most acceptable gain is that you have parted ways with those souls of a much lower vibration who have caused much negativity upon Earth. You might be called upon to return as a Teacher, or some consignment where your experience can be used to great advantage.
All of the great Spiritual Teachers have volunteered because of their great love for Mankind. Helping those who follow on after you often takes place and such souls shine out like a bright Light in the heavens.
Life is by no means a random affair but is highly organised to ensure you get every opportunity to evolve. That is why you need a life plan so as not to waste an opportunity to do so.
You have only to look at the great Masters to see what we mean and appreciate that they are dedicated. They are “Love Incarnate” and the most gentle souls you are likely to meet and a perfect example of what you should aim for in your own life. Do not despair if you find it difficult to maintain a spiritual outlook but be assured every effort you put in will bring nearer to perfection.
你只需看看偉大的大師們,就能明白我們的意思,並欣賞他們的奉獻精神。 他們是“愛的化身”,是你們可能遇到的最溫柔的靈魂,也是你們人生目標的完美典範。如果發現很難保持精神面貌,請不要絕望,但請放心,付出的每一份努力都會使你更接近完美。
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self my God Self, and every soul has the same connection to God.
我帶著愛和祝福留給你,願聖光照亮你的日子和通往完成的道路。 這個信息來自我的高我,我的神我,每個靈魂都與神有同樣的聯繫。
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.
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(1) Steve: With all respect, I do not share this assessment.(恕我直言,我不同意這種評估。)
傳導:Mike Quinsey