Hello all wonderful earthlings – no one mentioned and no one forgotten. Tim here. As always, I am grateful to reach this channel. Beloved Brothers and Sisters. You all know why you chose the, sometimes very difficult, tasks that you have chosen to perform in this mortal life. You are the ones who NEVER GIVE UP.
你們好,奇妙的地球人們---沒人被特指,沒人被遺忘。 我是Tim。 一如既往,我很感激能夠前來。 親愛的兄弟姐妹們。 你們都知道為什麼你選擇了,有時候非常艱難,在這個凡人的生世中執行的任務。 你是永遠不會放棄的人。
Because you all knew that you would be able to carry out your assignments, you really wanted in your heart to be born into this very life, in this time, in this place and in the family that you have chosen. Sometimes you have all asked yourself why you did not choose an easier life. But as you know by now (I just want to confirm it for you) everything has been adapted to your own wishes to be able to develop for EVERYONE’s best – including your Beloved Mother Earth of course.
因為你們都知道你能夠執行你的任務,你真心想要誕生到這一生,這個時刻,這個地方,這個你選擇的家庭中。 有時候你們都問過自己為什麼不選擇一個更加輕鬆的生活。 但如你現在所知(我只是想要為你證實一下)一切都按照你的意願做出調整來讓你能夠為了每個人的最佳利益(包括地球母親)去發展。
You are the empaths, you are the future / returning Masters, you are the most Beloved of nature and the earth. You are the ones who worked for the return of Light in many lives. You are the ones who have gathered the darkest, heaviest experiences and the deepest wisdom. Everything is now transformed into Light and you begin to see the Whole more and more, see the Source / God’s purpose with Gaia’s development.
你是具有同理心的人,你是未來/返回的大師,你是最愛大自然和地球的人。 你是在許多生世中為了光的返回工作的人。 你是收集了最黑暗、最沉重的體驗以及最深層智慧的人。 一切都在被轉變成光,你在開始更多地看到整體,看到源頭/神對蓋亞發展的目標。
More and more people wake up every second, rub their eyes and wonder why they did not have eyes to see. Only now, in this time, is everything revealed. The truth goes straight into the hearts opened by the Light.
每時每刻有著越來越多的人醒來,揉揉眼睛,想知道為什麼自己有眼無珠。 直到現在,在這個時刻,一切才被揭示。 真像直接進入被光開啟的心。
You Lightworkers, it's time now to step forward and confirm the discoveries of these newly awakened souls. Confirm the Light and Love that has always been there. Tell us that you have now all left the power of darkness and that you are FREE.
你們光之工作者,是時候向前一步,證實剛甦醒之人的發現。 證實總是在那的光和愛。 告訴我們你已經離開了黑暗的力量,你已經自由。
The time of joy is NOW. Celebrate, dance, play and enjoy this fantastic transition phase.
喜悅時刻就是現在。 慶祝,跳舞,玩耍,享受這個非凡的過渡階段。
The frustration, the vacuum and the feeling of stagnation / that nothing happens, that you all probably feel sometimes – it is an illusion, a last remnant of slower energies. Follow the flow of Light, enjoy the NOW. Have confidence that EVERYTHING GOES ACCORDING TO GOD’S PLAN.
你們有時候感到的沮喪、空虛、停滯/什麼都沒發生的感覺---是一個幻象,是較低能量的最後一滴殘留。 跟隨光的流動,享受當下。 相信一切都根據神的計劃在進行。
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we will soon meet again in the physical. Until then, we maintain contact through messages in various ways.
親愛的兄弟姐妹們,我們很快會在物理層面上見面。 在那之前,我們通過資訊保持聯繫。
Pay attention to what your Heart and thus your intuition tells you. You know; there you all carry your Truth. The Truth About Everything, Unity.
留意你的心和直覺告訴你的東西。 你知道;在那你攜帶著你的真理。 關於一切的真理,統一。
Learn from the kids. As our friend Jesus said, “Be like a child.”
向孩子學習。 就像我們的朋友耶穌所說:像個孩子。
Learn from Mother Earth, from the four elements. Be in the elements. Grow, swim, light candles and fires, be out in nature, in the air and in the Sunlight. See the message of nature and animals. Listen with your heart and you will get the encouragement and the confirmation you need to be able to move forward in the moment, in the NOW in your heart.
向地球母親學習,向四個元素學習。 處於元素之中。 成長、游泳、點蠟燭、處於大自然、處於空氣中、處於陽光下。 看到大自然和動物們的資訊。 用心聆聽,你會得到你需要的鼓勵和證實來在當下前進。
I love you, all Earthlings.
With Love, admiration and respect. See you later.
伴隨著愛、欽佩和尊重。 再見。