

I come on the wings of love! Everywhere around you there is much activity taking place and changes are happening within the hearts and minds of every soul upon the planet. As these changes are taking place, there is much inner turmoil, confusion and cloudiness of vision as all that is ready to be cleansed from each soul is now in activation.

Realize that there is a cycling to this process and do not think of yourselves as having failed in your progress, rather, see it as a spiral upward in your forward momentum. Everything works in cycles, Dear Ones, and that is why you feel as though you take one step forward and two back at times. Do not despair, keep on keeping on, for good things come to those who persevere.

Holding to your truths is very important at this time. Calling on all the forces of Light each day will align you with your highest vision. You have chosen to go through these experiences and indeed, many of you have done this many times before, although not at such an accelerated manner.

Spiritual growth previously experienced required many, many lifetimes to bring you to transformation. Intend higher love expressed to yourself and those whom you love to ease the stress of these times. A hug can work wonders these days and everyone is in need of the feeling of a stable foundation amidst the elements of change while the death of the old and the renewal of all inevitably occurs on its tail.

Keep the faith, Dear Ones, for though the way seems long and heavy, it is in fact, lightening up considerably. This would be a good time to cultivate laughter and good spirits, joy and the playfulness of having a good time. It is important for each of you to take regular breathers from the ongoing tasks. You are allowed to rest and give yourselves some down time and we note that most of you need a reminder of this at this time.

Taking a day off or several days is not going to hurt the overall picture and will do a great amount of good for the recharging of your system. A great many of you will be requiring greater amounts of sleep at this time. There is much taking place upon the inner planes and so the need for extra rest. Still others of you find yourselves restless at night, with your mind working overtime, trying to sort out events in your life and make sense of them in a way that will allow you to let go, release and move forward.

Again, Dear Ones, we point out that these come in cycles and if each of you started recording your feelings and symptoms each day, you would be able to correlate these with the greater cycles of the moon phases and planetary influences that are occurring during those times.

In this way, you begin to work with these cycles, honoring them and being kinder to yourselves as you realize that truly all IS in good timing. You will begin to find your most productive times during each day, each week, each month and can become aware of working these influences in order to move forward in your spiritual progress.

Becoming aware of these more subtle but powerful influences can help you to cope with all that is happening around you as you begin to see that there are greater purposes to all that is transpiring around you and upon your planet Earth. It is a continuation of the process of release and purification of your bodies, your thoughts, your words and deeds.

Taking full responsibility for all of these will help you to speed forward in quantum leaps. We realize that sometimes it is very difficult to see yourselves from a higher perspective and that you sometimes flounder in seeming inertia. This is not so, Beloved Ones, for you must remember that you are the ones who are in the forefront as the awakened ones, and that means you are taking the brunt of processing these lower and confusing energies into a greater clarity and Light so that those who come in your wake will have an easier time of it in days to come.

Each of you has willingly and lovingly chosen this task so that humanity has the greatest chance of being prepared for the coming times that still lie ahead. You have no idea of the greatness of your service, Beloveds, but your willingness and heroism in these days is duly noted and revered. We work with each of you, trying to ease your way forward in whatever way we can, to help you clear the cobwebs even further. Rest assured, you are not alone in your tasks but in reality have legions of angels at your side.


I AM Melchizedek





傳導:Marlene Swetlishoff


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