KaRa of the Pleiades: Dsclosure is Becoming More Prominent


I am KaRa. I come to be with you at this time, after just being in various council sessions. One of those sessions was with the Earth, the Earth Council, as I am a Pleiadian ambassador or emissary. And what has been discussed and worked through is coming now into a culmination, a process that has been long developing, coming now closer and closer to an ending, or a new beginning, however you wish to look at it.
我是卡拉。在參加完各種理事會會議之後,我此時來到這裡與你們在一起。其中一次會議是與地球、地球理事會舉行的,因為我是昴宿星人大使或特使。 所討論和解決的問題現在正進入高潮,這是一個長期發展的過程,現在越來越接近結束,或者新的開始,無論你如何看待它。

But disclosure itself is not far off. It is already beginning. It has begun some time ago as what you call a soft disclosure. But it is now becoming more and more prominent. And many, many more are coming forward and sharing what they know, not having the fear of doing so any longer, because they know they are protected.


They are protected by us. For it is time, it is time for those to come forward and share. Not the government; it is not ready for that yet, but for those that are working with the government. It is coming forward in that respect. It will continue to do so. Because it is time.
他們受到我們的保護。 因為現在是時候了,是時候讓那些人站出來分享了。 不是政府; 它還沒有為此做好準備,但對於那些與政府合作的人來說已經做好了準備。 它正在這方面向前邁進。 它將繼續這樣做。 因為是時候了。


As you know, the timelines have shifted or has separated.


And those that will move on through ascension are already on that timeline. And those that are on the other timeline, although there are more than just two timelines, but the predominant two timelines, those that are on those timelines, the old 3-D timeline, they are moving in that direction away from the Light. For as you know, they cannot withstand the Light. They cannot handle the truth coming forward, so they must recede into the darkness, the darkness of their own beings. Just as you are moving forward in the Light of your being.
那些將通過揚升繼續前進的人已經在那個時間線上了。 而那些在其他時間線上的人,雖然不只是兩條時間線,但主要的兩條時間線,那些在那些時間線上的人,舊的3D時間線,他們正在朝著遠離光的方向移動。 因為如你所知,他們無法抵擋聖光。 他們無法應對即將到來的真相,因此他們必須退回到黑暗中,退回到他們自己存在的黑暗中。 正如你在你的存在之光中前進一樣。


As always, my friends, my brothers and sisters, trust. Trust in the process. It is moving forward, even though at times it appears to be falling back. It appears that those negative issues are coming forward, coming to the front, and indeed they are. For there to be the dissolving of the veil of the third-dimensional illusion, all must come crumbling down, and the new of the higher fourth expression and fifth-dimensional expression must come forward from that crumbling.
一如既往,我的朋友、兄弟姐妹們信任我。 相信這個過程。 它正在向前邁進,儘管有時它似乎在倒退。 看來這些負面問題正在出現,浮出水面,事實確實如此。 為了溶解第三維度幻象的面紗,一切都必須崩潰,而新的更高的第四表達和第五維度表達必須從崩潰中出現。


And you as the Light, each and every one of you, spreading the Light, spreading the truth wherever you can, this is your mission at this point. But as you know, many of you know, your mission will change as a result of the collective consciousness of man moving on.
你們作為光,你們每一個人,傳播光,盡可能地傳播真理,這是你們此時的使命。 但正如你們所知,你們中的許多人都知道,你們的使命將隨著人類集體意識的前進而改變。


But again, trust in yourselves. Trust in yourselves to be who you came here to be, and to be those ones that carry that Christ Consciousness, to carry the Light of truth forward in all directions and from many different sources. And one of those sources is indeed full disclosure that is coming.
但再次強調,相信自己。 相信你們自己會成為你們來到這裡的目標,並成為那些攜帶基督意識的人,將真理之光從許多不同的來源向各個方向前進。 這些來源之一確實是即將到來的全面披露。


I am KaRa, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you continue to move forward in each and every moment. And whenever you feel that you are falling back, just simply know that, and right yourself back up and move on again, and on again.
我是卡拉,現在我帶著和平、愛和合一離開你。 並且你在每時每刻都繼續前進。 每當你感覺自己在倒退時,只要知道這一點,然後讓自己重新站起來,繼續前進,再繼續前進。





傳導:James McConnell


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