I am the Great Central Sun. I shine my light continuously, effortlessly, steadfastly. I am without change and my light can no longer be hidden. Many of you bright lights are of embodied stars. You are lighting up your Gaia with grace and ease of the masters that you are. You are masters from other civilizations, worlds, realms, dimensions and timelines. Truly you are ‘from a galaxy far, far away,’ and yet we are all connected, as a giant neural network of Source, honing skills, learning, growing, expanding. The universe is eternal, vast and free. So are your souls. You were free to choose the Earth experience and many are choosing to awaken at this time, or to remain unawakened, caught in the dream, which is not always a pleasant one.
I am the Great Central Sun. My light cannot be hidden, for I am that I am. You can connect with me deeply for were are of the same light and magnificence. Your world needs more of my light, of your light. Your world has been steeped in great darkness and now, the great light will come, and is here now in waves of pulse-light that you are all experiencing at this time, adjusting, growing, expanding waves of ever increasing intensity. You are deep within the photon belt now where my light is more readily felt. Energetic change is palpable upon your Gaia at this now, and it is time for the old to be released for the expansion of the new to take deep root. Feel my light deep within and let us activate further that which needs to be activated. Let us line up our suns together. (I am seeing the Great Central Sun line up with our galaxy’s central sun, shining light through our sun into our own inner sun and Gaia’s inner sun. All are lined up and there is a great flash of understanding, of lov e, of light. It is very intense.) Allow more photonic light of great change into your physical vessels. All is underway.
我是大中央太陽。我的光無法被隱藏,因為我是我所是。你可以與我深度相連,因為我們是同一個光和輝煌。你的世界需要更多我的光、你的光。你的世界沉浸於巨大的黑暗中,現在,偉大的光已經到來,在你們都在體驗的脈衝波浪中,不管增漲,增加強度。你已經深入光子帶,我的光會更容易被感受到。能量的改變此刻非常明顯,是時候讓舊的被釋放,新的擴張可以紮根。在內心深處感到我的光,讓我們進一步激活需要被激活的。讓我們對齊我們的太陽。 (我看到大中央太陽和我們銀河系的中央太陽對齊,通過我們的太陽把光照射進我們內在的太陽和蓋亞的內在太陽。一切都對齊,有著一個巨大的理解、愛、光的閃爍。它非常強烈。)讓更多改變性質的光子進入你的物理器具。一切都在進行中。
I am the Great Central Sun of all universes, aligned. There are many of us. I am the oldest, most ancient one, holding space for the others as they grow. For all is expansion, all is expanding. (I am seeing the life cycles of a star, appreciating they are alive like I am, learning lessons, assimilating information, forming relationships and networks. The larger stars are so vast that they can hold more of a collective consciousness and I am feeling that many of them are inhabited by higher dimensional beings that reside there, similar to a planet, but because they are of a different dimensional space, their bodies can handle the light. I am seeing light cities within our sun and tall beings of light inhabit them. We are truly all connected. I am feeling truly the universe holding its breath for all that is going on here. We have really been holding everyone back as far as ascending this universe. I am seeing various shifts inter-dimensionally, higher dimensions have so many more planet s and moons and stars and civilizations that we can’t see. The universe is teeming with life. We have been so incredibly limited with everything and all are cheering us on to expand to the next level. The Great Central sun is the activator.) No child, I am that through which the light flows. That is what you are as well. Be that through which the light flows. It is simple. Do not make it complex. As all are one, how could it be any other way? Be that through which the light flows in your life, in your relationships, in your finances, in your service, in your loving. And you will be ready for the grace and final shift from that which is into that which will be. But I say ‘final’ lightly for as eternal beings that word means little. Yes? Do you have other questions?
我是大中央太陽。我們有很多“人”。我是最古老的一個,為他人保持著空間,隨著他們成長。因為一切都在擴張。 (我看到一個星星的生命週期,它和我一樣是活著的,在學習課程,吸收信息,形成人際關係和網絡。比較大的星星是如此巨大,它們可以保持更多的集體意識,我感到它們許多“人”被更高維度的存在居住著,類似於一個行星,但因為它們處於不同的維度空間,它們的身體能夠承受住光。我在我們的太陽上看到了光之城市,高大的光之存在居住在那裡。我們確實都是相連的。我感到宇宙為這裡發生的一切屏住了呼吸。我看到了各種跨維度的轉變,更高的維度擁有更多我們看不見的行星、月亮、星星和文明。宇宙充滿了生命。我們一直都是井底之蛙,一切都在鼓勵我們去擴張到下一個層面。大中央太陽是催化劑。)不,孩子,我是光流通的管道。這也是你的所是。成為光流通的管道。就這麼簡單。不要復雜化它。因為一切都是一,如何會是別的樣子?在你的生活、人際關係、財務、服務、愛中成為光流通的管道。你會為優雅和最終的轉變做好準備。但我是在輕描淡寫地說“最終”,因為對永恆的存在來說那個詞沒什麼意義。對吧?你還有別的問題嗎?
(Great Central Sun, I wish to know more of what to expect.) Child, it has not yet been created. It will be like the greatest of excitements on a Christmas morning. Feel the excitement of a young child running downstairs and about to open presents. Your presents, your gifts of talents, of understandings, of memori
es, of strength, so many things are unfolding for you. Be like the child. Be excited, and be at peace. Have an attitude of this and know that it is already done. Life is a gift. Be this gift to others. Let the light of my love, of the love of All That Is flow through you and be a conduit of change. I am sending you an activation now into your inner star, your inner sun that we may be more aligned together, more in step within this great cosmic dance at this time. Human children, you need more sunlight. Allow the photoreceptors within you to be activated. Feel the green grass under your feet and ground this light into Gaia. You are doing a magnificent job. I am the Great Central Sun.