


We understand it can be frustrating for you when you are in accelerated or intense energies. It can be difficult to get your bearings! While you might be tempted to think that none of your truest desires or manifestations will come to fruition because everything keeps changing, we offer you this perspective.

Accelerated energies are like an agitating cycle of your washer, where things get moved around a lot. The purpose of that is to dispel what doesn’t belong on the principle item. It is a cleansing process.

Just like in the washing machine, the energies are shaking things up to allow anything that isn’t a true match to you to be released and cleansed away, leaving the most clear and pure version of your truest desires.

It is important to remember you are part of a process, one that is serving you and your ultimate goals. During times of choppy energies we highly recommend you understand it is a time of letting go, not a time of gathering or building. The next phase of the flow will support creation, and you will have the most beautifully prepared canvas to paint your dreams upon, thanks to the work you are doing now. Trust the cycles, Dear Ones, for there is purpose to all of them.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Dear Ones, we speak of it often, but we wish to remind you that you are part of a larger overall system of ebb and flow. As you continue through your own embodiment process, there will be times for expansive forward movement and other times that are for rest, rejuvenation, and integration. No phase is wrong. Each is necessary and supports the other.

A wise human trusts this and naturally shifts to reap the rewards of each individual phase. If you are in a lull, rest and reflect knowing you are in preparation for your next action phase. If you are in an action phase, ride the wave and embrace every bit of your supported forward movement. There will surely be a time to rest that will follow.

When you can stay in acceptance of it all as part of a greater system that is designed to support you and assure your success, you will find the blessings of every phase, and be able to settle into presence and gratitude for every bit of it, and that will make your journey far more pleasurable.

Do you see? Just as the sun rises and sets, and the tides go in and out, your are part of the same systems. How glorious to recognize that you are not separate from it all, but rather as important as the moon and the oceans because you are a beloved soul who dances and breathes with the universe.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Instead of being frustrated by what isn’t being supported, we highly recommend you embrace your phase and explore what you can do right now. Most people find the lull phase more challenging than the action phase. So we invite you to ask yourself, what did you wish you had more time for when you were very busy? You were yearning for a chance to do those things. If the energies are supporting those activities now, we encourage you to take advantage of those opportunities!

To further assist you in embracing whatever phase you are in, you might find it helpful to make notes for your future self. If you are in a super accelerated phase, write down what you feel grateful for, but also write down what you miss from your quieter times. If you are in a lull phase, write down what you are grateful for, but what also what you miss from the action phase.

By doing both you can expand your gratitude for wherever you are, and you will give yourself a loving reminder of what is possible for you right now that you can refer back to whenever you might feel you need it. This will help you remember the balanced perfection of the greater cycles you operate within, and to harness the opportunities that are right in front of you.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Breathe, Dear Ones, breathe. When you focus upon your breathing, you not only connect with your body, you also connect with the natural universal rhythm of ebb and flow. It moves you into alignment with both giving and receiving, expanding and releasing. and the overall system of balance that you are a part of.

When the energies get intense, just breathe. Many humans have a habit of holding their breath when things are feeling stressful which puts you further out of balance. Shifting into conscious breathing is deciding to not hold yourself separate from the support that is all around you.

When things are wonderful, breathe it all in! Embrace it through your breath and allow anything that is not fully resonant with that experience to go, further honing your energetics. Allow the wonder to enter your body and settle into every single cell.

Breathe as an act of love for yourself and your body. Breathe to embrace your presence and your Now moment. Breathe to celebrate the gift of being in your body on an ascending planet. We promise you, it is what you couldn’t wait to experience.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young




Many of you carry wounds of abandonment or being shunned from other life expressions. This is an exceedingly common theme for enlightening human beings, and one that is up for healing as you continue to move forward into unity consciousness.

What we wish for you to know today is that every single time you deny yourself, speak harshly to yourself, or neglect your own feelings and needs, you perpetuate that wound.

Dear Ones, your self compassion, self acceptance, self care, and self inclusion is the healing balm you seek. It is time to release the idea that you can berate yourself into enlightenment and realize you have everything you need within you to love yourself forward, just as we love you forward every step of the way.

Do you see? Your own complete self love practice is what will allow you to reintegrate all the aspects of you that so desperately yearn for your love, and by doing so you will be holding the energy of unity consciousness, which is exactly what you are on the planet to experience and anchor.

Can you simply be kind to yourself? All it takes is shifting into being a safe place for yourself to heal and before you know it you will be thriving and connecting with others like never before. It all begins within, and you are so worth it.

~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young






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