Dear Ones, it is ok to feel discomfort. It doesn’t mean that you are failing, or not evolved enough, or have lost your way or your abilities. Discomfort simply has information for you. Often you will resist feeling your discomfort, but your resistance to explore the discomfort is what perpetuates it, as resistance itself creates discomfort.
Is your discomfort simply trying to get you to redirect? If so, you may wish to employ surrender and flow, ask your guides and helpers for guidance, or simply get curious about what other avenues or approaches you can take. Is your discomfort an appropriate response to something that is happening to you? If so, it is time to offer comfort and understanding to yourself. Is your discomfort simply trying to get you to use your tools? If so, it is time to remember and apply what you know.
Your discomfort may also just be trying to make you aware that something is not an energetic match for you. It is common for human beings to outgrow situations and connections as they continue to shift and evolve on their journey. Your discomfort may be making you aware of the fact that something that once was a match is no longer in resonance with you.
This is not to suggest that you throw in the towel at the first sign of discomfort! Far from it. There is much to be learned from taking the time to explore what is going on in the situation and making decisions from a space of wisdom and knowledge.
With the fast moving intense energies many of you are experiencing, there are often pockets of discomfort that will be experienced. You may just be in the throes of an energetic download, or old emotions may be coming up for release. If that is the case, your discomfort will be temporary and is simply a calling to prioritize good self care. True transformation can often come with waves of discomfort before the new is fully birthed. But if you have a consistent discomfort with a certain situation that persists and doesn’t seem to be getting you anywhere, it may be time to explore whether it is time to shift how you interact with that situation or whether it is simply a sign to move on.
All of this is completely normal and part of the awakening process on your planet. We understand it can seem daunting and confusing at times, but we wish to remind you that your own evolution is always serving you and preparing you for your next great adventure. Being consciously aware and taking the time to explore what your discomfort is trying to tell you will always help you make your wisest choice, one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your discomfort is always a redirectional tool. You may find that if your thoughts begin to repeatedly go in a certain direction, you start to feel worse and worse.
It is not necessarily the thoughts themselves that are creating the discomfort. If you had that thought once or twice and allowed it to go on its way, you likely wouldn’t feel much at all. Your discomfort is due to holding onto those thoughts which gives them an opportunity to start to build momentum and point you in a direction where you don’t really want to go. Your entire being is trying to get your attention to redirect and will get louder and louder until you listen.
Do you see? Thoughts are just thoughts when they are fleeting. Repeated thoughts place you on a path of creation. Whether that path is in line with what you truly want and deserve or not dictates the amount of ease or distress the thoughts bring. How you feel is your soul giving you a resounding yes or a resounding no as an opportunity to consciously redirect your flow.
The good news is, with your awareness you can easily choose a new direction whenever you want! It is no different than turning on your television and discovering it is on a show that is dark and depressing. You don’t have to sit there and watch the show and you certainly don’t need to watch the whole season. You can simply change the channel until you find something that is much lighter and uplifting. If you can start to see your discomfort as your soul saying, no, not this way, you can quickly and easily open up to the discovery of an entirely new line of potential that is a much better match to your truest desires, thanks to the feedback of how you feel. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, times of energetic intensity mean you are going through another wave of transformation. During these times of transformation you often don’t know what direction to go in. This is because the energies are shifting rapidly, assisting you in releasing and integrating. They are too unsettled to be conducive to manifestation.
Some energies are for travelling from one space to another. Others are for creating from a place you have settled into and will be staying in for a while. Again we remind you, you don’t build a house on a bridge. There will be plenty of time for exploration and manifestation once you have emerged from the energetic corridor you are currently in, and those creations will be the perfect match to your most recent level of attainment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Dear Ones, your own evolutionary process is much like the process of manifestation. There will be periods of time where it feels like there is nothing happening when in reality much is happening behind the scenes. Every step takes you forward even if you can’t see the progress from your vantage point. If you stick with it, results will come into your tangible reality and you will be so happy you stayed the course.
This will be the case when you come out of the current phase of intensity you have been experiencing. Your consistency along with your faith, trust, and commitment to seeing where your soul is trying to lead you will always, always reap rewards. Your breakthroughs will show up when the timing can assure your highest outcomes and ongoing success. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Have you ever noticed that when things get really intense energetically you find the need to slow down and just concentrate on the basics? Intensity forces you into using your core skills, honing your focus, and practicing better self care. It moves you into awareness of your truest values and intentions. It strips things away so you can get back to your base of truth and preference, and from there you can recenter and align with your energetic priorities in a way that is viable. You may not realize it but it is preparing you so you will be energetically concise when you enter the faster, unimpeded flow that is sure to follow, and that is when real progress can be made. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young