The Health Upgrade | Solar Logos Helios and Vesta via Natalie Glasson
(Golden Age of Gaia)
Greetings, beloved beings of light upon the Earth. We honor you now for your existence upon the Earth and we delight in our connection with you.
We, the Solar Logos Helios and Vesta, have a constant connection with you. We are distributing energies from the Solar Level within the Universe of the Creator delivering and directing them especially to you. We deliver many ascension shifts that come through the higher vibrations of the Creator and ground them into the Earth.
我們,太陽層面的 Helios 和 Vesta,與你們有著持續的聯繫。我們正在從造物主宇宙中的太陽層面分配能量,特別是將它們傳遞和引導給你們。我們傳遞許多揚升轉變,這些轉變來自造物主的更高振動,並將它們植根於地球。
We wish to speak of an ascension shift that is entering into your atmosphere, into your auric field and into your being.
Should you choose to accept it, you can imagine our ascension shift as warm golden beams of light from the sun, very much like the sun’s rays. Our purpose in extending our energy to you, is to support a health upgrade. The energies flowing from the Creator at this moment, are deeply nutritious and nourishing. This means that when you accept the Creator’s energies, you can nurture and nourish yourself, anything you wish to create or manifest or anything in your reality. Whatever, and wherever you choose to place your focus, you can distribute and magnify nourishment and nurturing.
如果你們選擇接受它,可以想像我們的揚升轉變為來自太陽的溫暖金色光束,非常像太陽的光線。我們向你們提供能量的目的是支持健康升級。此刻從造物主身上流淌出來的能量,是深深的滋養。這意味著當你接受造物主的能量時,可以滋養和滋養你自己,任何你想創造或顯化的東西或你現實中的任何事物。 無論你們選擇將注意力放在什麼地方,無論在哪裡,都可以分配和放大營養及培育。
Take a moment to contemplate this for a moment. What would you nurture and nourish within your being? What would you nurture and nourish around you? And what ideas would you nurture and nourish?
花點時間考慮一下。你會在你的存在中培養和滋養什麼? 你會培育和滋養周圍的什麼?你會培養和滋養什麼想法?
To nurture and to nourish, is to give energy to it, to give focus, attention, but it is also about the vibrations of light. It is a wellbeing energy that supports a greater complete wellbeing and health. You can contemplate what this would look like, feel like, be like if the energy of wellness, nourishment, nurturing was grounded into your being into certain areas of your being, into others, into your reality, into ideas and even into Mother Earth.
Can you imagine all the plants, the animals, the waters thriving? Being as green and as strong as ever, the waters being as pure as ever, the animals being as healthy as ever.
你能想像所有的植物、動物和水域都欣欣向榮嗎? 一如既往的綠色和堅強,水域一如既往的純淨,動物一如既往的健康。
How would this support you and your reality?
What would you see, sense and acknowledge in your own reality?
Maybe you already feel well, nurtured and nourished, there is always more to absorb. Imagine your soul being nurtured and nourished and filled with wellness. Imagine your mind being nurtured and nourished and filled with wellness. Your cells, your body and so forth, there are so many areas to imagine and to contemplate.
也許你已經感覺很好,得到了養育和滋養,總有更多東西需要吸收。 想像一下你的靈魂被滋養和培育並充滿健康。想像一下你的思想得到滋養和培育,並充滿健康。你的細胞、你的身體等等,有太多的領域可以想像和思考。
You can call upon us, Helios and Vesta, to deliver our Solar Light of wellness,
nourishment, and nurturing into your being.
你可以呼喚我們,Helios 和 Vesta,將我們的健康、營養和滋養的太陽光傳遞到你的存在中。
Sit with our energy, meditate with it. Be aware of this presence, its influence, and its impact. Think of any areas that you wish for wellbeing, nurturing or nourishment. Direct the energy in these areas or simply let the energy flow to where it is needed. When you feel full and complete with the energy of wellness, nurturing and nourishment, then let it flow through you to Mother Earth, to areas of the world, to everything and everyone.
帶著我們的能量坐下來,用它冥想。 意識到這種存在,它的影響,它的影響。 想一想你希望獲得幸福、滋養或培育的任何領域。將能量引導到這些區域,或者讓能量流向需要的地方。當你對健康、滋養和培育的能量感到充實和完整時,讓它通過你流向地球母親、世界的各個地區、每一件事和每一個人。
What a blessing, this gift would be.
Within the Solar Level energy of wellness, nourishment and nurturing there are also minerals and vitamins within the light vibrations, that not only support your physical body and auric field in being well, in experiencing greater health, but also these vitamins and minerals are essential for the next stage of your ascension.
I know, you may not believe that it is possible, but sometimes the level of vitamins and minerals within your being, can hinder your ascension if they are lacking. When your body, especially has all the minerals and vitamins that it needs, it is easier for your physical body and in fact, your entire being to rise to a new vibration of light, and to receive more light.
Sometimes there are specific vitamins and minerals that are needed for specific ascension shifts. You might find that you eat something, maybe it is different to what you are used to or you eat more of it and it could be your body stocking up on a certain mineral or vitamin.
In order to support you in the next stage of your ascension, it is wonderful to see the body and the auric field working as one. Everything has a purpose and every aspect of your body and your auric field, your chakras and so forth each have such an important role in assisting each stage of your ascension.
You can invite us Helios and Vesta to deliver to you the Solar Level energy of wellness, nurturing and nourishment containing the vitamins and minerals for ascension to boost your current health and well-being.
你可以邀請我們 Helios 和 Vesta 為你提供健康、滋養和滋養的太陽級能量,其中包含提升你當前健康和幸福所需的維生素和礦物質。
Then allow yourself to receive.
You can receive it during meditation or quiet time. You may also wish to receive each night maybe for a week or so while you sleep and this will not only support your physical body, but also your energetic bodies and your ascension.
It will create a health upgrade, not only for you and for others as well. If your physical body is suffering with illness or pain, you may need to continue this process for longer than a week to receive the energetic upgrade. It may be that several months are needed. It is important to follow your intuition as to what is appropriate for you.
它將創造健康升級,不僅對你,對其他人也是如此。 如果你的身體正遭受疾病或疼痛的折磨,可能需要將此過程持續一周以上才能獲得能量升級。可能需要幾個月的時間。重要的是要遵循你的直覺,確定什麼適合你。
We give this energy to you, to empower you and assist you in your existence upon the Earth and your spiritual ascension.
We thank you for being present with us.
We are Solar Logos Helios and Vesta
我們是Helios 和 Vesta
傳導:Natalie Glasson