Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I'M SANANDA!
It is with great joy that I am once again allowed to see you. Forget any connection with what is celebrated today in relation to my person while incarnate. I will not comment on this. Each one follows his heart, each one follows what he believes; and it's all right.
Moments of great change are approaching. Moments of joy for some, moments of sadness and despair for others. Unfortunately we would like everyone to be extremely happy with a fair, balanced, loving world, but unfortunately some hearts were sown with no light and these are exactly what practically guide your planet.
And many vibrate in the same range as them; vibrate their ideas; their thoughts vibrate; repeat their actions; believing that there is a being of light who effectively thinks about them as he should. Sadness will inevitably shake their hearts, because many things will come to light, and they will not be beautiful things to see or hear. Many who today look like Angels, behave like Angels, will be unmasked, and this will cause a lot of sadness, a lot of revolt. This whole chaotic picture is what we have been trying to change every day, trying to find the means and ways to make everything happen in the least traumatic way possible.
Don't wait for the “D” day; don't wait for a day of..., where everything will happen at the same time. If we were going to make this decision we would have made it a long time ago, but we want the human race to be able to keep itself as balanced as possible. Then everything will happen gradually. You may not even know what is happening, and I would tell you that it is already happening.
Our strategy is not to make noise; it is exactly to act, surreptitiously and discreetly, to cause the least possible impact, but the moment will come when there will be no more hiding; there will be no more lying, as many think, about what is happening on your planet. Everything will come to light, but rest assured that we will be controlling everything that will be said to you.
I ask each heart, each one of you, to stay within the sphere of Unconditional Love. Don't judge, don't crucify anyone. Today you are absolutely certain that my crucifixion was carried out in the interests of those who ruled at the time. Don't do the same thing. Don't crucify anyone. Every black-hearted being that today governs any point on this planet will be led to the Universal Laws. You will not be the ones to judge him.
We already know exactly what will be done, and we don't want judgment either. You don't know anything about the Universal Laws, because you were never allowed to know them, but soon you will. So the time is not to be afraid, the time is not to be afraid; the moment is to fill the heart with Love. Only that. Each soul has made a choice, in this and other lifetimes, and each soul will now be reaping what it has sown in this and other lifetimes; only that.
Don't pity or flatter anyone, because you don't really know who that soul is. Many dress up as good girls, but from behind they mistreat, abhor, discriminate, do all kinds of actions contrary to the Light; but you don't see, you only see what's on the outside, not what's on the inside. But we see.
So the moment is not for judgment, the moment is for accepting what is said. The time has come for you to actually trust what we say, otherwise it will be very difficult for you to stay in that aura above the rest. Because if there is doubt, contestation, you will mix with that lower vibration and I assure you that it will be very difficult to get out of there.
The moment approaches. I would say, the most explicit moment is approaching, because we are not standing still. Much has already been done, and you will only know later, that it is already done. So just fill yourself with lots of Unconditional Love. Love yourself first, love your brothers, love those who are close to you and who are part of your family; no judgments, no criticisms. Each one is what they are, and each one forged their soul the way they wanted and reached this moment.
So it's not up to you to judge or applaud them; it's up to each one to walk. Just trust that everything you do with an open heart, with love, will work. You are often seeing results ahead, but you always want more, you are never satisfied, you always think you deserve more. Watch out! Always be very grateful for the present moment, for what you are living, even if it is not the way you would like, even if there is still a lot of difficulty to live, be grateful; because your soul has brought you to this time, to this moment, where it is being allowed to evolve or not; it's her choice.
So be grateful that you can be here right now, and be able to tell your descendants tomorrow what you experienced on this planet during an ascension. Many in the universe don't know what it is, but you will and you can tell others. I think this is already a big point to be grateful for. Father/Mother God's permission for you to be a part of this process.
So fill your heart with Love. Fill your heart with Light and don't open your mouth to judge anyone, to criticize anyone. Cut it out of your vocabulary. Each one is what it is; each one got here as they had to get here. It won't be you judging or criticizing that will make that person change, on the contrary, with this gesture you launch more negative energy in her and against you too. So don't make these mistakes anymore. Emanate only Love.
If you can't emanate Love, don't emanate anything, but don't emanate anger, don't emanate criticism, no judgment, just wrap that soul in Light and ask the Beings of Light to take care of that soul. And so we will. It is not up to you to make any kind of judgment, it is up to the Divine Laws.
And to finish, let it be very clear, it is not up to you to make any kind of judgment, not even against us. We will do things that you won't agree with, that at first you won't understand, but then I ask you: Who are you to judge us? Do you know the Divine Laws? No, you don't. You know the laws of men, and those laws that are supposed to have been passed down from the Divine; not the Divine Laws themselves.
So under no circumstances judge or condemn. This will be a new path. For those who really want to ascend this is the new path, without judgment and without criticism; whatever happens. And only then, you will effectively be ready for the New World, understanding that each soul reaps what it sows. Exactly as each of you is doing right now.
傳導:Anjos e Luz Terapias