


When you get too specific with your manifestations you are trying to wrestle your dreams into submission. Can you feel how constraining that energy is?

Let them go! Let them expand and take on whatever form is for your highest good. Be willing to be shown what you couldn’t have imagined possible because the unfoldment, when allowed full rein, will never fail to surprise and delight you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Your highest self and your guides always conspire to delight you by leading you to your highest potentials. It’s their greatest joy! When you release your 3D based habit of trying to control your manifestations, you move into the flow of 5D co-creation and that is when you can start to discover new possibilities that create giant leaps on your path that are so satisfying for everyone involved. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Today we invite you to go back and encourage the you that had big dreams and didn’t have the support to make them happen, and give yourself what you always needed and deserved. It is safe for you to acknowledge your truest desires and follow your heart, for those dreams have always been there to direct your path. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




As humans you recognize many rites of passage along the way, all marking some form of expansion and stepping into a new version of you, such as learning a new skill, graduating school, getting married, and becoming a parent, just to name a few. But one rite of passage that is rarely recognized is that of helping a parent transition and then stepping into the role of elder.

Losing a parent creates a profound energetic shift. You are connected to your family members by energetic cords. When someone transitions out of the body, that cord dissipates, and you shift to reflect that energetic change. The mourning process helps you navigate that shift. We wish to reassure you that your connection to your loved one always continues, but in a different, non-physical way.

When you lose a parent, particularly to old age, there is a passing of the baton, if you will, making you the new family matriarch or patriarch within your own family unit. You become the elder, the source of wisdom, and the one that anchors traditions. It is a new sacred role, one that you may feel honoured to assume, or one you may doubt you are ready for. If you lost a parent at a young age, another will step in to hold the space of elder for you until it is your time.

Please rest assured if you find yourself stepping into that role, you have found your way there through a soul agreement, and you are ready. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you go through this process of energetic shifting that requires you to acknowledge your own wisdom as you assume the role of elder. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




We spoke yesterday of the rite of passage that humans go through as they step into the role of elder. Today we would like to share that many of you are going through a similar spiritual rite of passage as find yourselves stepping up and into the role of spiritual elder.

We have spoken of the change of service many of you will experience as you flow forward into the new energies. You will continue to be wayshowers and pioneers, leading through your beingness and preference as energetic stabilizers on the planet. The heavy lifting you might have experienced as you walked in service will be left behind. We have described this in the past as moving into a form of spiritual retirement. Another way of thinking of this is stepping into the role of spiritual elder.

As elders, your path becomes simpler, smoother, and easier. You are still of profound service but it is through your embodiment, patience, and wisdom. You are the anchors of peace, the encouragers, the ones that hold the space for others to find their way.

It is a beautiful phase that honours the work that you have done and allows you much more time to simply enjoy life, harvesting the fruits of your labour. It is safe to trust this phase for you have earned it, and there are many eager newly awakening souls that are excited to fill any old service positions you have vacated. It is part of the grand shift you are participating in, and such a joy to behold! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young






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