The 12/12 Energies & Preparing You for 2023 ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。
We are very excited about the energies coming in at this time for humanity. We know that you are all utilizing the energies appropriately, because those of you who are awake also desire great changes for the human collective there on Earth, and you want to see people thriving and living lives of joy, freedom, and excitement. You have been anchoring in these energies for the collective, and we appreciate all of you for that. Now you can brace yourselves for the next wave of energies at this time and that will peak on December 12th, the moment when the 12/12 portal is open completely.
我們對此時為人類而來的能量感到非常興奮。 我們知道你們都在適當地利用這些能量,因為你們中那些覺醒的人也渴望地球上的人類集體發生巨大變化,你們希望看到人們欣欣向榮,過著快樂、自由與興奮的生活。 你們一直在為集體錨定這些能量,為此我們感謝你們所有人。現在你可以為下一波能量做好準備,這將在 12 月 12 日達到頂峰,12/12 門戶完全打開的那一刻。
The energies that are pouring in through that portal is about assisting those who are ready to receive the energies, and the assistance they bring is to amplify your ability to channel all higher-frequency energies. These energies will help you to go to the next level of your consciousness by helping you to handle physically and emotionally so much more than you’ve been capable of handling up until now. That means you are getting upgrades to your chakras, to your energy meridians, to your cells, to your entire bodies, as your bodies are the vessels for these energies and you need to be in tiptop shape to handle what is coming to you in 2023.
通過那個門戶湧入的能量是關於幫助那些準備好接收能量的人,而他們帶來的幫助是放大你引導所有更高頻率能量的能力。 這些能量會幫助你在身體和情感上處理比你迄今為止所能處理的更多的事情,從而幫助你進入意識的下一個層次。 這意味著你的脈輪、能量經絡、細胞、整個身體都在升級,因為你的身體是這些能量的容器,你需要保持最佳狀態來應對 2023 年即將發生的事情。
You need to be able to handle the energies that are coming to you from extraterrestrials, especially those you will be standing right in front of. You will need to have the capacity to handle what they are emanating. And so, as you move into 2023, you do want to make a commitment to yourselves to eat healthier, to drink more water, and to be more grounded in your bodies. You do want to commit to moving your bodies and connecting with Mother Earth and Mother Nature because all of these things will also be assisting you in handling the higher-frequency energies that are coming in and that you have agreed to anchor in for the rest of humanity.
你需要能夠處理來自外星人的能量,尤其是那些你將站在他們面前的能量。你需要有能力處理他們發出的東西。 因此,當你進入 2023 年時,你確實想對自己做出承諾,讓自己吃得更健康、喝更多的水、讓身體更加紮實。你確實想致力於移動身體並與地球母親和大自然母親聯繫,因為所有這些事情也將幫助你處理正在進入的更高頻率能量,你已經同意在接下來的時間裡錨定人性。
Now, this is not just an act of service, because you also get to enjoy the feeling of those energies running through you. There is something to be said for being on the leading edge. You get to try everything out first, and you get to have the experience of leading, rather than following. Those of you who have been called upon to lead will expand your abilities in that department in 2023. And you are going to show humanity what the best-feeling timelines are for ascension because you will be examples to everyone of how to live in harmony with their transformation.
現在,這不僅僅是一種服務行為,因為你還可以享受那些能量流經的感覺。處於領先地位是有話要說的。你要先嘗試所有事情,然後就會有領導經驗,而不是跟隨。 你們中那些被要求領導的人將在 2023 年擴展你們在那個部門的能力。你們將向人類展示揚升的最佳感覺時間線是什麼,因為你們將成為每個人如何與他們的轉變和諧相處的榜樣。
You have been practicing for this your whole lives, and you are ready to go to that next level, and you are ready to take humanity to that next level, and we join you in that. We join you in your enthusiasm for it, and we are gathering together all of our friends and colleagues to help bring about the great changes that still have yet to come, but are right around the corner for all of you there on Earth. These are exciting times, and what is being asked of you right now is to relax even in the exciting times. You can relax and let go; you can open up and receive. And you can prepare yourselves in all the ways that you know how to for these beautiful 12/12 energies that are already upon you and that will peak on December 12th.
你們一生都在為此而練習,你們已經準備好進入下一個層次,準備好將人類帶到下一個層次,我們和你們一起參與其中。 我們加入你們對它的熱情,將我們所有朋友和同事聚集在一起,幫助實現尚未到來的巨大變化,但對地球上所有人來說,這些變化已經迫在眉睫。 這些都是激動人心的時刻,現在要求你的是即使在激動人心的時刻也要放鬆。 你可以放鬆,放手; 可以打開並接收。 你們可以用知道的所有方式為這些已經在你身上、並將在 12 月 12 日達到頂峰的美麗能量做好準備。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton