In our daily message on Friday June 3, 2022, we outlined the common trajectory of healing and the enlightenment process. What we would like you to understand is that it is common for one phase to overlap another. You may very well dabble in the next step until you are ready to stay there permanently. There is often a process of back and forth until you have fully integrated and evolved beyond one phase and are ready to concentrate on the next. We wish to reassure you that this is a perfectly normal part of the embodiment process that makes your transitions from one phase to the next much easier to integrate and navigate. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Moving back and forth between two levels of attainment allows you to establish comfort with any new phase. It allows a gradual integration of new energies as well as the time to gain confidence in new abilities. Much like a child will move into a greater level of independence and then retreat back to the comfort of the parent for reassurance, eventually your expansion will take precedence and you will be able to stay in the new energies more consistently. This is all part of the flow of evolution and a very predictable part of the process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, hate takes a lot of energy. Resistance takes a lot of energy. Division takes a lot of energy. All of these, eventually, will shift because they all take too much energy to make them sustainable over the long run.
Do you know what happens when people become too exhausted to continue separation? Love happens. Love will rise to the surface, when given even the smallest opening, because it is your true state of being and an inexhaustible resource. Love will always find a way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
You have heard of the dark night of the soul. Many of you have experienced it. It is the time when you hit an energetic rock bottom where you realize you simply cannot continue on the way you have been. It is the moment when you drop resistance and embrace change. The low acts as a catalyst to detach from an old timeline and shift into something far more conscious and expansive.
What you may not realize is that the dark night of the soul can also happen for a collective, and that is exactly what is happening on your earth at this time. And what is so remarkable is that you chose to come and assist the planet as a source of unconditional love and stabilizing support as the old bottoms out in preparation of shifting fully onto a new time line.
Dark nights of the soul are difficult. They are messy and distressing but they always signal a huge leap in growth and the opening of new potentials and possibilities. They happen because the being or the collective is ready for more and always mark the end of one phase and the dawn of a new day.
The dark night is a transformative process designed to birth the new. You might liken it to hard labour. You do not think you can possibly survive, but you do and much good comes from it. It might help to consider yourselves birthing coaches of the new. You cannot take on the labour for another but you can certainly stay calm, offer support and encouragement, and share in the wonder of the birth that is sure to come.
This is the time to allow the process but to also be the anchor of love and reassurance others are seeking. Your beingness is your gift, Dear Ones, that shines a light forward for others to follow, and that is glorious service, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, you can’t be controlling and guided at the same time. You can’t decide you are going to do it all yourself and be open to receive at the same time.
You are going through profound change, both individually and as a collective. You are being made aware of what is not working for you so you can let go of the old and find new solutions and ways of being.
If you are perpetually exhausted by your life it is a sign that you have outgrown where you are and you are ready for expansion and new discoveries. It is an indicator that you are ready to up-level into something that is a much better match for you and your soul’s agenda. Your soul is beckoning you forward into the new.
So allow yourself to be led. When you don’t know what to do next get curious. Ask to be shown what is possible that you aren’t aware of. Give the reins to your team who have the vantage point of being on the other side of the veil and allow them to show you the way.
There is so much fun and wonder to be had in the discovery of the new matches and solutions that exist for you, that are patiently waiting for you. All you must do is be willing to explore in the realm of potentiality that exists just beyond what you can see, and that is exactly what your spirit team is in place to help you to do.
And if you hesitate because you think you might be disturbing us by asking for help, please know it brings us just as much joy to guide you into those discoveries as you have in making the discovery itself. It is great fun for us to get creative with our signs and synchronicities. We wait with bated breath and celebrate when you find your way to your next right time/right place scenario.
It’s all very simple, you see. We can’t know the joy of service if you don’t allow us to serve you. By asking for our help you honour us in our purpose, as we honour you in yours. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young