What Is Coming to Humanity is Huge ∞

The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled by Daniel Scranton


What is Coming to Humanity is Huge - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton - channeler of aliens

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.



We are very pleased with your progress there on Earth, and we want you to know that you have reached a level of consciousness, an overall vibration, to be ready for more of what we have to offer you. We do work in agreement with many other collectives up here in the higher realms to offer you the various upgrades, activations, attunements and downloads that we do. And so, we are not taking complete and total credit for what is coming your way, but we do want you to know that we are a part of this delivery of what is coming next to all of you.



You are going to receive the upgrades that you need to be able to handle higher-frequency energies. Those upgrades will be happening at the cellular and DNA levels, as well as within your chakra system. You are getting downloads and attunements to help you with the connecting of consciousness. You are becoming better vehicles, better vessels, for the higher-frequency energies that can be channeled by all of you. You all often do channel without knowing it, but you will become more aware of those moments as you move forward. 

你們將獲得能夠處理更高頻率能量所需的升級。這些升級將發生在細胞和 DNA 層面、以及你們的脈輪系統內。你們正在獲得下載和調整來幫助連接意識。 你們正在成為更好的交通載具、更好的船隻,以獲得你們所有人可以引導的更高頻率能量。你們經常在不知不覺中進行通靈,但隨著你們的前進,你們會更加意識到這些時刻。


You are also being given activations of more of your higher self’s consciousness within your physical body so that you can know yourselves as multidimensional beings who are capable of reaching out into all other systems and dimensions that you would like to. We want you to know that what is coming is huge and that you are a part of the readiness for what is coming. It is that work that you do on yourselves, and it is the way you spread higher-vibrational information around that prepares humankind for what is to come. 



And so, because you are doing your part, you make yourselves ready for these upgrades, downloads, activations and attunements. You are being attuned to the fifth-dimensional energies. You are ready now because you have opened up in terms of your hearts, your minds. Even your beliefs are opening up to allow in more possibilities, and when you release those limitations of the third dimension consciously, you make room for more of that which is fifth dimensional in nature. And of course, you will continue to move closer and closer to the fifth dimension until you find yourself dwelling that frequency range all the time.



We want you to know that it is inevitable that you will have full e.t. contact there on Earth, and it is inevitable that you will shift to the fifth dimension, but we also want you to have the best possible experience of both of those things. And so, we offer what we can to prepare you, and we also want you to know that all of the teachings that we deliver are meant to prepare you for what is coming and to help you to live better lives now, lives that are more enjoyable, more fun, more interactive. You have the ability to connect your consciousness to so many other points of consciousness throughout this universe, and all of what you are about to receive is going to help you in all of those endeavors.

我們想讓你們知道,你們在地球上不可避免地會遇到完整的 e.t.接觸。你不可避免地會轉移到第五次元,但也希望你對這兩件事有最好的體驗。因此,我們盡我們所能來幫助你做好準備,也希望你知道,我們提供的所有教導都是為了讓你為即將到來的事情做好準備,並幫助你現在過上更好的生活、更美好的生活--令人愉快,更有趣,更具互動性。你有能力將意識連接到整個宇宙中許多其他的意識點,而你將要收到的所有東西,都將幫助你完成所有這些努力。


We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”




文章來源: Daniel Scranton's Channeling • Channeling, Spirituality & Consciousness

傳導:Daniel Scranton



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