The Plan for PlanE.T. Earth ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。
We are in agreement with so many other beings and collectives here in the higher realms when it comes to your ascension and how you are doing in regards to your ascension. We have come to so many agreements about what our level of involvement should be and how we can help without interfering, and we are also in agreement about the progress that you are making there with what we and others like us have been giving you. We can state with certainty that the level of consciousness on your world right now is higher than it ever has been.
當涉及到們你的揚升以及在揚升方面的表現時,我們與更高領域的許多其他存有和集體達成一致。我們已經就我們的參與程度、以及如何在不干涉的情況下提供幫助達成了如此多的協議,我們也同意你們在那裡取得的進展、以及我們和其他類似的存有一直在給你們的東西。 我們可以肯定地說,你們世界現在的意識水平比以往任何時候都高。
Now, you might look around and wonder how that can be, given that people are still engaging in acts of violence, hating one another, and holding very racist beliefs. These are just a few examples of the lower vibrational consciousness that also still exists on your world. But your overall level of consciousness is calculated by putting all of the higher thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and actions together with all the rest. And what this really means is that those of you who are conscious and awake are completely pulling the rest of humanity up with you into the higher realms, into the fifth-dimensional frequency range.
現在,你可能會環顧四周,想知道這怎麼可能,因為人們仍在從事暴力行為、互相仇恨並持有非常種族主義的信仰。 這些只是你們世界上仍然存在的較低振動意識的幾個例子。 但是你們的整體意識水平是通過將所有更高的思想、信念、感受與行動、和所有其他因素放在一起計算出來的。這真正的意思是,你們中那些有意識和清醒的人正在完全把其他人和你們一起提升到更高領域,進入第五維度的頻率範圍。
This was always the plan for your ascension; this was always the plan there on planet Earth. You were always meant to be the ones doing the majority of the work on raising the level of consciousness for all of humankind. And why is that, you might wonder? Well, we are happy you asked. Source, and everyone there who is an individuated representation of Source all want variety and diversity so much more than sameness, and it is a much bigger feat to attain unity consciousness when there are those who are operating in that low-vibrational level of consciousness. You also get to experience what it is like to lift those human beings up through the tractor beam of your love and light, and that right there is an experience worth having.
這一直是你們揚升的計劃; 這一直是地球上的計劃。 你們總是注定要成為提高全人類意識水平大部分工作的人。 你可能想知道為什麼會這樣? 好吧,我們很高興你提出這個問題。 源頭,以及那裡每個作為源頭個體化代表的人都想要多樣性,而不是千篇一律,當有那些在低振動意識水平下運作的人時,獲得統一意識是一個更大的壯舉。 你也會體驗到,通過你的愛與光的牽引光束提升那些人類是什麼感覺,而這正是一種值得擁有的體驗。
It is an experience that is so worth having that you would be willing to create the chaos and the terrible circumstances that exist there on your world in many corners of Earth. This is your time to not only rise up, but it is also your time to take so many with you and to feel the feelings that come along with being of service in that most profound way that you are. And in case you are wondering, yes, we are speaking directly to you as a member of the awakened collective. You are doing your fair share just by holding a higher vibration, just by being in that higher level of consciousness that you have been able to attain in this lifetime. It is enough, you are enough, and you are doing enough, so now go and relax so you can vibrate even higher.
這是一種非常值得擁有的體驗,以至於你願意在地球的許多角落製造存在於你的世界上的混亂和可怕的環境。現在不僅是你站起來的時候,也是你帶著這麼多人一起去感受伴隨著以你最深刻的方式服務而帶來的感受的時候。 如果你想知道,是的,我們作為覺醒集體的一員直接與你交談。只要保持更高的振動,只要處於你這一生能夠達到的更高意識水平,你就在盡你的一份力量。 夠了,你夠了,你做得夠多了,所以現在去放鬆一下,這樣你就能振動得更高。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton