New Portals for Bringing February, March Energies & More ∞The 9D Arcturian Council,

Channeled by Daniel Scranton


new portals bringing you the feb, march energies & more - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of aliens


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.


We are very excited to announce that we have been working with e.t.s from other dimensions on a project, and that project has been about opening up more portals, more delivery systems for energies to reach planet Earth and your atmosphere. These portals are not just about delivering to you the February energies, and they are not just about delivering the March energies. These portals will remain open in order to assist those of us who are helping all of you, and they will be more precise and able to handle more energies than other portals that you’ve had open there for quite some time.


This is wonderful news for humanity, as you need all the support you can get. You need all the love and compassion you can get, and you need all the upgrades, downloads, and activations that these portals also deliver in order to ready you for full extra-terrestrial contact. There is always a lot going on behind the scenes in the positive, and that’s what we will always tell you about. All the positive beings and all the help that you are receiving far outweigh any negative agendas, so you might as well stop paying attention to the reports of what is happening that is in support of any sort of negative agenda. It’s like lighting a match during a hurricane.


You are enveloped by positive energy all the time. You are surrounded by guides, angels, galactic team members, and other helpers that are just happening by, and there is so much for you to feel excited about. There is so much for you to feel, period. If you open yourselves up to the positive energies coming in, you will have a positive experience of the rest of 2022 and the rest of your time in the fourth dimension, as you begin the feel the urgency of the shift and the necessity for it.
你時時刻刻都被正向能量包圍著。你被剛剛發生的嚮導、天使、銀河團隊成員和其他幫助者所包圍,有很多事情讓你感到興奮。有這麼多的感受。如果你對進來的正能量敞開心扉,當你開始感受到轉變的緊迫性和必要性時,你將對 2022 年剩餘的時間及在第四維度的剩餘時間有積極的體驗。


But the shift is happening within each and every one of you, and it happens with so much more ease and joy when you open yourselves up to these wonderful energies that are being delivered to you through the portals you already had and the new portals that are opening up right now. Relax and be at peace. Know that help is on the way, and know that as you receive that help, you will have more to give to your fellow humans. We know that you have so much compassion within you and that you want to be of service to so many, and the energies of 2022 will be very supportive to those who are looking to be of service in some way, shape or form.
但是這種轉變正在你們每個人的內心發生,這些能量通過你們已經擁有的門戶和新門戶傳遞時,向這些美妙的能量敞開心扉,你們立刻就會變得更加輕鬆快樂。放鬆並保持平靜。知曉幫助即將到來,當你獲得幫助時將有更多東西可以給予你的同胞。我們知道你內在有如此多的同情心,你想為這麼多人服務,2022 年的能量將非常支持那些希望以某種方式或形式服務的人。


Even if you haven’t figured out yet what you can do personally, keep in mind that opportunities will present themselves that you cannot fathom with your physical minds. Just know that for now, opening yourselves up to these energies and letting them flow through you is enough, and that you are enough and your contributions are enough to tip the scales and to help bring about the very positive, loving and joyous shift in consciousness that you all want and deserve.
即使你還沒有弄清楚可以做什麼,請記住,機會總會出現,你無法用身體思維來理解。 只要知道現在向這些能量敞開心扉,讓它們流過你就足夠了,你就足夠了,你的貢獻足以扭轉局面,幫助實現非常積極、充滿愛和喜悅的、你們都想要和應得的意識轉變 。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




傳導:Daniel Scranton



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