The Solstice: 777 Gateway Magic
by Meg Benedicte
Now that June has arrived, we are moving into the annual Solstice alignment with the massive vortex located at 27° Sagittarius at the galactic center. The June Solstice in the northern hemisphere is the longest day of Light – the day of the year that fully illuminates ‘Heaven on Earth’. During our monthly Gateway Activations, we are forging a direct pathway to Source Force energy!
現在 6 月已經到來,我們正進入一年一度的至日與位於銀河中心射手座 27° 處的巨大漩渦對齊。北半球的六月至日是最長的一天—— 一年中完全照亮“人間天堂”的一天。 在我們每月的門戶激活期間,我們正在打造一條通向源頭能量的直接途徑!
Gemini represents the two sides of dualism. Instead of engaging in the opposing forces of duality in the Hierarchy, we are shifting into the New Earth field of harmony. In a couple weeks the Solstice aligns in exact zero point position with the galactic center, launching the powerful solar events of Summer 2023 – Solstice, 777 Gateway, 88 Lionsgate.
雙子座代表二元論的兩個方面。 我們不是在層次結構中參與對立的二元性力量,而是在轉移到新地球的和諧領域。幾週後,夏至與銀河中心精確對齊零點位置,啟動了 2023 年夏季的強大太陽活動——夏至、777門戶、88獅子門。
When you expand and blend in harmony with the field of order at zero point, the atoms in your body begin to rearrange themselves into more coherent order. You are transmuting the atomic structure of 3D codes of separation into crystalline Soul codes of divine expression.
當你在零點擴展並與秩序場和諧地融合時,你身體中的原子開始重新排列自己,形成更連貫的秩序。 你正在將 3D 分離代碼的原子結構轉化為神聖表達的水晶靈魂代碼。
Imprinted in every cell of your body exists a record of human earthly history. All past and potential future outcomes are encoded in the DNA, dormant and waiting for your attention. Now that the Zep Tepi gates are open and accessible, the dormant star seeded divine human codes are awakening from a deep sleep. The ‘7’ year of 2023 is a breakthrough year for the Wayshowers. We are being prepared for the threshold 777 Gateway of Ascension, occurring on July 7th.
在你身體的每一個細胞中都烙印著人類塵世歷史的記錄。所有過去和潛在的未來結果都編碼在 DNA 中,處於休眠狀態並等待你的關注。現在Zep Tepi (暫譯:古埃及)的大門已經打開並且可以進入,休眠的星際種子神聖人類密碼正在從沉睡中甦醒。 2023年“七”年,是引路人突破的一年。 我們正在為 7 月 7 日發生的門檻 777 揚升之門做準備。
(註:不太懂占星學,關於Zep Tepi 的一點資訊 提供參考...在所有的神話中,世界都是在太陽第一次初升,從無限,死寂的海洋中誕生的;時間是遙遠的「zp tpj」時期(有時也記錄為「Zep Tepi」)。 古埃及創世神話 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ( )
From mid-July through mid-August is the annual heliacal rising of star Sirius, often called the ‘Dog Days of Summer’. This is the time of the year when the Sun and Sirius rise on the horizon together in harmonious convergence. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky, illuminating the path home to the Family of Light. For those traveling star beings with Sirian/Lemurian timelines, you may feel the light transmissions deeply within your being.
從 7 月中旬到 8 月中旬是天狼星一年一度的螺旋上升期,通常被稱為“三伏天”。這是一年中太陽和天狼星在地平線上和諧會聚的時候。天狼星是夜空中最亮的星,照亮了光之家族回家的路。對於那些在天狼星/列木里亞時間線中旅行的星體存有,你可能會在你的存在深處感受到光的傳輸。
The heliacal rising of a star is the first day the star becomes visible in the east in the light of dawn just before sunrise. The ancient Egyptians noticed that the heliacal rising of star Sirius would occur a short time before the annual flooding of the Nile. During this period, the nourishing river would overflow its banks, sweep into arable lands and deposit fertile silt ideal for farming.
恆星的螺旋升起是恆星在日出前的黎明之光中在東方可見的第一天。古埃及人注意到,天狼星的螺旋升起發生在尼羅河每年氾濫之前的一小段時間。 在此期間,滋養的河流會溢出河岸,衝入耕地並沉積肥沃的淤泥,非常適合耕種。
The Sirians are an advanced ascended race with extensive knowledge and experience working with sacred geometry and crystalline technology. With support of the Angelic Guardians and galactic 12 Root Races, the Sirians influenced the birth and glory of the Lemurian civilization on Gaia. The annual rising of Sirius is a powerful time for accelerated evolutionary advancement, leading to the powerful 8:8 LionsGate Activations on August 8th.
天狼星人是一個先進的揚升種族,擁有廣泛的知識和經驗,使用神聖的幾何學和水晶技術。在天使守護者和銀河 12 個根基種族的支持下,天狼星人影響了蓋亞上列木里亞文明的誕生和榮耀。每年一次的天狼星升起是加速進化進步的重要時刻,導致 8 月 8 日強大的 8:8 獅子門激活。
You may be feeling and sensing a gradual upswell of energy as we approach these power points in the cosmic grid lattice. The Zep Tepi energies are moving through our bioenergetics, sweeping out the old 3D human structure of separation. It is an intense process of transfiguration. Let’s keep the momentum moving!
當我們接近宇宙柵格中的這些能量點時,你可能會感覺到能量逐漸上升。古埃及能量正在通過我們的生物能量學,掃除舊的 3D 人類分離結構。 這是一個強烈的變形過程。 讓我們保持動力!
Join other Light Beings and Wayshowers in the upcoming Solstice Gateway Activations on June 21. You can register here:
傳導:Meg Benedicte