Why E.T.s Don’t Swoop Down to Save You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,
Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been listening to your requests for assistance for quite some time, and we know that many times you would like to receive a miracle in regards to whatever your current circumstances are. And we can appreciate why you would request a miracle, or two, or three, because we see how difficult life is for you there on planet Earth. We prefer to support you, to nudge you, to love you, and to give you all of the upgrades, activations and downloads that you need so that you can work yourselves out of whatever dire circumstances you find yourselves in.
We want to empower you. We want you to feel strong and independent. We want you to believe in yourselves as much as we believe in you, and that is why we do not swoop in with a miracle, and it is also why the other extra-terrestrial helpers that you have don’t swoop in and take care of all of the issues that you have there on Earth.
It is going to be far more satisfying to all of you to demonstrate that you do in fact have the ability to create whatever reality you want to experience. And it’s going to feel even better when you recognize that you actually create your reality through the high frequency vibrations that you access within yourselves. That’s powerful, and that’s empowering, and that’s how we know you benefit the most.
We will continue to give you the tools necessary through our energetic transmissions and the teachings we deliver, but we want you to get stronger so that you can stand on your own two feet as you move into the fifth dimension and access all of your powers, all of your gifts, all of your abilities. If you haven’t first sharpened your ability to summon a vibration at will, then the fifth dimension is going to be as messy as the third has been, as messy as the fourth as well.
Again, if you want our help raising your vibration or finding the right frequency, then we will assist you in whatever ways that we can. But we want you to know that you are there amidst all of those challenges you face there on Earth because you wanted to face those challenges. You wanted to demonstrate to yourselves that you were capable of rising up, of accessing what you need to in every moment, and of completing the shift in consciousness with some assistance from beings and collectives like ourselves. But ultimately, you incarnated there to demonstrate to yourselves that you could do it.
Life on Earth is not a prison. It’s not a punishment, and it’s not a trap. It is now and it always has been a choice and a choice made by those souls who knew they were powerful enough to handle all of the challenges of planet Earth. You knew that you could have a joyous and beautiful ascension experience, and we trust in you. We believe in you enough to be your supporters but not to do all of the heavy lifting for you. Remember that the next time you’re facing another one of life’s challenges. Remember that you knew you were up to the task and that we have a tremendous amount of faith in you as well.
地球上的生命不是監獄。 不是懲罰也不是陷阱。 現在是,而且一直是那些知道自己強大到足以應對地球上所有挑戰的靈魂做出的選擇。 你知道可以有一個快樂而美麗的揚升體驗,我們信任你。我們相信你足以成為你的支持者,但不會為你承擔所有繁重的工作。 請記住,下次面臨生活中的另一個挑戰時。 請記住,你知道你能勝任這項任務,而且我們也對你充滿信心。
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
傳導:Daniel Scranton