Creative One,
富有創造性的人們 ,
What times are these that challenge you from every direction? They are the ones that you have been preparing for millennia! The time is nigh. There is no greater test for these times than to test your resolve in the fire. We do not make light of the depth nor import of this, but we do know how powerful you are and how victorious you will be in this task! Stay strong, Stay clear. Stay vigilant for the light. Use all of your faculties, physical and extrasensory. Trust your instincts and your promptings. Ask for help on all fronts and know that it is given. You are not alone in this; you are guided and protected by legions. If you only knew that you are Generals of the Light each in your own right, leading the charge for all who share your conviction as a Light Warrior.
在從每個方向挑戰你的這些時期是什麼時期? 它們是你為之準備了幾千年的時期! 時間臨近了。 在這些時期沒有比測試你的決心更偉大的測試了。 我們並不是輕視這些時期的深度或影響力,而是我們知道你有多強大,你會勝利! 保持堅強,保持明晰。 留意光。 使用你所有的才能,身體上的、超感官上的。 相信你的直覺和推動。 在各個方面請求協助,知曉它會被給予。你不孤單;你被千軍萬馬指引著和保護著。如果你能明白你是光之將軍,引領著所有相信你是一名光戰士的人。
Collect all about that you that is right and true and good. Remember the magic of life, the power of the light and the goodness of all things. Inherent in creation are all aspects and it is the master’s perspective that knows it requires all expressions to be complete. Do not fear the darkness, for it is just the absence of light, and you are warriors for that purpose too. You are divine alchemists and warriors for the cause of high vibrational creation now. It is your sole (soul!) purpose to represent what is of the miraculous, dynamic, extraordinary, in-depth, spectacular, all-powerful, emanation of the purest and highest light. The choice point is now. Humankind no longer requires the opposite in order to learn, that aspect of its journey is complete. For those who answer the call, it is now the time to eradicate that aspect of creation from their experience in order to evolve into higher expression and creation. This is a grand graduation! It is those who have come to this point in their evolution that are responsible for creating the next phase. That which is no longer in service to higher evolution must be dissolved by nonconsent, and that which is in honour of the higher opportunity must be manifested!
收集所有正確、真實、美好的自我面向。 憶起生命的魔力、光的力量、所有事物的良善。 造物包含著所有的面向,大師知道需要所有的表達來變得完整。 不要害怕黑暗,因為它只是光的缺乏,你也是這方面的戰士。 你是神聖的煉金術士和戰士,為了高振動的創造。 這是你唯一的(靈魂)目標---代表不可思議的、動態的、非凡的、深度的、壯觀的、無所不能的、最純凈、最高的光之散發。選擇點就是現在。人類不再需要相對面來學習,旅程的這個面向已經完結。對於那些回應呼喚的人,是時候去把這個造物的面向從自己的體驗中根除,以便進化到更高的表達和造物。這是一個盛大的畢業! 那些在自己的進化中來到這個點的人要為創造下一個階段負責。不再服務於更高進化的東西必須通過不同意來溶解它,榮耀更高機遇的東西必須被體現。
This is not the time to be sitting and waiting for someone or something outside of yourselves to make things right. It is YOUR time to make things happen at the metaphysical level! Yes, you are that powerful. It is vital that you come to this full innerstanding and action. Start wielding your power to create all that you desire. Use it for its highest good to create a magical world of higher everything: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, Earthly, Godly, universal! If you really let yourself go to the highest heights of creative expression and you were really a fully expressed God of Creation, what would you create? Do that. Just keep going. Keep dreaming. Keep manifesting. Keep calling in assistance from the higher realms. Keep talking to your ancestors and angels and ascended masters and galactic family and to God. Remember, you are a co-creator... keep talking to your divine colleague: God. How can you co-create without working directly with Creator?
這不是乾坐著,等待某個人或外在的什麼來使事物正確的時刻。 這是你的時間去讓事物在形而上的層面發生! 是的,你就是這麼強大! 很重要去在內在理解它並採取行動。 開始使用你的力量去創造你渴望的一切。 為了最高的良善使用它來創造一個更高事物的魔法世界:物理上、精神上、情感上、心智上、地球層面、神性層面、宇宙層面! 如果你真的讓自己進入創造性表達的最高高度,你就真的是造物之神的一個表達,你會創造什麼? 去做。 繼續前進。 繼續夢想。 繼續顯化。 繼續呼喚更高領域的協助。 繼續和你的祖先、天使、揚升大師、銀河家人、神交流。 記住,你是一個共同創造者,繼續與你神聖的同事---神---交談。 不和造物主直接共事,你如何共同創造?
This is the time for the most intimate connection and relationship of all... for it will only deepen and evolve from there. Like any relationship, it starts publically and goes into deeper and deeper inner intimacy and eventually is expressed at every level of your being that you are able to sing and dance and shout this KNOWING from every aspect of your being. This is the relationship you must have with Creator, so that you are living, breathing, being, thinking, loving, seeing, feeling, knowing, acting, deciding, choosing in complete tandem. You are a powerful, dynamic, active agent of the Divine in all that you do... how could anything about that be or go wrong?! This intimate relationship is the only way you know that... and this is what you take with you into the New Earth. The one you are creating as a divinely-inspired creator, being an experience of creator being creation. Get it?
這是最親密連接和關係的時刻,因為它只會更加深刻並發展。 就像任何關係,它從公開開始,越來越多地進入內在的親密,最終在你存在的每個層面上表達,你能夠從存在的每個面向歌唱、起舞、說出這個知曉。 這是你必須與造物主擁有的關係,這樣你可以完全同步地生活、呼吸、存在、思考、愛、看、感受、知曉、行為、決定、選擇。 在你所做的一切之中你是強大的、動態的、促進性質的神之代理人... 你又怎麼會出錯? 這個親密關係是你唯一知道的方式,是你會帶入新地球的東西。 你作為神聖啟發的創造者創造的新地球,體驗創造者在創造。 明白了嗎?
There is nothing more important for you to be being right now than this.
We are with you all the way.
The Council of Light Within.
傳導:Rebecca Couch