


As you move into the energies of the new, you are very much pioneers. When you pioneer, you are exploring. You move beyond the ideas of good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure, into the acceptance that all your experiences have value.

Let us suppose that you are a pioneer in a new land looking for water. You decide to go to your left. As you explore that direction you realize that there is a cliff there and no water source at all. That is valuable information! You will remember in the future that going to the left cannot provide you what you seek. This will allow you a more direct route to water when you discover where it is. It will also help others know that is not the direction to take if you are looking for water. You are getting used to navigating without a map because you are the creators of the maps!

This is a beautiful example of how your curiosity and explorations serve not only you but also the whole. You are entering previously unexplored energies on your planet right now. Be curious! Know that all experiences have great value for you. And rest easy that as you find your way, you will make the way much easier for those who will one day want to walk in your footsteps. This is such an exciting time on your planet, where much will be discovered and those discoveries will serve many generations to come. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




The realm of potentiality is the energetic space just beyond what you can see that holds the solutions and matches you’ve been seeking. If you feel into this, it will make sense to you. If the solutions were within the space of what you already are aware of, you would have selected them by now.

So how do you get there? Surrender. Flow. Ask your guides to lead you. Get curious. Be willing to explore and discover beyond the edges of what is known to you. Your dreams are trying to beckon you forward. Understand the meeting point will be somewhere between where you are and where they are because your surrendered movement activates a divine intersection. Be willing to move and take inspired action when the right energetic wave comes. Release micromanagement and be willing to be surprised. Stay in a space of faith and trust and receiving. Let go of the old and be willing to embrace the new.

There is so much more available to you than you realize, Dear Ones, and that is exactly what your team of helpers, along with the assistance of your highest self are trying to reveal to you. The unfoldment will take you there if you are willing to move out of the known into the energies of divine discovery. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




So many of you don’t know what you want. That is because you have exhausted the potentials that you are aware of and are ready to move beyond the known into the unknown. This is a positive thing!

As you move into the energies of the new, we urge you to resist the urge to micromanage any new manifestations and become much more open to discovery. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have a hand in your co-creations. Far from it! The key is to switch over into working with broad intention and let your highest self and the universe fill in the rest.

Let us give you an example. Many of you wish to manifest a large amount of money. It isn’t really the money you want but rather what having the money will offer you. Money is always an energetic middle man, if you will.

So why do you really want a lot of money? For most people, it is because they want freedom. They want more enjoyment in life. So we urge you to surrender into the experience of more freedom and enjoyment in life.

Why this works is because most of you don’t really believe you can manifest a large amount of money for yourselves. That will make it very difficult for you to align with the experience. But you do believe you can create more freedom and more enjoyment, even if it is a little bit at a time. That feels within the realm of possibility for you.

What we want you to understand is that when you surrender into the essence of what you would like to experience, you can start to align with it, incrementally, almost immediately. This allows you to have more comfort as you go through the discovery process of what the universe is wishing you to discover that is your highest outcome. It starts to make your desires part of your experience, even if it is the smallest way, as you follow the unfoldment until your intention becomes a predominant part of your life. It is planting a seed and watching it grow.

While both are equally possible, it is far easier for most of you to step into a dream bit by bit rather than all at once. In fast moving energies such as you are in right now, a small amount can grow into a big amount very quickly because doing it a bit at a time will keep you out of doubt and resistance.

So connect with the essence of your desires and why you want them and enter into the flow towards the discovery of what your truest version of that dream can be, and you can make big progress in ways that will continue to surprise and delight you, every step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




The Divine Combination consists of the four core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust. Faith and trust deepens into acceptance and allowing. Acceptance and allowing deepens into patience and peace. Patience and peace deepens into beingness. Do you see? The core elements, when employed together, create an opening process that becomes the manifestation tool for your highest life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




If you are frustrated with where you are in your life, we want you to understand that surrendering into the flow and staying there with your faith and trust will allow you to shift onto a completely different timeline that contains the solutions you seek. Using the Divine Combination consistently indicates your readiness for movement and expansion.

If you have surrendered and it seems nothing is happening, it is simply a matter of divine timing. You haven’t done anything wrong, you are just waiting for the alignment where true and profound change can happen that will be for the highest good of all.

While your human self may be impatient, your soul is not interested in making any changes that do not meet that criteria, because as a conscious being you do not want to take your forward movement in a way that is unsustainable or at the expense of anyone else. You want to use your time and energy wisely. You have also reached a place where you are operating beyond karma, and you wish to keep it that way. Trust that the universe is working for you so your desires can be met in a way that honours your soul mission and serves everyone involved. The wait is worth it. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young






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