AUGUST 21, 2022

Dear readers we are pleased to once again connect with you who have chosen to bring your light and awareness to earth's ascension process. Know that if you read and relate to these messages we are referring to you. Trust that you are doing what you came to do even if it seems as though you are simply living an ordinary life.


Many students of truth become programmed along the way to believe that spiritual work consists only of channeling, hands on table work, healing rites and rituals etc. and these things can be facets of it. However, the reality is that Light work is just what it says it is--working to hold Light.
許多真理的學生在此過程中被編程,相信精神工作只包括通靈、餐桌上的手工作、治療儀式和各種儀式等等,而這些事情可以是它的各個方面。 然而,事實是,光的工作正如它所說的那樣——為保持光而工作


Trust that the Divine Plan is alive and well in spite of what seems to be a regression of world consciousness. The chaos is serving to "jump start" the awakening process for many who continue to live un-empowered lives, never questioning or thinking for themselves and believing everything they are told if the person doing the telling holds a position of authority in government, religion, education, or medical fields.
相信儘管世界意識似乎在倒退,但神聖計劃仍然存在並且很好。 混亂正在“啟動”許多人的覺醒過程,他們繼續過著沒有權力的生活,從不質疑或為自己思考,如果說話的人在政府、宗教中擔任權威職位,他們就會相信他們被告知的一切 、教育或醫療領域。


Their exposure to actions reflective of dense and long hidden negative energies is causing them for the first time to actually acknowledge issues they have always chosen to ignore or deny in favor of continuing to live comfortably in their chosen belief system while never questioning the status quo they have long accepted as being normal and correct.


Everyone, not just the select few called saints, sages, or gurus, are empowered beings of Light in different phases of awakening to the realization of this. Some will need more lifetimes lived in third dimensional energy and some have already achieved this state of consciousness but all are on a journey of continuing spiritual awareness regardless of how they may be living their lives at this time. It can be no other way, because ONEness is the only reality and is infinite.


When the first spark of real truth touches and opens in consciousness it causes a period of time in which the person feels emotionally and mentally traumatized. This cannot be avoided because there has been a shift in their state of consciousness and the experience of suddenly realizing that everything they were taught and put their faith into is false, shatters the foundation they have built and depended upon leaving them floundering in confusion which quickly dissipates as awareness continues to unfold.


Many things are waiting in the wings, soon to manifest and help increasingly more to awaken out of the eons long slumber they have endured believing that they were just physical bodies, human beings living only one life and subject to anything and everything "bad". Never forget that all are Divine Beings, expressions of one omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God. We have frequently said this, but present times call for it to be reiterated.
​許多事物都在等待,很快就會顯化,並幫助越來越多人從他們所忍受的萬古長眠中醒來,他們相信自己只是肉體,人類僅僅活在這一生,受制於任何“壞”的事物。 永遠不要忘記,所有人都是神聖的存在,是一位無所不在、無所不能、無所不知的神的表達。 我們經常這樣說,但現在需要重申這一點。


Resist nothing. It is not your job as Light workers to save the world with three dimensional solutions. Your job and what you came to do as evolved individuals is to hold the Light by being the Light. Because there is only ONE Consciousness, the Light you hold in your consciousness automatically assists and lifts those near or far able to align with that same energy.
不抗拒。 用三維解決方案拯救世界不是你作為光之工作者的工作。 你的工作和你作為進化個體所做的就是通過成為光來持有光。 因為只有一個意識,所以你在意識中持有的光會自動幫助和提升那些能夠與相同能量對齊的近處或遠處的人。


Enjoy the ordinary things of life. Take time to have a glass of wine, read a good book, laugh with friends, or walk in nature and talk to the trees. These things are just as spiritual as sitting in church listening to someone else's concepts of truth or engaging in prayers that beg and plead. The energy of joy is of a much higher resonance than that of "I don't have. Give, give, give. Poor me."


Be aware of your thoughts as you go about your day, staying anchored in truth as best you can. Energy is always attracted to energy it can align with because energy is always seeking oneness and wholeness regardless of how dense or light the energy may be.

The energies embodied in the world's collective consciousness are drawn to like energy held in the consciousness of individuals. A person who is overly concerned and fearful about health and disease will automatically attract thoughts and beliefs about health and disease, often creating them for themselves. A person who constantly thinks, worries, and gives power to issues of money will likewise attract concepts, beliefs, and experiences of lack and limitation and even abundance. (third dimensional duality) It is the same for all beliefs--relationships, aging, etc. etc.
​體現在世界集體意識中的能量被吸引到個人意識中的相同能量。一個對健康和疾病過度關心和恐懼的人,會自動吸引關於健康和疾病的想法和信念,通常是為自己創造它們。一個不斷思考、擔憂並為金錢問題賦予權力的人同樣會吸引匱乏、甚至限制豐盛的概念、信仰和經驗。 (三維的二元性)所有信念都是一樣的——關係、衰老等等。


Always remember that the three dimensional thoughts that may flow to and through you are never personally yours regardless of how intensely they may feel like yours. Many of them simply represent old habits because the mind has been trained through lifetimes to think certain types of thoughts.


The power is not in rejecting unwanted thoughts, but rather by knowing that the only real thoughts that are personally yours are God's thoughts--abundance, health, harmony peace, joy, completeness, love, etc. Speak to your mind allowing it to become a partner instead of something to be resisted. Thoughts, some of which may shock you at times as you go about your day have only whatever reality and power you give them.


Many attempt to block out all thoughts when meditating which is impossible and causes the person to spend their meditation time solely trying to block out thoughts. Mediate in partnership with your mind which is an avenue of awareness. Talk to it, allowing it to rest and listen with you not against you as you await silent awareness of your oneness with God.
許多人在冥想時試圖阻止所有的想法,這是不可能的,並導致人們將冥想時間花在僅僅試圖阻止想法上。與你的思想合作進行調解,這是一種意識的途徑。 與它交談,讓它與你一起休息和傾聽,而不是反對/對抗你,因為你等待沉默地意識到你與神的合一。


Allow the process dear ones, always know that there is a bigger picture unfolding other than what appearances may testify to. Your higher self is in charge of your evolution and knows what you are ready for and when and will not allow experiences you are not yet spiritually prepared for in your evolutionary journey.
親愛的一們,允許這個過程,永遠知道除了外表可以證明的東西之外,還有更大的畫面正在展開。 你的高我負責你的進化,知道你準備好做什麼,什麼時候,不會允許你在你的進化旅程中還沒有精神上準備好的經歷。

Trust-- knowing that earth is not a material world filled with pain, problems, and evil people but in reality is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God-- always has been and always will be. Evolution is the process of awakening to this.
信任——知曉地球不是一個充滿痛苦、問題和邪惡的物質世界,而是一個充滿上帝兒女的精神世界—— 一直都是,而且永遠都是。 進化是對此覺醒的過程。


We are the Arcturian Group 8/21/22
我們是大角星群 8/21/22







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