Going Where No Other Human Has Gone Before ∞
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
“問候。 我們是大角星人委員會。 我們很高興與大家聯繫。
We are quite fascinated by humanity’s ability to go beyond where others in human form on Earth have gone. We have seen it many times in your evolutionary history, and we notice that those who break the mold so to speak do so because they feel the itch within them. And we know that those of you who receive these messages have that itch. We know that you feel ready to move beyond where the rest of humanity is at this time, and we want you to recognize that the itch doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. It can feel like a calling; it can feel like a warm, loving sensation that is inviting you towards a particular endeavor.
我們對人類超越地球上其他人類形式的能力感到非常著迷。 我們在你們的進化史中已經多次看到它,並且注意到那些打破模式的人可以這麼說是因為他們感到內在的癢。 我們知道你們中那些收到信息的人都有這種渴望。 我們知道你們此時已經準備好超越其他人所處的位置,並且我們希望你們認識到搔癢不一定是不舒服的。 感覺就像是一種召喚; 它可以感覺像一種溫暖、充滿愛意的感覺,正在邀請進行一項特定的努力。
Perhaps you will feel inspired to say something to someone, and that will be your itch. Or perhaps you will feel that the leap of faith you need to take involves your work, your career, or starting a new business. And sometimes you will find that your calling has to do with something that is seemingly not that important, like whether you get up and dance or not at a wedding.
也許你會受到啟發,想對某人說點什麼,而那將是你的渴望。 或者你可能會覺得需要進行信仰飛躍涉及你的工作、你的職業或開始一項新業務。 有時你會發現你的呼召與一些看似不那麼重要的事情有關,你起床跳舞或不在婚禮上。
You see, everything matters; every moment is an opportunity to be more of who you are, and those of you who are seizing those moments are making the biggest difference there on Earth. Most importantly, however, you are giving yourselves an opportunity to be more of who you are as Source Energy Beings. Oftentimes, we hear you express the itch in a variety of ways, including the desire to be somewhere else. We know that other places in the galaxy feel more alluring to you than Mother Earth does at this time. And yes, life is easier in other parts of the galaxy and universe, but you didn’t want the easy ride in this life…not at first, anyway.
你看,一切都很重要; 每一刻都是一個機會,讓你更多地成為自己,而那些抓住這些時刻的人正在地球上做出最大的改變。 然而,最重要的是,你們正在給自己一個機會,讓自己成為更多的源頭能量存有。 我們經常聽到你們以各種方式表達渴望,包括想去別的地方。 我們知道銀河系中的其他地方此時對你來說比地球母親更具吸引力。 是的,在銀河系和宇宙的其他地方生活更輕鬆,但你不想在這一生中享受輕鬆的旅程……至少一開始不是。
When you recognize that you have the ability to take something that seems like an insurmountable challenge and turn it into a fun, joyous experience, that’s when you know you have attained mastery. When you take something that looks difficult and you turn it into something that is easy, that’s when you know you have risen above the level of consciousness that you once found so comfortable. We know that you are ready to make the quantum leaps that are possible for all of you, and we know that there has never been a better time than now to do so. We also trust that whatever it is that you are feeling called to do or say or be, that calling will get louder. It will take over, and you will feel that all you need to do is let go and let yourself be who you really are, without all of the impediments that you placed around who you really are in this lifetime.
當你認識到自己有能力接受看似無法克服的挑戰並將其變成有趣、愉快的體驗時,你就知道自己已經掌握了。 當你把看起來困難的事情變得容易時,你就知道你已經超越了曾經覺得舒適的意識水平。 我們知道你們已經準備好實現所有人都可能實現的巨大飛躍,而且我們知道現在是最好的時機。 我們也相信,無論你們感覺被呼召去做、說或成為什麼,呼喚聲都會越來越大。 它會接管一切,你會覺得需要做的就是放手,讓自己成為真正的自己,沒有你在這一生真正的自己周圍設置的所有障礙。
And you don’t have to single each and every one of them out and pluck it away or destroy it. As you make a commitment to yourself to be who you really are, all blockages melt away. All obstacles suddenly become helpers. You change everything when you change one thing, and the one thing that is calling you right now is something that you cannot deny any longer within yourself. You have gotten to this point now where you must do what you must do, you must say what you must say, and you must become what you must become. You still have free will, of course, but we see you exercising that free will in the most positive way possible, from this moment forward, in this lifetime, on planet Earth. We know it; we feel it, and we witness it every day with those on Earth who are ready to take that leap of faith and go beyond where any other human has gone before.
而且你不必將它們中的每一個都挑出來,然後將其拔掉或銷毀。 當你對自己做出承諾做真正的自己時,所有的障礙都會煙消雲散。 所有的障礙突然變成了幫手。 當你改變一件事時,你就改變了一切,而現在呼喚你的一件事是你無法再在自己內心否認的東西。 你現在已經到了必須做你必須做的事、說你必須說的話、成為你必須成為的人。 當然,你仍然有自由意志,但我們看到你以最積極的方式行使自由意志,從這一刻起,在這一生中,在地球上。 我們知道; 我們感受到了它,並且每天都與地球上那些準備好實現信念飛躍、並超越其他任何人所達到的水平的人一起見證它。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton