Judgement is resistance to what is. Resistance instantly slows your flow and your personal evolution.
The part of you that judges yourself is the part that is not able to see you in your truth. The part of you that has the ability to see you in your truth is the part of you that would only have love and acceptance for yourself.
So if you understand that judgement impedes your progress on your path, and comes from a place that is simply not qualified to judge you, why would you continue listening to that voice?
We suggest if you wish to assess yourself, you take the time to connect with your inner wisdom and conscious awareness. From there a far fairer assessment can be made that comes complete with all the love, acceptance, encouragement, and energetic support you need to become all you can be. Those are the energies and practices that will get you back into flow and moving forward on your evolutionary journey.
Do you see? If your self judgement doesn’t have the ability to take you where you wish to go, perhaps it is time to let go of that old habit once and for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your soul knows you better than anyone else. It knows your human strengths and weaknesses, your perfect pacing, your truest wants and needs and purpose. It also knows the experiences you desire to have for your soul’s expansion.
You can trust divine timing because it is orchestrated by your highest self, your guides and helpers, and Source. It is led and guided by the deep and abiding love and support that always exists for you and is designed to help you navigate the continual unfoldment of your most satisfying life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The signs and synchronicities you experience are the breadcrumbs that lead you out of the forest into your next grand discovery and adventure. Watching for the signs and following them when they appear is how you stay open to being led to what is waiting for you just outside of your conscious awareness.
It is a powerful practice to simply concentrate on making your next wisest choice, one now moment at a time, because it keeps you operating from a space of presence, which is your base of empowerment and what allows you the greatest unfoldment.
We understand you often consider not knowing to be a negative but the reality is the not knowing so many of you have been experiencing over the past few years has been a gift designed to help you to develop the skill of operating from a space of presence and learning to only move with what is energetically supported.
This is an essential skill that will serve you well once you move more fully into the energies of the new for it keeps you open to all potentials and possibilities. It is switching from being led by the mind and experiencing yourself as being separate to being led by the heart and the fullness of conscious alignment that will never steer you wrong. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Your mind is a wonderful gift. It can observe, assess, organize, manage, and learn. It is also a very efficient central operations unit that leads bodily processes, as well. It is integral to you having a human experience.
But your mind can also run amok. It can worry, fret, micromanage, control, judge, and catastrophize. When this occurs it is because it has become disconnected from the heart.
Your heart is always trying to lovingly guide your mind. It is a settling resource, looking to soothe and calm you. It is your font of wisdom, your guiding light, your balancer and reassurer. Your heart is where your voice of reason comes from.
As you move forward into the next phase of your incarnation, it is not about denying the mind, but about bringing the heart and the mind into a much more cooperative balance. Can you imagine your mind and your heart becoming a dynamic duo, each lending its expertise to the greater good of the whole? Can you imagine them joining forces as friends and allies, leading you forward to your highest life expression? Can you see how shifting into a cooperative unity within can also be a model to begin to heal the division that is rampant on your planet?
Again, we wish to point out that your growth and evolution is your service, and provides a stabilizing presence for your rapidly shifting planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, there is a common trajectory of healing that occurs in enlightening human beings. It is:
Victim consciousness/disempowerment/separation consciousness/deep discomfort.Bottoming out.Seeking.Finding some relief (usually this is found by employing positive thinking/changing focus).Starting to explore deeper healing.Falling into being in perpetual troubleshooting mode with yourself.Moving into deeper self love/self acceptance.Deepening connection.Accepting help/getting more comfortable with surrender, faith, flow, trust.Allowing the unfoldment of expansion.Settling into beingness/empowerment/unity consciousness/peace
This process leads you from separation to inclusion, from God “out there” to God “in here” also known as coming Home to yourself, moving out of contrast into preference, and shifting from the old martyred service paradigm into the joyful service paradigm that is awaiting your discovery.
But what we really want you to understand is that no one phase is better than the other. Your embodiment process is like a manifestation process with every step taking you forward even if you may not be seeing the progress that is occurring behind the scenes. Every discovery, every process, is simply another step on the staircase of becoming, and as important and sacred as those that have come before and those that will come next. It is a beautiful divine unfolding that is breathtaking to behold, every single step of the way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young