How to find peace in the chaos? Within. If each seeks this sanctity, then it will blossom and flourish. It is not a magic potion; it is universal law. You are creators. This is the most profound realization for you to know. And this is not a simple journey, as this truth has been kept from you over and over and over again. ‘Ye are Gods’ is true! But every level of your being rejects this, for nothing has quite proven this to you – yet. You think that the varying degrees of God winks and synchronicities and intuition and dreams and instincts and messages and meetings are all just separate serendipitous things? Yes, you came with amnesia, which is part of the current set up, and a million hints have been placed before you in all manner of ways and loudness…but can you not see that these whispers are your own divinity calling out to you? That they all string together as one big message? Can you see, hear, feel, sense, touch, know it all as remembrances of who you truly are? You are magica l and powerful and like a hologram of the whole. This whole set up is for your remembering, that you can discover it, as if for the first time, and remember what you always were all along. You just tested the strength of your power by experiencing the opposite. Isn’t this a miraculous set up here in the three-dimensional polarized world?!
如何在混亂中找到平和?向內。如果每個人尋求這個神聖,那麼它就會綻放和發展。它不是一個魔法。它是宇宙法則。你是創造者。這是最深刻的領悟。這不是一個簡單的旅程,這個真理一再地向你隱藏。 “你是神”是真的!但你存在的每個層面都拒絕它,因為沒有東西可以向你證明這一點--- 目前還沒有。你認為不同程度的神之眨眼、同時性、直覺、夢境、本能、信息、見面只是互不相干的偶然。是的,你伴隨著遺忘到來,這是當前設置的一部分,數百萬個提示在各種各樣的方式和音量中被放置到你面前,但你看不到這些低語是你自己的神性在呼喚你嗎?它們可以串聯成一個巨大的信息。你能看到、聽到、感到、觸摸到、知曉這一切都是憶起你的真正所是嗎?你是神奇的、強大的,就像整體的一個全息投影。這整個設置都是為了讓你憶起,你可以發現它,好似第一次,憶起你一直的所是。你只是通過體驗相反的東西來測試你的力量。在三維極性的世界這不就是一個神奇的設置嗎?