DECEMBER 12, 2021
Dear readers, welcome to our message.
Know that many in the higher dimensions are observing and guiding during these times of change and confusion. Know that you are never alone and are greatly admired for your courage and strength in choosing to become part of earth's ascension process in order to bring forth a more enlightened collective consciousness.
Everything on every level of ordinary life is changing because collective consciousness is changing. This is effecting those awake as well as those who are not with regard to familiar holiday rituals and celebration. Because consciousness is the substance of form, you may be experiencing a sense of inner confusion and lack of excitement with regard to the Christmas or Hanuka traditions, beliefs, and concepts you previously loved and engaged whole heartily in.
In spite of this, many are attempting to keep familiar holiday rituals firmly locked in place in the belief that this will make everything feel "normal" again. Fear drives resistance to change. Retail markets fear financial loss and so continue to promote gift buying as being equal to love. Media outlets play loud holiday music and televisions rerun emotional holiday films.
If these things no longer resonate with you or fail to put you in a holiday mood, understand that you have not suddenly become a "Grinch" but rather it is that your energetic signature is no longer in alignment with many things that resonate with old energy. As you spiritually evolve, many of the traditions you grew up with or celebrate with family, friends, or some special group during the year not just at Christmas, will automatically begin to feel less important or fulfilling.
This can cause problems in families or among friends who remain committed to the importance of continuing holiday traditions exactly has they always have. As with all things in life, do not resist or make a big scene regarding family celebrations, gift exchanges, or traditions but rather lovingly participate as you choose, while holding your highest truth and using these occasions to practice knowing the truth about those around you.
Do not endow activities you not longer fully embrace with power. Never believe that your participation in some family tradition that is important to others will effect your attained state of consciousness or separate you from who and what you are. However, you always have free will to choose. Never allow yourself to be bullied into doing something but when you make a choice that may be confusing to others do it with love and respect to their beliefs.
Allow the process to unfold dear ones, both within and without and accept that things will never
again be exactly as they once were because the energy of collective consciousness has changed and it is because of you, which is your purpose for being on earth at this time. Everyone waking up to or holding truth in consciousness is automatically adding Light to the collective.
允許這個過程展開,無論是內在還是外在,並接受事情永遠不會再次和以前一模一樣,因為集體意識的能量已經改變,而且是因為你,這是你此時在地球上的目的。 每個在意識中醒來或持有真理的人都會自動將光添加到集體中。
There is much to come and much has already taken place that you are as of yet unaware of causing you to believe that nothing is happening. Do your work, go about your business, carry on with the ordinary activities that life presents awhile acknowledging the reality of who you and those around you are. In the midst of every personal and global crisis hold firmly to the fact that you and every person on earth is an expression of Divine Source/God and as such embody all that IT is.
有很多事情要發生,很多事情已經發生,你還沒有意識到讓你相信什麼都沒有發生。 做你的工作,做你的事,繼續生活中的日常活動,同時承認你和周圍的人的現實。 在每一次個人和全球危機中,堅定地堅持這樣一個事實,即你和地球上的每一個人都是神聖源頭/神的表達,並因此體現了它的全部意義。
The process of spiritual evolution as done through third dimensional energy is one in which the experiences of many lifetimes serve to eventually open and push a person's state of consciousness to where they are able to translate human thought and experiences into their higher truth until at a certain point the truths that they have been practicing, pondering, and living become an attained state of consciousness and begin to manifest on all levels as the person.
Examples of translating appearances--"I feel pain, but I know that God knows nothing about pain and never formed ITself as pain. I am broke but I know that the reality of my being is self sustaining and self maintaining Divine Consciousness which is infinitely compete and whole. I have no friends, partner, lover, etc. but I realize that since God is ONE, I can never be separate from the companionship of the ONE expressing Itself as the many. I have no home, but I know that I can never be separate from my perfect home which is Divine Consciousness."
These are only a few examples of how to translate the outer scene into the truth as you go about your daily life. It takes practice because even though in reality time does not exist, in the third dimension everything works in time.
There comes to every spiritual seeker a cross road at which they must decide if they want to live the truth they know or continue relegating what they have learned to conversation with metaphysical students in ever more classes, or at the dinner table. It is much easier to go along with collective thinking on just about all topics and yet at a certain point most find that their spiritual awareness no longer allows them to completely relax and enjoy engaging in collective thought with others.
For most of you the period of time in which you could decide to live or not live truth is over because like it or not, the evolving energy of earth is bringing everyone to where they no longer resonate with much that they previously perfectly aligned with--certain foods, entertainments, books, groups, friends, jobs, beliefs etc. At a certain point every evolving soul simply begins to live the higher frequencies because they have integrated them into their energy field which is the goal of the evolutionary process.
對於你們中的大多數人來說,你可以決定是否活出真理的時間段已經結束,因為不管你喜不喜歡,地球不斷進化的能量正在把每個人帶到一個他們不再與他們以前完全一致的地方產生共鳴的地方—— -某些食物、娛樂、書籍、團體、朋友、工作、信仰等。在某個時刻,每個進化的靈魂只開始生活在更高的頻率中,因為他們已經將它們整合到他們的能量場中,這是進化過程的目標。
What makes this ascension process unusual and is causing it to be of such interest to those of other planets is that you are going through the ascension process in your material bodies rather than having to die first.
Your true and eternal body is one of Light. This real body is always fully present even though you entertain a material concept of it. As consciousness evolves and you are able to more fully to realize this, the Light body will begin to increasingly manifest as and through the material sense of body. Just as you are abundance, completeness, wholeness, intelligence etc, you are the perfect Divine Idea body, a body that knows no flaws, deformity, disease, or pain. This real body is God individualized and you can never lose it because it is you being an expression of God. It is what leaves the material concept of body at the time of death.
We have often told the true story of Christmas but will do it once again for those who are not aware of the deeper meaning of Christmas as well as for those who need a reminder. Christmas is not one man's story but is every person's story as interpreted through human thinking as Christmas.
我們經常講述聖誕節的真實故事,但對於那些不了解聖誕節更深層含義的人以及需要提醒的人,我們會再講一次。 聖誕節不是一個人的故事,而是每個人的故事,就像聖誕節一樣通過人類的思維來解釋。
The Birth of the Christ (Light Consciousness) is the story of every soul's spiritual awakening which usually manifests in times of duress or loss of material good (stable) because the the birth of individual Christ consciousness cannot take place in a consciousness already filled with ego and false beliefs (no room at the Inn). The birth of Christ consciousness is easily recognized by those of higher spiritual consciousness who at this point step in to assist the fragile new awakened state of consciousness with gifts of support, strength, understanding, and knowledge--(the three kings).
Those of a lower resonance (Herod) always fear and feel threatened in the presence of Christ Light and seek to kill or eliminate it any way they can (law, propaganda, societal pressure) and so the newly born and not yet fully developed state of consciousness must for a period of time be kept secret and hidden in order for it be safe as it grows into a strong and highly evolved state of consciousness--the Christ.
那些較低共振的人(希律)總是害怕並感到基督之光的存在,並試圖以任何可能的方式殺死或消除它(法律,宣傳,社會壓力),因此新生且尚未完全發展的狀態 意識必須在一段時間內保持秘密和隱藏,以便在它成長為強大且高度進化的意識狀態——基督時是安全的。
Those seeking to eliminate truth can only eternally fail for Truth is a Reality that can be hidden, ignored, and denied but never changed, removed, or effected in any way.
Sending you love, light, and recognition during this celebratory time.
We are the Arcturian Group 12/12/21
文章來源: Newest (