Thank you to all who have submitted questions, there were an overwhelming number of them! So please continue to ask them if you do not see your question here in this session.

My time has been rather limited these last two weeks, but if you did not have your question answered, or if you have one you would like to ask, please leave this in the comments section below. For guidance:

-Please try to ask one question only, so others may also have a chance.

-Please ask a question that is also of help to others (if I have time, more so if guided, I may include questions of a personal nature)

-I would like to keep it to 4-5 questions for the entire session, if they are long answers, possibly more if they are short.

感謝所有提交問題的人,他們的數量是壓倒性的! 因此,如果你在本次會議中沒有看到你的問題,請繼續詢問他們。在過去的兩周裡,我的時間相當有限,但是如果您的問題沒有得到解答,或者如果您有任何想問的問題,請將其留在下面的評論部分。 指導:

- 請盡量只問一個問題,這樣其他人也有機會。


-如果它們是長答案,我想在整個會話中保持 4-5 個問題,如果問題是短的可能回答更多。


Many channeled messages say that as Gods-in-the-flesh, us humans can have (or create) absolutely anything that we so desire. At the exact same time, we are also told that we cannot override our Higher Self’s plan for this lifetime, and thus, to not insist upon manifesting specific things in specific ways at specific times. On one hand we are told that we have been guaranteed complete and total free will by source creator who never judges any of our creations (i.e. we can use it to freely create both positive as well as negative manifestations). On the other hand, we are told that we can only manifest that which is for our very highest good. Could the Elohim please clarify this paradox for us? Thank you!  


Greetings dear one and to all who are reading this message. We will start with this question as it has such vast scope in all your lives and it is an important one to answer. Firstly, we wish to explain the difference between power over and power from within. You see, most people operate with a mix of these two, not yet able to distinguish them. So, the overlay creates a confusion of what is appropriate and what is not. Power within, is the living of your truth that is you are source energy beings that are whole and one with each and every other soul. That love knows how to balance and co-create in perfect harmony. In this state, there are no pushes and pulls, simply the joy of flow and expansive creativity.


Power over, is a different paradigm altogether. This is the attempt to control, by means of grip or force, whether subtle or impactful, the outer elements in your outer world projection. To do so is done from places of desire that are not of the hearts beingness. This is very much to do with survival and fear-based lack, which of course are illusions of this 3D experiment.
權力控制是一個完全不同的範式。這是試圖通過抓握或力量來控制你外部世界投射中的外部元素,無論是微妙的還是有影響的。這樣做是從不屬於心靈存在慾望的地方完成的。這與生存和基於恐懼的匱乏有很大關係,這當然是3D 實驗的幻想/幻象。


You see, when you incarnated, you deliberately limited yourselves in order to experience what it was like to feel lack and fear. Over time, these grew into conditions of state, so that they became inherent to your living condition. This is where the overlay of the two can be tricky. On one hand, your deep truth knows how to move, create and balance with everyone harmoniously. But your fear-based survival of lack and need plays over this as it impulses you to need, want and feel that you will have lack if they are not satisfied.


This is why we always encourage you to go within as often as you can and regain the knowingness, the innateness of power within, the knowingness of how to naturally balance with all others. So the paradox you speak of is actually one of confusion due to the overlaying of these two principles, one based in your inner core truth, the other as an outer directed survival based action. As you evolve, you will naturally move into power within, and the tendencies you have learned as power-over, will disappear.



If two creator Gods are simultaneously using their free will (to achieve exactly opposite results) whose free will is the one that wins? A simple, yet perhaps crude example here would be, say a guy really likes a girl, and is attempting to manifest her in his own life. At the same time, the girl has absolutely no interest in this guy whatsoever, and therefore, her free will stands as a roadblock to the guy’s free will (as a God-in-the-flesh) to experience absolutely anything he so desires. Whose free will would win here? And if one of them loses, doesn’t that mean that they were denied the ability to create their own reality as creator Gods, thereby furthering ideas such as lack and victimhood? Thank you!  


We would like to further clarify the difference between power-within and power-over. You see, as creator beings, you are truly quantum in your innate state. This means that you have access to all possible quantum realities you wish to align yourself with. As power-within, if there is an outcome or reality you wish to experience, you simply go within, and create the alignment with that reality. You can do this by visualization, but more importantly, feeling for the vibration of that reality. Let the feeling saturate you, and by doing so, you will begin the process of ‘aligning’ yourself with that reality. This is what it means to be a creator of realities, there is nothing that you cannot align yourself with, and so nothing you cannot create. When you follow the love of your heart, and feel for the love of the reality you wish to experience, in this way, you would be aligning yourself with the co-created love reality of that person, through a joined love of a co-created reality, an aspect of which, they are also in. You see, love reaches for love. And by practicing aligning with realities through love, you are operating in pure power-within to experience anything you would love to. And if there is a reciprocal wish to join you in that co-created reality, they will, if not, you must allow for that.


Power-over is vastly different. This ignores the power-within of reality creation and aligning you have, and goes straight to controlling the outer objects that appear in your current reality projection, regardless of what they wish for. This dishonors the free will and current state of what you see around you and attempts to ‘make’ it, whether subtly or by sheer force, do what you will it to do. This is not an act of inner-power love creation, but physical force to force something to happen that may not wish it.
And so, in the instance of your question, when you have the two possibilities overlayed, power-within and power-over, this creates confusion, as you have shared in your question. We understand this is difficulty almost every human faces daily. You see you are moving to solely to power-within, but also simultaneously letting go of old power-over struggles.

Another perspective on this is to understand that ultimately no one wins a power-over struggle, even though it may appear otherwise. You see, in your inner world, you are one with the soul you are attempting a power-over struggle with, and so you are power struggling with another aspect of yourself. And so how can you win against yourself, you cannot. Both aspects of you suffer as a result.
When you move to power from within, from there, your true desires are always met, because from there, those desires include the very best intent towards all other aspects of yourself, and they to you.
We understand that this is a difficult one for humans as your breadth of emotion is strong and vast, and so discerning from where your desires are coming from is a challenge.

So, we would recommend this also. If you are in confusion about how to act or approach a situation. Come away, find a quite place, go into meditation. Breathe yourself deep into your heart center. Ask your higher self to help you see and perceive the situation as to how your high heart, you innate self sees and feels about it. You Can then ask the higher aspect of that person if they wish to join you in a co-created reality of being together in partnership. If it is on their hearts wishes to do so, they will.
But we ask you to always be aware when you are slipping into pull or force, that is an aspect of lower, power-over desire, and is not an aspect of power-within harmony.
所以,我們也會如此推薦。如果對如何採取行動或處理某種情況感到困惑。離開那個情境,找個安靜的地方進入冥想。將自己深深地呼吸到你的心之中央。 請求你的高我來幫助你看待、感知你更高的心,你與生俱來的內我如何看待和感受。然後,你可以詢問高我是否願意加入你共同創造的合作現實中。如果他們心裡願意這樣做,他們就會這樣做。


We ask you to daily practice going within and harnessing your ability to create and align realties in a quantum way, the way of your heart’s true desires.

And so, you are not forcing of coercing anyone or anything, you are attuning yourself to the specific, among many countless possible realities, which is the one you wish to experience. And your heart knows how to synergize and flow with all others in complete allowing



Do most children under 5 experience ‘bleed throughs’ of previous lives before they learn to forget? Is this a thing? Does it only happen to some children or to all but they are not all aware?
大多數 5 歲以下的孩子在學會忘記之前、是否會經歷前世記憶的影響? 有這麼一回事嗎? 它是只發生在一些孩子身上還是發生在所有孩子身上,但他們並不都知道?


Dear one, many of your children are indeed coming through with remarkable abilities, this is wonderful to our eyes, as you might call it. Most children are so innately living this truth, they do not consider it a super ability, it is normal. And for them, it is strange for them to witness others who cannot. These children are integrating largely seamlessly. There are some that fall slightly into unknowingness again, depending on the loving and free nature of their upbringing, or otherwise. Nurture and encourage these children, they are special gifts to you and show you a form of being that you will soon attain for yourselves. This is one of the reasons Yeshua once said ‘be the innocence of a child’.
親愛的,們許多孩子確實具有非凡的能力,這對我們來說是美妙的,正如你所說的那樣。大多數孩子天生就活在真理中,他們不認為這是一種超能力,這是正常的。對他們來說,看到其他人不能見證是很奇怪的。這些孩子在很大程度上是無縫整合的。有些人會再次陷入不知情,這取決於他們成長過程中的愛、自由或其他本質。培養和鼓勵這些孩子,他們是給你們的特殊禮物,並向你展示將很快為自己實現的存在形式。 這也是耶穌曾經說過“做一個純真的孩子”的原因之一。



Regarding departure, what is with the manifestations of visiting essences of others in old clothes seen by the departing before departure? Is this real or imagined?


As with all things, such visions are presented to you as that which is most suited to you. The universe knows you and it tailors itself to meet your highest needs. But there is also another aspect of this, which is the replaying of events that carry high amounts of emotional charge. You see, space around you carries the information of all experience, until healed, this is why many see replays of the wounded near that which you call battlegrounds. Until that space is healed and brought back into harmony, replays can occur. And such is similar where an event has occurred where great charge or attachment has been. This, dear ones, is why it is needed to heal and clear spaces, so harmonious and rhythmic function can return to those spaces.
與所有事物一樣,這些幻象會以最適合的方式呈現。宇宙了解你,它會自行調整以滿足你的最高需求。但這還有另一個方面,那就是重播帶有大量情緒的事件。 你看,周圍的空間承載著所有經驗的信息,直到痊癒,這就是為什麼許多人在你稱之為戰場的地方看到傷員的回放。在該空間得到治癒並恢復和諧之前,可能會發生重播。在發生重大指控或依戀事件發生的情況下,情況也是如此。 親愛的,這就是為什麼需要它來治癒和清理空間,使得和諧、有節奏的功能可以回到這些空間。



Regarding stepping into space time distortions where I have walked and stepped into a future state, how can I learn to manifest the distortion to last longer and be able to interact within it to make it more manifestable. Is this possible? 
關於我已經走過並踏入未來狀態的時空扭曲,我怎樣才能學會顯化扭曲以持續更長時間、並能夠在其中互動以使其更顯化。 這可能嗎?


For this we will say, please see the above information regarding practicing using power-within and understanding you are a quantum creator, that can align yourself to any reality you wish. Power-within is your greatest power, it is the power of love. Many struggle with manifestation, as you are largely still using power-over programs that quickly diminish your abilities and leave you putting much energy into something that comes to little. Power-within is purely effortless, and as a sign you’re on the right track, if you feel you’re making effort, you’re slipping back into power-over. Power-over takes energy, effort, and a lot of it, as many you realize. Power-within is joyful, flowing and fun!
為此,我們會說,請參閱上述有關練習使用內在力量的信息,並了解你是一個量子創造者,可以使自己與希望的任何現實保持一致。 內在力量是你們最大的力量,它是愛的力量。 許多人都在與顯化作鬥爭,因為你在很大程度上仍在使用權力控制程序,這些程序會迅速削弱你的能力,讓你將大量精力投入到一些無足輕重的事情上。內在權力完全不費吹灰之力,作為你走在正確軌道上的標誌,如果你覺得自己在"努力",那麼你就會重新回到權力控制中。正如你所意識到的那樣,超越需要精力、努力和很多東西。內在力量是快樂的、流動的和有趣的!



How can I heal the pain of others when my old body is getting past its best before date?


Dear one, we appreciate your question, but we ask you to consider where your true soul intent lays with regard to your healing. For example, we see many depleting themselves in an attempt to help others, but forget themselves. Dear ones, healing yourselves is also an act service, because the vibration you will offer to others by solving your difficulties will by its nature, offer solutions to others. So, we offer this advice. Make sure, before you offer healing to others, that this is that which your higher self-wishes. Or, does you higher self-prefer you to receive yourself first. For an analogy of the lighthouse, if it has not been taken care of, how can it provide the level of light and help needed to those around looking to avoid rocky waters? You are transmitters of light dear ones, make sure your lighthouses are in good working order, and in doing so, you will be able to provide greater help to those navigating the waters around you.
親愛的,我們感謝你的問題,我們請你考慮你真正的靈魂意圖在治癒方面的位置。例如,我們看到許多人為了幫助他人而消耗自己、忘記了自己。 親愛的,治癒自己也是一種服務行為,因為你通過解決困難而提供給他人的振動本質上會為他人提供解決方案。 所以,我們提供這個建議。在你為他人提供治療之前,請確保這是你更高自我所希望的。 或者,你是否更喜歡你、先接受自己。 以燈塔為例,如果它沒有得到照顧,如何為周圍尋求避開岩石水域的人提供所需的光源和幫助? 親愛的,你們是光的傳送者,確保你們的燈塔處於良好的工作狀態,這樣做,將能夠為那些在你們周圍水域航行的人提供更大的幫助。



I found your blog in my search for answers about the Elohim. I have been going through my old journals, gathering information for my next book. I came across an experience I’d forgotten about, mainly because I didn’t understand it and was unable to get more information at the time. I’m wondering if Davey could channel the Elohim to help me get clarity. I will happily pay him for a session. I haven’t been able to find many people who channel the Elohim or are knowledgeable about them. I really didn’t know anything about the Elohim when I had this first experience in 2016. Here’s my journal entry:
我在尋找有關耶洛因的答案時發現了你的部落格。我一直在翻閱我的舊日記,為下一本書收集信息。 我遇到了一個我已經忘記的經歷,主要是因為我不了解它,並且當時無法獲得更多信息。 我想知道Davey是否可以引導耶洛因來幫助我弄清楚。我很樂意付錢給他一個療程。 我找不到很多引導耶洛因或了解祂們的人。 當我在 2016 年第一次體驗時,我真的對耶洛因一無所知。這是我的日記:

2016 年 8 月 30 日










Dear one, we reached out to you as you have an Elohim lineage, as do some of you reading this. Many of us are here incarnate to assist earth in this great time of monumental change. We dearly love you all, and wish to help in the ways we can. For those of you drawn to connect with us, please do so. And even if you do not, we dearly enjoy the moments we get to connect with you.


In regards to your specific questions, your kundalini energy was being activated. This is both a sexual energy and a profoundly powerful creative energy, which your ancient cultures knew very well, particularly the Mayans, Lemurians and Atlanteans. There are more, but we wish to say you were given a powerful jump forward and we encourage any who are reading this, to ask for our help, or those you feel happy to work with, in helping you move forward.

Dear ones, there is so much we are eager to offer you, but we must first gain your asking. Please know that while much is automatic as per your path agreements, there is so much more that we and others can offer you, but you must ask.

Our wish is to make your path as happy, joyful and as fun as possible!

As to your message from your higher self. Indeed, you are experiencing such times now. And we wish you to understand that you are breaking down an old and ancient system of control and power-over. The seas in this experience can be, and are at time, very turbulent. You are moving into power-within, and this means embracing and integrating all aspects of you within.


And on this subject, we very passionately and strongly recommend you all practice meditating on bridging to and merging with your multidimensional selves. One suggestion we have for you is to first ask for a cocoon of light of your fifth dimensional love light truth, feel it saturate your cells, your bodies, your beingness, your soul. Then ground this energy into Gaia. It is important to emphasize that the feeling of this is important. Feel Gaia’s core love light blend back with you and merge with you. When you are guided to, do the same with your sixth dimensional aspects and so on. Go as high as you feel guided to so that you connect all the way to your source self. Sometimes you may be guided to stop and let the integration happen until the next time you do this. Remember, there are no should and should nots, just follow the pure joy of your higher selves and you flow as you should.

If you do this daily, you will be anchoring such peace and harmony not only in yourselves, but in the earth and in others who are struggling.


So to you dear one that asked this question, you are doing wonderful work, as you all are. If only you could truly see the affects you are having.
因此,親愛的,對於提出這個問題的你來說,你正在做著出色的工作,就像你們所有人一樣。 如此你將能真正看到你正在產生的影響。


End of Session 1




Q&A with the Elohim; Session 1 – Era of Light 



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