If someone else’s success has made you feel bad about yourself, you are misinterpreting what is playing out for you. Your soul is making you aware of what is possible for you and bringing examples of it into your awareness for you to create your own unique version of it. It is not to make you feel lack, but rather an attempt to lead you forward into a more satisfying experience.
Celebrate other people’s successes because not only have they done some wonderful creating and are showing the way, they are also doing the service of making you aware that your own success is drawing nearer and nearer to you, too. The energy of success wouldn’t be so close to you if it were not so! We highly recommend you allow them to inspire you, join them in their happiness, and get curious about what your soul is trying to lead you to discover that will be the perfect match for you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
The conscious choices you start making today are acts of love for your future self and begin to shift your path into one of greater grace, ease, and satisfaction. What one thing can you do for yourself today that you will be grateful for tomorrow? We urge you to start small and pay attention, for the ripples of one wise choice can spread far and wide. If you do this every single day, before you know it your entire life will be transformed, and you will be amazed at how far you have come and how much better you feel about both yourself and your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Do you have a distrust of ease? Do you wait for the other shoe to drop when things are going well? Do you live by sayings like, no pain no gain? Do you feel struggle is noble or somehow necessary before you are worthy to receive?
All of these beliefs have been created by systems that taught that you needed to fight for what is yours, that you need to prove your worthiness, that there is a limited amount of resources, and that struggle is the norm. None of these beliefs are true!
Dear Ones, flow is your natural state of being so having a distrust of the ease and support it brings you puts you in resistance to yourself and your true operating system. It is time to step out of the old conditioning that has only served to keep you exhausted and giving you limited results into the full support, love, and guidance of the universe.
The old ways are no longer energetically supported. You will notice it takes more and more effort to do things the old way. This is designed to get you to explore new, more empowered ways of navigating your life expression. You see, once you get too exhausted by the old system that gives limited returns, you will surrender, which is the entry point of the divine combination which consists of the core elements of surrender, faith, flow, and trust.
You will finally accept the system that can truly get you where you wish to be and to start to experience the love and support that have always been there for you. And the good news is you can enter that system any time you like by making a simple heartfelt request to be led into the experience of more and allowing yourself to be led until you discover where your soul has been trying to take you all along. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Trusting yourself and your own instincts is vital as you step into the new. Your life expression wants to unfold in a way that honours you and your soul’s truest desires. That means you must trust that what you yearn for truly exists for you in a version that is perfect for you.
Dear Ones, your desires are how your soul beckons you forward. Your yearnings are there to point the way. They lead you towards the discovery of your greatest potentials. Not only that, there is much magic every step of the way as you follow that path of unfoldment.
Some of you have put your dreams on a shelf, thinking they were frivolous or unattainable. They are a big part of you and who you wish to be! Is it time to dust them off and explore where they might take you? Let us reassure you, we give this idea a resounding yes! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
Don’t fight your dreams, trying to wrestle them into some version you think is acceptable. This won’t work because you often get the template of how you think your dream should look from other people’s matches, which may not be a perfect match for you. Your dream is a completely unique blend of your energetics along with the energy of the dream itself. The two combined together are what creates the magic.
So trust your dreams and your soul because they are a dynamic duo with a plan that will be far beyond what you could imagine from your vantage point. Your willingness to give them all the space they need to become all they can be is how you move into next level manifestation. You might help to think of co-creation being a combination of co-operation and creation. Again we encourage you to hold the core essence of your desire and then cast your net wide, stay willing to be led, stay willing to receive, and allow your life to get as big and beautiful as it truly wants to be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young