A Message from Mira the Pleiadian through Valerie Donner, July 6, 2023

A Transmission from Mira from the Pleaidian High Council Through Valerie Donner, June 29, 2023

Received by email July 6, 2023


Greetings. I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and a long term member of the Earth Council. We oversee all things of importance and especially the ascension process, that is occurring now on the planet.


Since we last spoke, a lot has happened to uplift the Earth and help you become your truly amazing quantum selves. We cannot disclose everything because some things have to be kept close to the heart. I can reveal the light is closing in on the dark. Much cleanup has occurred in this process and it is at an accelerated point. Please mark my words about how important it is for you to know this and to hold the light of the Creator in your heart.
自從我們上次談話以來,發生了很多事情來提升地球並幫助你們成為真正令人驚奇的量子自我。我們不能透露一切,因為有些事情必須放在心上。我可以揭示光明正在逼近黑暗。在此過程中發生了很多清理工作,並且正在加速進行。 請記住我的話,瞭解這一點並在心中保持造物主之光對你來說是多麼重要。


Focus on the breath to help release the past. See everything that is bright, sparkly and new everywhere you look. You are creating the new.


You are a part of the magic and miracles.


You have spectacles awaiting you. You could be seeing ships, colors, activities, faces, messages in the sky and hear holy music from the cosmic choirs. These are precursors to the love waves that you are beginning to experience. What matters is that you stay aware and look around you. Notice everything. Do not expect others of lower consciousness to see what you see. It is there for you as markers of your rising consciousness.


Be bold with your steps up the ascension ladder. You are being guided by Source every step of the way. The process is natural and of perfect design. Your physical bodies are changing and you can notice this as well. You are a microcosm of the macrocosm. You have immense changes. See what is happening with your animals, plants, flowers, trees and others around you.They are also ascending and rising in consciousness.


Pay particular attention to how the old world is crumbling. You may be experiencing the challenges of the third dimension falling apart. Notice how you are functioning. For some of you, your body is in a much higher frequency so that when you have to deal with the material world it becomes choppy energetically.


This will not go on forever. We know that it feels endless and sometimes it can be exasperating. Remember the old story is going away opening the gateway for the whole New Earth in the 5th dimension and higher. What you see now is changing from moment to moment and day by day. You are no longer in the third dimension. The old way of life has disappeared. Let it go! It was not serving you or the rest of life on the planet. It was only serving those who are serving themselves. They will no longer be able to withstand this high frequency of love in the quantum energy of the Earth.
這種情況不會永遠持續下去。我們知道這感覺無窮無盡,有時甚至令人惱火。請記住,古老的故事正在消失,為第五維度及更高維度的整個新地球打開了大門。你現在看到的東西每時每刻、每一天都在變化。你不再處於三維空間。舊的生活方式已經消失。放手吧!它沒有為你或地球上的其他生命服務。 它只是為那些為自己服務的人服務。他們將不再能夠承受地球量子能量中這種高頻率的愛。


We surround you with the luminescence of creation. The ascension is being conducted with all of the emissaries of light, billions of galactics, Angelics, avatars and masters, Light Crew and the ground crew in the take down of the dark forces of the planet. Standby because this is going to become powerfully noticeable. Please remember it has to be done this way. The Creator is in charge, along with many brilliant strategists in human and other forms, who have been planning this for a long time.
我們用創造的光芒包圍著你。揚升正在與所有光之使者、數十億銀河人、天使、化身和大師、光之團隊和地勤人員一起進行,以消滅地球上的黑暗勢力。等待,因為這將變得非常明顯。請記住必須以這種方式完成。 造物主和許多傑出的人類及其他形式的戰略家一起負責,他們已經計劃了很長時間。


I am Mira loving you with all my heart.





傳導:Valerie Donner


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