The Time Between Now & the End of 2022 ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton


the time between now & the end of 2022 - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。


We are very happy to share with you these transmissions. We are happy to share them for a variety of reasons. We like the experience of expressing ourselves, of sharing our truths, and we love being of service. We also enjoy the process of seeing who exactly is going to receive the transmission, and we also enjoy observing what each person does with the transmission. There is so much more being given to you than just words, concepts, ideas and teachings, and we want you to know that you are in receipt of transmissions of energy every single day. 
我們很高興與你們分享這些傳輸。 出於各種原因,我們很樂意分享它們。 我們喜歡表達自己、分享我們的真理體驗,我們喜歡為人們服務。我們也喜歡看到究竟誰將接收傳輸過程,喜歡觀察每個人對傳輸做了什麼。給予你們的不僅僅是文字、概念、想法和教導,我們希望你知道你每天都在接收能量傳輸


When you tune in to the energies that are upon you, that’s when you know you have more to work with than usual. If you tune in to yourself, you can also feel that you are more capable, than you were the last time you tuned in to yourself, of handling the energies and doing something positive with them. It is what you do with what you are given that this life is all about. To put it another way, it is what you do with you have chosen for this life that is what this life is all about. You knew what you were getting yourself into because you saw it; you saw down the timeline you were about to inhabit, and you knew who your parents would be, but you also knew who your siblings and best friends and so on would be. You didn’t know what you would do with the life. 
當你調諧身上的能量時,就會知道你比平時有更多的工作要做。 如果你調整自己,也會覺得你比上次調整自己更有能力處理能量並用它們做一些積極的事情。 這就是你用你所得到的做的,這就是生活的全部。換句話說,你為這一生選擇了什麼,這就是這一生的意義所在。你知道正在讓自己陷入什麼,因為你看到了它; 你看到了即將居住的時間線,你知道你的父母是誰,但你也知道你的兄弟姐妹和最好的朋友等等。你不知道你會用生命做什麼。


That part is not something that can be predicted. It is not foreseeable, and it cannot be predicted because there is free will. You have free will, which allows you to choose what you do with what you are given. That free will is precious. It is a gift, and it is one that you start to utilize the moment that you wake up to the truth that you are creating all of this with more than just your thoughts, words and actions. You are creating all of this with your intentions, your choices, your vibration, and where you place your focus. You are creating all of this with energy, and whenever you have more energy upon you, there is more that you can create. 
那部分不是可以預測的。它是不可預見的,也無法預測,因為存在自由意志。你有自由意志,它允許你選擇用你得到的東西做什麼。 這種自由意志是寶貴的。 這是一份禮物,當你意識到正在創造這一切的那一刻,就開始利用它,而不僅僅是你的思想、言語和行動。 你正在用你的意圖、選擇、振動以及你的關注點來創造這一切。 你正在用能量創造這一切,只要你身上有更多的能量,就可以創造更多。


There is more that you can do right now because of where you sit energetically. At this point in your calendar year, you have so many energies that you are working with. There is so much you can accomplish from right where you are, and you are being prompted to focus with more intention because we know what you are capable of. We know what your potential is; we know what you could do with the energies that are upon you right now and that are coming, and we would like to encourage you to have that same faith within yourselves.
由於你精力充沛地坐在那裡,現在可以做更多事情。這個時候有這麼多能量在工作。 就在你所在的地方,可以完成很多事情,並且會提示你更加專注,因為我們知道你的能力。 我們知道你的潛力; 我們知道你可以用現在和即將到來的能量做什麼,我們想鼓勵你在自己內心擁有同樣的信念。


Believe in yourselves and what you can do with your lives and for all of humanity, and you will be a part of the evolution of consciousness in a very real, pragmatic, practical way, because now you know you are working with more than just wood, cement, steel, and other natural resources. You are working with energy, and you have more to work with now than ever before in human history.
相信你自己,相信可以用你的生命和為全人類做些什麼,你將以一種非常真實、務實、實用的方式成為意識進化的一部分,因為現在你知道你工作的不僅僅是木頭 、水泥、鋼鐵等自然資源。你正在與能量一起工作,你現在比人類歷史上任何時候都有更多的工作要做。


Your next question must be, ‘How do we work with energy?’ First of all, feel for it. Feel for it around you; feel for it when you breathe. Feel it coming in through the crown of your head, and then direct it with your focus. What is it that you want to create? What is it you want to see more of on your world? What types of changes would you like to see in your relationships, your finances, your health. Focus while also being aware of these energies, and then see what you co-create with this beautiful universe of ours. 
你的下一個問題必須是,“我們如何使用能量?”首先,感受它。 感受它在你身邊; 呼吸時感受它。 感覺它從你的頭頂進來,然後用你的注意力引導它。 你想創造什麼? 你想在世界上看到更多什麼? 你希望在人際關係、財務狀況和健康方面看到哪些類型的變化。在注意這些能量的同時集中注意力,然後看看你與我們這個美麗的宇宙共同創造了什麼。

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”





傳導:Daniel Scranton


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